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Have u got a tattoo?


Have u got a tattoo  

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  1. 1. Have u got a tattoo (or several) ?

    • No, I dont have any tattoo
    • Yes, I have a tattoo(s)

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People that get all sorts of tattoos and piercings, claiming that it makes them different/unique: well it doesn't make you different or unique. You're trying too hard. Also a lot of ppl have tattoos and piercings so why would it make you different? Try developping a personality! Hows that for unique? Also take the damn wood blocks out of your ears you fucking albino ass white ppl! Those were meant to be for indegenous folks in tribes! And now you're stealing it for your own selfish fashion wtf... I can actually appreciate that shit if it was on an african tribesman or woman but on a white skater moron it looks like ur just a dumb apathetic north american moron who is trying way too hard to be different. And trying to be different on the surface is just so fucking facile it only shows that you're a sheep. Fuck sheep... mmm... mutton... maaahhh... mutton... mmmmm. I feel like I should visit the unexplained hate thread...




If u would remove all the naughty words in this post I would nominate it for post of the year

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People that get all sorts of tattoos and piercings, claiming that it makes them different/unique: well it doesn't make you different or unique. You're trying too hard. Also a lot of ppl have tattoos and piercings so why would it make you different? Try developping a personality! Hows that for unique? Also take the damn wood blocks out of your ears you fucking albino ass white ppl! Those were meant to be for indegenous folks in tribes! And now you're stealing it for your own selfish fashion wtf... I can actually appreciate that shit if it was on an african tribesman or woman but on a white skater moron it looks like ur just a dumb apathetic north american moron who is trying way too hard to be different. And trying to be different on the surface is just so fucking facile it only shows that you're a sheep. Fuck sheep... mmm... mutton... maaahhh... mutton... mmmmm. I feel like I should visit the unexplained hate thread...


Do they? Do they really claim it makes them different. I don't claim mine makes me different. Just heaps tougher hey

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People that get all sorts of tattoos and piercings, claiming that it makes them different/unique: well it doesn't make you different or unique. You're trying too hard. Also a lot of ppl have tattoos and piercings so why would it make you different? Try developping a personality! Hows that for unique? Also take the damn wood blocks out of your ears you fucking albino ass white ppl! Those were meant to be for indegenous folks in tribes! And now you're stealing it for your own selfish fashion wtf... I can actually appreciate that shit if it was on an african tribesman or woman but on a white skater moron it looks like ur just a dumb apathetic north american moron who is trying way too hard to be different. And trying to be different on the surface is just so fucking facile it only shows that you're a sheep. Fuck sheep... mmm... mutton... maaahhh... mutton... mmmmm. I feel like I should visit the unexplained hate thread...

Maybe you are the sheep following the people that don't have tattoos....... Baaaaaaaaaaaa
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Maybe you are the sheep following the people that don't have tattoos....... Baaaaaaaaaaaa


A real leader would own a tattooed sheep which is actually a wolf in disguise but he don't care bout that.

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I don't have one, but have always wanted to get one. I just want to get something that is meaningful and will still be meaningful when I am older. Was tossing around some thoughts involving my kids names mixed in with something, but nothing has really stuck yet.


Crazy that some people have such strong feelings about how others look imo.


To each their own....

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You know what makes a person look tough? Some battle scars. A guy who you know has been in some scraps. And yes I am a sheep for not getting a tattoo... if that's actually your logic then you need to honestly rethink your life. If you are a sheep for not having a tattoo then.. that's the same logic that I'm using tbh but think about it just for a second, that is if you are capable of such a thing:. "Oh I want to make myself different so I'm going to join a growing minority by getting a tattoo." yes a growing minority. These days so many ppl are doing something, anything to distinguish themselves from others. Some dress differently and others brand themselves like cattle or livestock and poke holes in their bodies. It's either non conformity in defiance of conformity or conformity for the sake of conformity. I say wtf is the difference? Their both ego driven thought processes except that conformity is something a lot of people don't actually even think about (and I don't even mean in a sheepish way they just don't give a damn about the surface bullshit). Now if you can show that you are unique in any other way than augmenting your physical appearance(surface bullshit, and plastic surgery included in this) then kudos to you. If you have unique thoughts, if you make interesting conversations, if you can make your intelligence show through in everything you do, if you do not get influenced by others, and all without getting a tattoo or piercing or trying to dress or do something freaky just for the sake of being freaky, then hell yeah you are unique and that is an individual!


but seriously, you should either get a tattoo or not get a tattoo and get a nosejob. and get 12 piercings all close to eachother for no apparent reason. and stop fucking talking NOONE WANTS TO HEAR UR FUCKING DUMB THOUGHTS. WE DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT UR SAYING U DUMB SHITFUCK. GO KILL YOURSELF. GOD! im gunna go get wasted and make fun of everyone for everything. YEAAAAAAAAAAH WOOOOOOO GET DRUNK AND MAKE FUN OF DUMB PPL! EVERYONES DUMB BUT ME. IM NOT DUMB. I GET DRUNK AND IT MAKES ME SMRT. CUZ EVERYONES DUMB. AND NOT ME. NOT ME. IM NOT THEM. IM ME. IM NOT DUMB. IM... YEAAAAAH WOOOH!


lmao at all you ppl who think that a tattoo makes you look like anything at all other than a guy who payed someone to scratch a picture onto your skin. You should try harder if you're going to troll someone.

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You know what makes a person look tough?


You really don't get it. But hey ignorance is bliss right? Well maybe not when you post with your panties in a twist about what other people do with their bodies.


yOU KnOw whAt's CoOl? Crying about how every person that gets a tattoo has to do so only to be different. Grow the fuck up already.

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My panties are just fine, thank you. I don't think I'm tough. I don't think I'm cool. I don't think you are cool. I don't walk around with preconceived notions. I also don't hate people with tattoos. I know plenty of people with tattoos and they certainly don't go around bragging about how they are tough or cool or unique just because of tattoos. This is not what my posts are about. I did not say I hate ppl with tattoos because they all think they are cool because they simply got a tattoo. That is called a generalization about a large group of people. I said I dont like ppl who act as if its the tattoos that make them so unique/tough/cool/hot when half of the civilized world has the same thing done on themselves. I dont hate ppl. But you can go on living however you like. grown up or not.

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I have 5, 1 for each of the 3 kids with their names in them. 1 with my wife's name in it. 1 is just a tattoo on my arm that I thought looked cool at the time. It is an indian but after 15 years now it looks like Mr T! it is the only one I would change.

Joe this made me laugh my ass off. I don't remember ever seeing that Tatoo. But hey Mr.T is cool. :P

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Lefteye ..


I have tattoos.


I dont understand why you dont like tattoos and i wont try to get you to like them.


My tattoos mean something to me personally. Whether or not other people have the same tattoos because they wont mean the same to them as they do to me


And i didnt pay for mine so yeah

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And just to clarify: I dont have Strong feelings about ppl that do whatever to their bodies... like Lance said: to each their own. But those others that are part of the group of ppl that do whatever to their bodies, the ones that seem to think that its the tattoos/piercings/whatever that makes them unique or tough or cool its those that my posts are about. You people on these forums seriously don't read what I write. At all. You just do a nitpick scan through what I write and go "AHA NEGATIVITY HEY UR AN ASSHOLE!"... Look at every word I wrote. then look them up in a dictionary.. Now take the literal meanings and you might understand what I meant. There would be a whole lot less trolling on here if we all spoke proper english. And even people that are native to english speaking countries still don't know proper english and that's a fact.

And also on the note of these cultural things that people do: If you understand what it is and where it comes from and can appreciate it then by all means go ahead! All I really meant was that there are "skater" types(however many may exist and not all of them I'm sure) that get these wood block things in their ears and they do not even know a thing about it, they just thought it was so dandy because they saw a person or 2 with them and figured "what a great way to show I'm unique!". Which doesn't exactly make much sense considering it was on another person they saw this in the first place. That's what I'm saying. They're just using it to make a fashion statement yet know nothing at all about it. I wish everyone who got these wood block things knew about its origins and all that but this is not always the case. I don't even know if its usually the case but I can imagine there are those who do and others who don't.

But of course I am just an ignorant moron, right? And please reply to this because I put my heart and soul into this forum and I genuinely care so much about what everyone thinks of me on here... please love me! I really do care!

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