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Demonic Nutrition


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Demonic Drugs has finally recieved another product. We know have a 150 quality Muscle bulk product. $60 for a 14 day supply. We also have a 143 quality weight loss product for $50.


All our other products all labeled according to there quality are on sale from $12-$15.


Need a sponsorship? Contact us to see about a deal, also need new clothing check out our Big Brother clothing store Demonic Clothing. Always updating there gear and do custom gear if asked.




I am posting this for a friend because he can't access the forum. Check them out they are getting better products. My friend has had personal issues that did not allow hi mto come online for a little.

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It has taken me a long time to get 2 high level quality products in my store. As soon as I can pay off my next loan I'll take a survery for what you (the consumer) want for the third high level product to be.


Hey thanks for posting for me Will. I got everything with the internet straightened out.

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Yet again dropping prices. I am lowering the prices on my lower quality items. I am doing this so that I could make some extra money to create a new high quality product. Check out me shop to see if anything interests you. Thanks again for all your support.

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I would love to see a recovery in your store.....I just had to buy from a different LA company today because you didn't have any.....bought 16 energy recovery for my fighters


Thanks for the info I'll keep that in mind when I get a little bit more money.


Also I'm proud to announce Demonic Drugs is now the Number 2 Nutrition company in Los Angeles.

Thank you for all of you who helped us make it there. Now our new goal is number 1.

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Just throwing out there we are still looking for more people to sponsor. So if your figher needs some money or some quality drugs shoot me a pm for offers.

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My fighter just bought some of your poison.

He had a great fight and a draw last night.


So maybe you could sponsor him. I could use some muscle nutrition for a full month of sponsoring?




I would love to sponsor your fighter I have a soft spot for BJJ brown belts and above

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I bought some of your Super Steroids and poped twice in one day can I have a sponsorship for some of my fighters so I can afford to buy more.


Sure I'll send some sponsorships your way.

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You are sponsoring 2 of my guys, and just for info


Me, and I guess most others woul accept the deals for freebies only for 1 month. You throw out a lot of extra cash, where u could sponsor more people.


Thx again.


Thx for the info. I'll start talking with people more before sponsoring them. The reasons why I use cash and freebies is because I like sponsorships over 30 days and I like my sponsored fighters to be happy so they will stay with demonic drugs. Fion mac Cumhail ID 4924 is p4p 10 but because I supported him when he was a nothing, I now have a 30 day sponsorship with him for only $1 I will use your info for future sponsorships, I just want my fighters to know that if they win I am willing to just throw stuff their way to keep em

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Sure I'll sponsor ya.


P.S. For everyone else Super Steroids have been selling fast and to ensure I never run out every time I get below 250 i'll order another 200. Buying in bulk helps keep the price low, but everyone buying my products helps even more.

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Demonic Drugs is now only 13k away from shipping over a new 150-q energy loss drug. Also don't forget about Demonic Clothing our brother company.


Demonic Drugs

Demonic Clothing

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It's a little off subject, but with Demonic Betz, Demonic Inc. is starting it's takeover of LA. In the not to distant future going Demonic in LA will be the only way to win. Now we just need to get another friend of our to start a Demonic Gym

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