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Interview with Debu Kusogaki: From Sumo Champion to MMA Rookie, Embracing the Spirit of "Sumo"


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Interviewer: Hello, today we have the pleasure of speaking with Debu Kusogaki, a former sumo champion who has undergone an incredible transformation. Losing a significant amount of weight, he has become a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert and rookie MMA Welterweight fighter, competing under the name "Sumo." Originally from Ryogoku, Japan, Debu has a unique linguistic style, mixing broken English with his fluent Japanese. Thank you for joining us, Debu.

Debu Kusogaki: こんにちは、ありがとう。よろしくお願いします (Hello, thank you. Nice to meet you).

Interviewer: Let's start by discussing your journey from being a sumo champion to pursuing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA. What motivated you to make such a drastic change in your fighting career?

Debu Kusogaki: Sumo big, but wanted new challenge. Sumo loved sumo, but wanted to learn new fight style. So, Sumo lose weight and study BJJ and MMA. Sumo excited for new journey.

Interviewer: Losing a considerable amount of weight is an impressive feat. Can you tell us about the challenges you faced during this process?

Debu Kusogaki: Weight loss hard. Sumo changed diet, exercised a lot. It took time and effort. Sumo had to adjust body for new weight class. But Sumo never give up, always fight.

Interviewer: Your transition from sumo to MMA is quite remarkable. How does your sumo background influence your approach to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA?

Debu Kusogaki: Sumo bring strength and power from sumo to BJJ and MMA. Sumo use leverage, technique, and heart. Sumo combine sumo throws with ground game. Sumo style unique.

Interviewer: As someone who speaks really only speaks Japanese, how do language barriers affect your training and communication within the fighting community?

Debu Kusogaki: Language sometimes challenge, but fighting universal language. Sumo learn English to communicate with coaches and training partners. Sumo always give best effort to understand and be understood.

Interviewer: What are your goals and aspirations in your new MMA career?

Debu Kusogaki: Sumo want to show world that Sumo can fight in BJJ and MMA. Sumo want to become champion. Sumo want to make fans proud and inspire others to follow dreams.

Interviewer: Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans or those who may be inspired by your journey?

Debu Kusogaki: To fans, thank you for support. Sumo fight for you. To those inspired, never give up on dreams. Work hard and believe in yourself. Ganbatte!

Interviewer: Thank you, Debu, for sharing your inspiring story with us. We wish you the best of luck in your MMA career as "Sumo."

Debu Kusogaki: ありがとう (Thank you). Ganbatte, everyone!

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