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Received an email about my fighters IQ?


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It's slightly above average (the average being 100 of course). It's related to your fighters hidden variable "intelligence". So he is able to adapt his gameplan on the fly, and has a killer instinct, amongst other things...at a slightly above average rate.


Since his IQ is only slightly above average, you may want to adjust your sliders slightly more towards "follow the gameplan".

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It's slightly above average (the average being 100 of course). It's related to your fighters hidden variable "intelligence". So he is able to adapt his gameplan on the fly, and has a killer instinct, amongst other things...at a slightly above average rate.


Since his IQ is only slightly above average, you may want to adjust your sliders slightly more towards "follow the gameplan".

Actually in the game, average IQ is probably somewhere around 75 not 100. It's a random number between 1-150, so over time the average of all randomly generated numbers should be about in the middle. Of course there is the possibility that some people are choosing it as one of their three hidden attributes to boost up, but it's still not likely that the average is much above 80 to 85.

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The average is around 100, as in real life.

That seems odd if IQ is supposed to be a randomly generated number between 1 and 150 and does not change during the game. Given the number of fighters created to date, it would be an unusual result from a random number generator to be producing an average that is this much above what the statistical average should be. Unless the majority of people are selecting this as one of their three attributes to bump up, which I suppose is possible.

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That seems odd if IQ is supposed to be a randomly generated number between 1 and 150 and does not change during the game. Given the number of fighters created to date, it would be an unusual result from a random number generator to be producing an average that is this much above what the statistical average should be. Unless the majority of people are selecting this as one of their three attributes to bump up, which I suppose is possible.


perhaps the minimum for intelligence in the game is 50? this would put the average at 100, and ensure that even the dumbest fighters in here are still capable of understanding the rules of combat. i mean seriously, a fighter with an intelligence rating of 1 would be ridiculous. in real life that person would be in a vegetative state.


*edit* to add to this, are mentally retarded people (iq under 70) even allowed to participate in sanctioned combat sports?

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I don't think 100 is the average as in statistically, but average as in it signifies average intelligence.

Well, in reality, the reason why an IQ of 100 is considered "average intelligence" is because statistically it is. The "average" intelligence in the game would by definition be the average of all the IQ scores - the game simply has the advantage over reality in that every single individuals IQ can actually be known (although only to Mike and whomever he provides the data to). It really doesn't make a lot of sense to try to equate the games measure of IQ on a 1-150 scale to how IQ tests are used in reality, as pretty much all of the underlying assumptions and starting points are completely different. The game has a randomly generated and bounded IQ which should result in a much, much flatter distribution and a lower average score than is true of the IQ scale used in the real world.


Not that any of this probably really matters all that much, as I expect that even those people who get messages about their fighter have a high IQ are still more likely than not to use the sliders to force the fighter to "follow my orders". Obviously there are other places where intelligence can also come in to play. The reason why I pointed out that the statistical average should be around 75 is simply because assuming that an IQ of 90 means the fighter is dumb may/should not be true given the structure of how IQ is generated. Now if Mike has programmed the engine so that it considers a fighter of "average" intelligence at 100, that is fine, but it also should mean that if the random number generator is working correct, the majority of fighters are going to be "below average" intelligence.

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It would be impossible to have the same equation for average intelligence in the game world as we do in the real world. Fighters must be a very small percentage of the game world population, and yet they are going to be the only ones with known IQ values. And with there being a large, yet in reality small, base of fighters, that means that the average is going to be moving constantly with the creation of new fighters.


So, instead of having all of that mess, you implant the "average intelligence" of the real world into the game world (or just a random number that you want), and instead of having a moving average you just have people being below, above, or at that number, which is designated average. So while 100 might not be the average, it is an "average score".

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Well, in reality, the reason why an IQ of 100 is considered "average intelligence" is because statistically it is. The "average" intelligence in the game would by definition be the average of all the IQ scores - the game simply has the advantage over reality in that every single individuals IQ can actually be known (although only to Mike and whomever he provides the data to). It really doesn't make a lot of sense to try to equate the games measure of IQ on a 1-150 scale to how IQ tests are used in reality, as pretty much all of the underlying assumptions and starting points are completely different. The game has a randomly generated and bounded IQ which should result in a much, much flatter distribution and a lower average score than is true of the IQ scale used in the real world.


Not that any of this probably really matters all that much, as I expect that even those people who get messages about their fighter have a high IQ are still more likely than not to use the sliders to force the fighter to "follow my orders". Obviously there are other places where intelligence can also come in to play. The reason why I pointed out that the statistical average should be around 75 is simply because assuming that an IQ of 90 means the fighter is dumb may/should not be true given the structure of how IQ is generated. Now if Mike has programmed the engine so that it considers a fighter of "average" intelligence at 100, that is fine, but it also should mean that if the random number generator is working correct, the majority of fighters are going to be "below average" intelligence.


Actually, IRL IQ stands for "Intelligence Quotient" which is a function of dividing "what you know at your age" (a value derived by testing) by "what you should know at your age" This number, multiplied by 100 gives you your IQ. It's entirely possible that IRL the average IQ is below 100 or above 100 based on the testing criteria.


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It would be impossible to have the same equation for average intelligence in the game world as we do in the real world. Fighters must be a very small percentage of the game world population, and yet they are going to be the only ones with known IQ values. And with there being a large, yet in reality small, base of fighters, that means that the average is going to be moving constantly with the creation of new fighters.


So, instead of having all of that mess, you implant the "average intelligence" of the real world into the game world (or just a random number that you want), and instead of having a moving average you just have people being below, above, or at that number, which is designated average. So while 100 might not be the average, it is an "average score".

That is all true and a fine approach, but it also means that the randomly generated IQ score for fighters should result in the majority of them being below "average intelligence". Unless there is some unknown floor to the IQ stat as someone else suggested. Which is also alright, I guess. I just thought people should be aware that based on what we know about how the intelligence stat is created in the game, most fighters should have a stat that is less than 100, so they don't overreact if they get an email saying a guy's IQ is 92. That is simply the math of how the stats are generated.

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The intelligence stat doesn't necessarily have to translate directly into IQ. It wouldn't be hard to generate realistic values for IQ based on the fighters intelligence score.

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in real life you can have an iq of well over 150. so comparatively a 92/150 isn't bad at all. it's certainly better than a 100/228 (228 is the highest recorded iq)

Exactly. This thread started with someone wondering about a guy who's IQ was 106 according to the random email and thinking that it was low. The initial responses then said it was slightly above average. All I was really trying to point out was that based on how the intelligence stat is created, the average intelligence stat in the game should be somewhere between 75-85 (allowing for some people selecting to augment intelligence during creation), so a guy with a 106 or a 92 really should not be looked at as having a problem in the area of intelligence in the game.

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That is all true and a fine approach, but it also means that the randomly generated IQ score for fighters should result in the majority of them being below "average intelligence". Unless there is some unknown floor to the IQ stat as someone else suggested. Which is also alright, I guess. I just thought people should be aware that based on what we know about how the intelligence stat is created in the game, most fighters should have a stat that is less than 100, so they don't overreact if they get an email saying a guy's IQ is 92. That is simply the math of how the stats are generated.


Randomly generated number doesn't mean completely random. There are tons of ways to script a random number generator, including floors and ceilings, and plain old just making it favor higher numbers. I don't think intelligence is that big of a deal, anyway. As far as I know intelligence only plays a factor when you set your "follow orders / see how it goes" slider to "see how it goes" and make the fighter come up with their own game plan.


EDIT: Can you guys stop with the idea that in-game IQ and real life IQ are even similar? They really aren't at all. This isn't about real life IQs, and I know you guys want to share the knowledge you have about it, but stay on topic.


EDIT II: And apparently in-game intelligence and IQ aren't related anyway, meaning that all those message about IQ are just a waste of time, lol

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