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    • Hey everyone, I wanted to give you an update on what's been going on. First off, I apologize for not communicating more regularly. I know it's frustrating when you don't hear anything for a while.   The truth is, I've been working hard on a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff to improve the game and about 2 months ago, I had an opportunity come up that, if it worked out, would have allowed me to bring on more developers and speed things up. Unfortunately, that didn't end up happening, and I lost a good chunk of time that I could have spent working on the site. That's on me, and I should have kept you all in the loop - I will learn from this.   I know you guys want to see real changes and improvements, not just promises and at this stage even small updates would be better than nothing; I realise that but equally I want to share what we’ve been working on in the background that’s taking up a considerable chunk of our time: We've been doing a full audit of the site to see what needs fixing and upgrading. There's a lot to do, but it's important to get it right and target low hanging fruit of the issues that our audits have flagged. A lot of these issues users won't see on the front-end… just the nature of these things. We are updating the core game to the latest version of PHP which is a big job because there are so many files and a lot of complex code, but it's necessary to keep the game running smoothly. I'm also working on moving the site to Laravel as previously mentioned. This is nearing readiness and once we complete the PHP upgrade we can run an environment with both Laravel and the Legacy versions in one which will allow us to start the porting process for the legacy code / designs.   I know this all sounds pretty technical, but basically, it means I'm working hard to lay the groundwork for some really cool improvements to the game. The codes is over a decade old at this stage so we had to decide on either upgrading the PHP and laying the groundwork early or duplicating the work for ourselves down the line. As we’re a small team of two, we opted for the early upgrade.   Regarding the Wiki, we had some issues with it as the current version lost support many many years ago and the subsequent upgrade was so big that it caused a lot of the content to get corrupted. I've been trying to recover as much as I can, but it's been weeks and at this stage have to accept that a lot has been lost. The material that could be salvaged has been ported to a new Wiki software, Wiki.js and if any of you are willing to help out with getting the Wiki back to where it was, I would really appreciate it and would be happy to compensate you for your time. (Drop me a message on-site.)   I promise to do better with keeping you all updated to that end, I'll aim to post a change log at least every two weeks so you can see what's being worked on. Vlad.
    • crickets man... this is sad.
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