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    • To add to my above post, I have only one account and I have purchased money through the exchange.  I have a nutrition company with 160Q supplements already and an org.  My org is empty I use it to find my new fighters hiddens without dealing with the whole QFC mismatch.  I ran an earlier fighter through QFC to test for hiddens and I ended up with a fresh 18 year old fighting a jacked 25 year old that put 21 days of injuries on me.  Now when I want to make a new fighter and test a build I make two with the exact same point spread and set the sliders to the exact same level then set an event and let em have at it.  And now I am using it to hide my project fighters from the market.  I can sit them in my org with no worries about having to turn down contracts over and over and I can train em for a few months before getting them to market.  I would love to make another account get it set up for VIP and fill my org with enough of my own fighters with various builds and rotate who fights who but actually try to win with both fighters and see how it goes.  I could care less about my managers W-L ratio or standing or anything else.  I am far to old to worry about epeen measurements, I am so late to the game I could never compete with the years old veterans, I just want to play and have fun and I would have more fun playing solo at this point.  I love the depth of the game but its very frustrating having everything I do end up depending on some one else to do something before I get to have fun.   
    • I think I accepted the next Pickle fight way to fast haha man oh man. Looks like I wont be going in with full energy noob mistake.
    • Okay I am going to play devils advocate here because it looks like it all boils down to in game money.  First you said part of the running of an org is dealing with managers and their demands and building relationships.  I get that but the game has changed there are very few people actually playing anymore and I would bet 80-90 percent or more of the new managers quit after the first month.  So all that managing blows especially for a new org its nearly impossible.  I have a buddy I met in game when I first started who has an org his org now has half of its fighters managers MIA for 15+days now and now he has been MIA for the last 2 weeks as well probably as a result.  So if I were to start the above scenario with two accounts I would be able to completely skip out on all the BS for new orgs.  You also talked about under cutting contracts but that would only apply if the multi manager intended to bring in outside fighters if he was only dealing with his own it would not apply.  And I am sorry but so what if a managers fighters get hype and popularity faster, again that hurts no one because orgs do not compete against each other during events so the only one it affects is the multi user.  And if the multi manager did try to contract out a fighter with inflated hype the org that signs him will get the benefit of filling seats and making more money so again no loss to anyone.  And how certain are we that the multi manager is up to something nefarious all this is based off the assumption this guy is going to try to swindle some one. And what if this user set up two accounts and put all the fighters into his own org and actually tried to fight the fighters properly.  Set up his fighters fights as even as possible with the builds he made set the sliders proper for both fighters and let them duke it out fairly.  Would you still be against it?  What if none of his fighters ever left his org would it still hurt anyone?  And my final point to this that in my opinion pretty much makes all the complaint moot, you can unfairly purchase millions of dollars for a few months of vip.  So how does an org with a multi manager getting positive income faster than usual equal cheating but a 2 week old manager can purchase 4mil for 90 days of VIP does not?  In closing I would not be one bit upset if some one decided to play with multiple accounts, I would simply require them to both be VIP and if you were to make an org and run all your own fighters in it you cannot recruit any outside fighters.  And any of your fighters that join your org cannot be contracted out to anyone else after.  If you want a fighter in another org you have to make them then get them into another org without ever having joined yours.  I mean really everything I describe in the above scenario can happen on a single account so why not 2?  I would love to have 2 accounts and take a huge chunk of my fighters into a new org and fight fights when I want, make them fair,  and have fun.  Right now the game is slow and almost boring, fights take forever to happen,  QFC blows because its so damn lopsided.  And all the damn inactivity is getting old, I mean I have had to move 2 fighters out of an org because they both went over 45 days with no fight offers, and have 3 other fighters in another org that only get a fight every 45 days or so.  That is no fun at all.
    • Looks like we are going to have to bring the duel to the death sword fight back here???
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