Since I'm one of the people who asked to let him back in and this caused you some additional stress. I never saw the post that got him banned, but saw him doing a lot of good for the community before and then one day he is gone. Same probably goes for many others. So it's natural to think a perma-ban is a bit harsh. No trolling intended, just different perspectives.
Great ideas, I'd also like to see Villas/Cars/Boats etc. (could be for managers or fighters) that can help a bit with the hype to drain the money and balance the eco.
Come on guys, let it go. No need to insult eachother over avatars and difference of opinion.
@fivestripes10 cool down, people won't steer away from your avatars cuz of someone's comments. If they like them, they'll buy them regardless
@Skuzbukit what about some moderating bob?