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Can we finally get rid of JMFC?


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they are just too shady for any flowers to grow there, lets just burn the fucking place down.





so I'm not sure why you would only fight an alliance mate, and over and over again, but they seem to have a reason to





"gets the idea" to fight AA's guys a LOT in a short time. gets to #2 P4P in the game, then makes him lose 2 fights in a row, just made him do nothing.



it is getting out of control, put an end to the mess that is JMFC

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I agree.


Turd Furgeson is obviously a shady character, cut from the same mould as Leo C. Barros and should be banned.


Same goes with the rest of JMFC, scourge of MMA Tycoon.

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I agree.


Turd Furgeson is obviously a shady character, cut from the same mould as Leo C. Barros and should be banned.


Same goes with the rest of JMFC, scourge of MMA Tycoon.



Totally. Real ripe bastards, the lot of em. Killed me first born child, they did.

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I don't know DIDM, we disbanded pretty recently. That would be little redundant. I also think you need a few more items to have a solid argument. Please, go on.

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What they did with Dale was cheap. But they don't deserve to be thrown out of the game.



...Frankly, if I had a top five fighter, and people wouldn't shut the fuck up about him and kept calling me out for DARING to fight someone without a double digit rank, i'd get sick of it.



So I don't blame anyone for that at all.

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Noted racist posts against a largely gay, black browser game community - is it enough of a shock to revive this amalgamation of human body parts? Mythbusters puts the stories of Frankenstein's Monster to the test!

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It's his fighter, who gives a shit what he chooses to do with him. If he wants to drop Dale down a few pegs, who cares? You were bitching about him shooting up the P4P ladder by fighting AA, now you're bitching about him dropping down to where he probably was before the AA fights. Make up your mind.

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DIDM give it a rest man, your posts about JMFC are getting extremely boring.






It's his fighter, who gives a shit what he chooses to do with him. If he wants to drop Dale down a few pegs, who cares? You were bitching about him shooting up the P4P ladder by fighting AA, now you're bitching about him dropping down to where he probably was before the AA fights. Make up your mind.



Don't listen to them, bro! Keep fighting the good fight!


The truth is out there...

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Did I miss something? Oh, and... +1


Such a post from someone I do really respect and look towards as a notably noble figure honestly cramps my gut. While DIDM's proven himself a bigotted jackass, confronting this disapproval takes a couple of drinks (sorry for drunkposting, MMAT forum people). I don't know how my alliancemates may have behaved towards you or yours but I feel a sincere guilt for whatever it may have been, or whatever I may have done.

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I agree.


Turd Furgeson is obviously a shady character, cut from the same mould as Leo C. Barros and should be banned.


Same goes with the rest of JMFC, scourge of MMA Tycoon.

Word, let's burn those fuckers on the word of internet poster DIDM.



(I just saw this thread, I'll make a real post later. Real quick though I'll say that A is a really non-shady experiment and B is a horrible accident on my part.)

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A is kinda lame to do since it's unrealistic, I suspect the reason is obvious though, slider experimentation. Probably gives you a huge advantage in finding out how stuff works.


I can't wait for the explanation of B because as it looks now it makes his org look really bad.

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