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One weekend, Three belts. Blitz, CFC, CoV


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I have three tough title fights this weekend so I hired Nilmar to do previews.




Shock N Awe vs Elmer Montgomery

From the Pentagon secret archives:

“About subject SH 00 K N 8W8. When that unidentified object finally landed right in the center of Nevada desert, we had 3 of our teams already on the place. We expected the worst to take place, as usual. When that tiny little man stepped out of the shuttle, some of my veterans had a smile. He did not look quite dangerous. Well, he was. He killed 24 of my soldiers with his bare hands before we managed to entangle him in our steel web. we took him to our underground labs and interrogated him for 48 hours. We did what we do best: waterboarding, cigarettes, hammers. He never said anything more than his name. and, to be honest, nobody of us was able to understand it. He had a code number, but we all started to call him with the first emotions we felt when we met him. Shock. And Awe. When he finally escaped, we hunted him for a while, but he became a superstar in this MMA shit, and so we can’t touch him right now. Maybe he’s just a tourist from outer space, willing to drink some of our whiskey and screw some of our women before leaving. But I still fear he’s the vanguard of an invasion task force. Could we handle 1000 soldiers like him? Damn it, I’m not sure we could handle 10. God save us if I am right. Signed: Captain Mark Heargreaves, US Rangers”.

Now, don’t ask how I got it. Believe it or not. Sure it would explain lots of things, starting by that weird name. Anyway, the undefeated EEC Champion is ruling Blitz as well, and if no one can’t stop him he will turn entire US fight scene in his own personal playground.

That stated, if there is a man alive able to halt Awe’s pace, this man has the name and grim features of Elmer Montgomery. Montgomery’s head kick is so perfect he must be exposed right besides Mona Lisa in Paris Louvre, and his disruptive power is so high that he has to sleep alone in order not to kill other people by casual movements.

What’s going to happen tonight? Hope you guys in the front rows like to wear red clothes, because, regardless how you entered, that’s the way you’ll leave. These two are quite even both on the feet and on the ground. Awe prefers to kill people by his educated punches: his right hook is like Snowhite’s apple: beautiful at sight, venomous to taste. Montgomery is quite a complete striker, but his Muay Thai stance is a trademark. Like the Devil, Victory resides into details tonight: an invention. A mistake. A caprice of the Blindfolded Goddess. Really, if you want to bet on this hope you cover your hands with shaving foam, since it’s on the razor’s edge.

But be sure: the one winning this one will leave the familiar territories of History and enter the mysterious lands of Legend.

Prediction: Awe by KO.




Biff Biffman vs Gerald Lynch

And here we are, to the main event of the evening. A 5 rounds battle for the Welterweight title. One of the more dangerous strikers on earth, Biff Biffman, meets the Champion Gerald Lynch and, believe me, someone is going to cry tears of blood before it’s over.

Now, Biffman claims to have a gentle soul: he likes flowers and poetry, he’s addicted to beauty in everything he does. And, to be honest, he did all he could to make US fight scene a beautiful place: all those fighters undergoing cosmetic surgery, rearranging their features messed up by Biff’s hands, really improved the aesthetics of his division.

What’s the only fault of a seemingly invincible warrior? Well, he’s not properly a patient guy. He’s quite unfamiliar with the mysterious territories of the last round: he went distance twice in his life, and lost both. If Lynch can take him to the last bell, he will probably get the nod over such a fast and furious opponent. Now, about Lynch, last time he lost a fight firearms were not invented yet, and people took daguerreotypes instead of pictures. There are just two men on earth that can claim to have beaten him: the first one, Jack Best, is teaching Theory of Feng Shui Gardening at the Cambridge University. Recently interviewed about how he’d beat him again in a cage fight, he answered: “put flowers in your cannons”.

About tonight, Champ and Challenger are both perfect strikers, but Lynch has a consistent edge in BJJ he might try to exploit. Maybe spending 25 minutes standing against the best boxer of the division is not the wisest choice ever, and Lynch is a “nomen omen” guy, he’s all but stupid. His mind is at least as sharp as his cutting arms, so we can expect him to be more elusive than in other circumstances. Maybe he’s planning to go distance and unnerve his opponent, but he will sure have to be careful to Biffman’s deadly haymaker, that could counter him in his takedown attempts.

Oh, guys, what a fight! You don’t want to miss this one, let me tell you.




David Hollywood vs High Voltage

And now, the event half the world was waiting for (to the other half: who damn needs you?!). the fight of dreams, the matchup most of the org owners would kill for (sure Mac didn’t by the way?).

The battle for Middleweight Kingdom: the Champion High Voltage meets the more dangerous challenge of his career, 5 rounds of sharing blood with David Hollywood.

Although both guys are able to do harm on the ground, they prefer the exact science of killing people by the means of surgical strikes, rather than the mysterious art of choking and joint locking.

Voltage’s ability to mix boxing philly shell defense and Muay Thai front guard is legendary, making him one of the more unpredictable strikers in CFC. He can shoot from distance, where his head kicks are at least as deadly as his right hands, but he can also slowly destroy the other guy from inside, where he can fire elbows to the head, knees to the ribcage and dirty looping hooks targeting the sciatic nerve. His left jab is so soft and clean you can sleep on it, and his sprawl makes him quite difficult to take down.

What can Hollywood oppose to the Champ? Well, this guy’s flashy. Listen, he’s so quick that one morning he went out jogging and came back the night before. His footwork is so outstanding that rumors whisper rockstar Prince himself took dancing lessons from him. He met his nemesis in the features of Manu Okoro, but seems fully recovered and ready to give battle.

How’s it going to end? Problem is not truly “How”, but “When”. It’s very unlikely to go distance, since both guys have an addiction for the blow for blow battle. If they fight at their usual level, it’s going to be a bloodbath.

Now, in ancient, tribal cultures, warriors used to eat the heart of their stronger enemies in order to gain power. Who’s going to eat other guy’s heart tonight? Who will revive in other man’s blood?

Fight is uncertain, but Voltage is the Champ and, I like to say, no matter where, no matter how, you’re always champ for a reason. Interviewed about tonight’s fight and the traps he might encounter, Voltage said: “Only trap I see is the fight not taking place. Just hope Hollywood proves to be a man and takes his proper place in front of me, instead of fleeing like Turska. They say David is quick: hope he uses his quickness to rush in rather than run away”.

We all hope so High, but I’m sure David will be like Hector right in front the doors of Troy, waiting for Achilles. Worried maybe, but ready to fight.


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We have a very similar weekend..I also have three big ones...one against you...Hollywood vs Voltage..Jigoro Kane vs Manu Okoro...and Jonas Justice vs Hans Schwanz in the Syn Millionaire Semi-finals...unlike you I'd be happy to just win one haha.


Best of luck, I'll for sure have them on my spoiler page.

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We have a very similar weekend..I also have three big ones...one against you...Hollywood vs Voltage..Jigoro Kane vs Manu Okoro...and Jonas Justice vs Hans Schwanz in the Syn Millionaire Semi-finals...unlike you I'd be happy to just win one haha.


Best of luck, I'll for sure have them on my spoiler page.

My fight against you is the one I'm least confident about. Good luck in your other fights. I want to see Justice win the tournament.

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Tough weekend, I'll definitely be cheering for Awe. Don't want to see him lose unless he faces Victor again :P


Seems quite a few of us have big fights tonight, I have three myself vs the #1, 2 and 12 managers.

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Went 2-1 losing the CFC belt to Hollywood like I expected.


An impressive weekend considering the quality of fights/opponents in some of the premier orgs in the game.


Voltage will be just a single win away from another shot at the CFC belt. I just need to find a suitable opponent for Voltage. Ends up people don't really want to fight him. :)

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