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Mongtong vs. Putin - Result  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win, and how?

    • Mongtong via (T)KO
    • Putin via (T)KO
    • Mongtong via Decision
    • Putin via Decision
    • Mongtong via Submission
    • Putin via Submission
    • Putin causes an NC

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K-Rad - Manager of Wong Mongtong - #1 Contender for K-Rad Of The Year 2014 and 3 Time Defending Champ (Of K-Rad Of The Year)


Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you welcome to one of the most highly anticipated events in MMA Tycoon history. All the more strange as it takes place between two shit managers and their absolutely common place and non-descript fighters Wong Mongtong and Jonas Putin.


There is quite a history behind this fight, beginning way back in October 2013 when many of you were likely still suckling on a titty, and I hope you still are. Renowned MMA Tycoon intellect and all around people's favourite VladimirPutin went a bit too heavy on the spraypaint and, wiping a smear of silver off of his lips and onto the back of his hand, stood up and fell over. Standing up a 2nd time he declared, "K-Rad ain't shit. Mongtong ain't shit. I am going to make a thread in General Game Discussion whereby I call out this K-Rad and his fighter and demand a battle with my own pocket rocket Putin". And lo, his will was done.


With a thread calling out Myself and my plucky little Thai, Wong Mongtong, he proceeded to demand a fight. He then also demanded he choose the location, the rule set and round lengths as well as the date. I politely informed him that it is non-common courtesy and manager etiquette to demand everything to be your way when you're the one calling out the fight but there was no overcoming the mountain that is Vladimir. As such I agreed to all of his terms, his round durations, his ruleset, his location (first New York, then London) and his date.


KRad, on 26 Oct 2013 - 10:55 PM, said:snapback.png

LOL, I see why you wouldn't want to come to L.A. Arizona is pretty close and people might confuse you for the Grand Canyon.


Fine, New York under Dominance. 17th November. Let's dance candy pants!



It's on fucker!


Everything was looking peachy, but then, tragedy struck.


After a brief phone call update between myself and Mongtong and 2 hours and 7 minutes after so confidently declaring "It's on fucker!", Vladimir had a change of heart. He backed out of his own fight. He cited organisational reasons, he cited act of God, he even cited a gaping vagina, so cavernous in its circumference that with a pair of false teeth it would resemble the Pit of Carkoon.


Artists Impression Only:




It seemed that a very black day had fallen upon Vladimir's honour, integrity and allround manliness. In recognition of this fall from grace, he agreed to the terms of:



Actually i made this thread extempore. But i will not give up. I haven't used Chris Garcia moves yet (cry and threatening to leave the org).


If this fight isn't happening next month, i will promise that i add "i am pussy" in to my signature until the fight happens.


Which he then also backed out of after very briefly putting it in his signature using the smallest possible font size and the same colour as the background to ensure that he effectively, in intent and spirit if not strictly in action, managed to duck even this obligation. However I did not forget. I put that very quote in my own signature. For 4 months I hounded VladimirPutin, asking him when the fight was going to happen, bringing it up in every forum thread he dared to post in.


Why do I tell you this long winded story about the ordeals of being an avian gynecologist? Because my dear friends, it has all come to fruition. Today I received a very cordial message from VladimirPutin politely requesting, and I quote, "lets make it happen fuck head". And happen fuck head it is!


Ladies and gentlemen, with no further ado, I give to you...


PUTIN vs. MONGTONG (ladies first)


Coming to you as part of a 2-leg spectacle, live from Crucible Fights: London with the return leg taking place in L.A.'s CCF, you wonderful sportsfans of Europe and America can witness first hand the coming of a miracle. A featherweight fight featuring the flying fists of two little fellas with 28 KOs between them and two managers who have a chance to end a 5 month feud with ultimate bragging rights. One of them will even change his signature to stop reminding the other that he's a pussy, that's how serious this is!


There's plenty of hoohah to come in the lead up to this epic event which will take place in 19 days time. Expect Mongtong to be very vocal in his expectations of how this fight goes down and an interview will be coming shortly, once VladimirPutin gets a chance to quit huffing and start puffing.

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Virtually being the key word. After 32 fights Mongtong is yet to be KO'd. Putin on the other hand... if it can happen once it can and will happen twice. Like sleeping with your Puerto Rican house cleaner.

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Vladimir Byhenikov


Vladimir Byhenikov walks in the press conference room full of reporters, tests the microphone and is ready to make announcement.

Vlad: It's finally happening! Jonas Putin vs Wong Mongtong, February 19th. Who got the first question?

Reporter: This fight was supposed to happen long time ago, why we had to wait so long?

Vlad: A lot has happened after i announced our challenge in the first press conference. The owner of Galaxy FC wasn't so happy about the fight. He had other plans, and we respected that. Jonas was the 145 lbs champion and also the challenger of the 155 lbs title back then. We talked about this fight with Whymer Von Mastodon in many occasions in the past, but the timing was never in our favour, you know, Jonas had rough times in his career, losing the 155 lbs title fight, and then losing the 145 lbs belt with shocking fashion. I don't know exactly what happened, but apparently Whymer went to jail or something, and sold his org to a guy who can't speak english, Jonas won his rematch, Mongtong got back to to the track with his victory. It was time make this fight finally happen.

Reporter: So why you didn't want to make this fight happen after the 155 lbs title fight against Renzo Alves?

Vlad: I didn't want this fight to be like Chuck Liddell vs Wanderlei Silva.

Reporter: What do you mean?

Vlad: That fight happened when both of the guys was on their rough path in their careers, and it turned out to be not as big as it deserved. We were in the same situation, Jonas lost his fight, Wong lost his fight. Timing wasn't right. But now, Jonas is coming to this fight as a champion, and Wong is back on the winning track too. Wong Mongtong has had great rivalry against High Sodium, i wanted this to be even bigger than that.

Reporter: You have received very heavy criticism from the fans in the last couple of months, has this affected you at all?

Vlad: I know that some of the fans think more with their emotions, and it's good. I am sure that even more people are adding this fight to their spoiler fight list.

Reporter: Why Jonas Putin is not here with you?

Vlad: Jonas just had a very tough fight, and he is taking a well deserved break from all of this. He will give you his thoughts later.

Vlad: That's it? Okay thanks for all of you.

Vladimir Byhenikov leaves the press conference room.

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"Blackened" Wong Mongtong


"Thạkthāy læa yindī t̂xnrạb pheụ̄̀xn k̄hxng c̄hạn. Greetings and welcome my friends. I thank you for your patience in the journey leading up to this fight and you honour me with your attention. As the Buddha has truly spoken, an invulnerable armour is patience and now that this glorious meeting between Putin and myself is coming to pass it is unwell to dwell on the past or dream of the future when my focus must be on the present.


In the time that has elapsed between Putin's initial unwise and hasty assault on my manager and myself, albeit it only in words, many things have happened. The Buddha says that a tongue is like a sharp knife and kills without drawing blood, yet he also says that to hold onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of hurling it at another for it is only you who shall be guaranteed to be burned. So it seems in the case of my worthy adversary Putin. He has lost one of his greatest weapons, the psychological weapon of an unblemished defeat by KO record. This illusion was shattered in the time between his challenge and his meeting of this challenge, as a 58 second punch KO a month ago has shown. My dear Putin, I have never lost from the lack of will under the barrage of another's strikes. For true life is struggle, and the mind is everything which leaves me concerned you're neither physically or mentally prepared for your imminent destruction. It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles, then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by demons nor angels, heaven or hell. Remember this in your defeat.


Khwām s̄ngb s̄uk̄h læa chokh dī cnkẁā reā ca phb kạn xīk. Peace and good luck, until we meet."

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I am not hosting it, I am fighting in it.


And no you can't attend the elitist circle jerk because you're a pathetic waste of forum bandwidth. Take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and make a New Year resolution worth keeping: To shut the fuck up in 2014.

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