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Mannetosen last won the day on June 9

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  1. Tragically died in a freak hamburger accident.
  2. https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=390278 https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=390339 Get em while they're hot.
  3. I've played this game off and on since 2009. There has barely been any changes to it since 2013. The problem isn't people being 'naive' about how much time it takes to make tweaks to this game lmao
  4. Reading the responses from Mike and Vlad is very frustrating. The game and its player base is circling the drain and this kind of reactionary thinking isn't going to help. I'm not surprised though. This has been more or less how the game has been run for most of its lifespan. In addition, the fact that you go completely silent for a quarter of a year and return by making insignificant and minor changes like updating meaningless stuff like this doesn't exactly inspire much confidence in you or your 'vision', least of all because these stats don't include retired fighters which make them completely useless in the first place. Listen to your player base, they know what this game needs way better than either of you do at this point.
  5. You definitely do seem like the kind of person who'd desperately want to be a discord mod at least.
  6. I just had a look at his buzz posts and this lad sure seems extremely obsessed with men ravaging each other anally. I guess he's just celebrating pride month the Serbian way?
  7. You got me, I've secretly been Mike all along. This has all been a really long-term ruse to troll you specifically.
  8. While I agree that Mike is lazy and incompetent, and I've never read any of your Buzzes, you seem like an annoying crybaby so go Mike I guess?
  9. I think you massively overestimate how much attention we pay to this game anymore lmao
  10. 100 counter used to be completely broken in like 2011. It kinda sucks now though.
  11. This about sums it up. I remember thinking Vlad was just another windbag, which it turned out that he was. As an adult with a full-time job, I find it shocking that Mike spends as little time as he does on what's his main revenue stream. Sure, we've all had lazy days/weeks/months at work, but this guy has barely done anything to improve his game since 2013. Hell, the commentary for all fights function has been broken for like 6 years at this point and Mike still hasn't gotten around to fixing it. This game had a lot of potential, and parts of the player base has had the patience of saints, but it's been mismanaged into the dirt.
  12. I don't see what Belgian comic books have to do with this.
  13. I've barely/not at all farmed my current roster fwiw
  14. Barely. I'm mostly phasing out my roster and waiting for it all to end at this point. I do have some morbid curiosity as to whether I'll quit before Mike finally pulls the plug on the game though.
  15. I do a number of different things.
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