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Everything posted by Pababear

  1. I am not trying to be involved in any clothing company war either I just have seen a few things on buzz from various managers who support the Shinto brand that were directed towards RoaR and then the shirt using my companies alternate name "RoaR was most certainly directed towards my company but it's whatever honestly I like some competition but I just found it odd that you said my company looked bad due to all of this but left out the Shinto name and again you failed to answer the question by saying "anyways back on topic" but I don't remember this thread being about sacking fighters so that's as much on topic as what I am trying to figure out. You said my company is getting a bad look due to this at least in your opinion but failed to name the other sponsoring company who you have ties to no matter how deep they are but then when asked how is it that you feel the way you do based from your previous post your reply is still not explaining why you said what you said
  2. After looking at your managers page I understand why you say my company looks bad in this mess but happened to leave out your preferred company which is Shinto but I can't blame you for trying to tarnish RoaR which the guys at Shinto are trying to beat into your head that we are rival clothing companies but really I am just doing what I need to do for my company and I promise you that the Shinto name never pops into my head when it comes to making a decision for RAGS of a RONIN. The shirt Shinto sells shows me that they are the exact opposite and relay this message if you would, thanks for making the "RoaR" shirt because it just proved that RoaR was and is an effective abbreviation in a marketing standpoint.
  3. Okay I may have used the lol incorrectly but I was not laughing at the situation because I truly do feel it is a total dick move on his part and For you to say my company looks bad is sort of rediculous seeing how I cannot take over the tournament even if I wanted to which I honestly I would if it was possible but I was using my "lol" for the fact that he has chosen to do all the planning and organizing of the event just to do this and again I want you and anyone else who reads this that myself and my company are left with no gain just a loss in this mixup just like all of you since the sponsorship money and the deals in general are a waste if you sack them and it's the same if they don't fight to gain any hype so those deals do nothing for me as it stands now. You all are the ones with the biggest loss in this so yeah it's understandable why you would at first say that but it's also just as outrageous to hold me responsible for this guys Houdini act like its real life and I can go track him down and find out what the hell is happening . Just so you know alsomI was not expected or asked to send out a sponsorship deal in the beginning but I chose to do so on my own, yes it was a small deal but it was something which is more than most of the guys in the event had before I sent those out. Also I am in now way being compensated for the design time or the ordering/delivery costs of those items sent out to all participants, I was just doing what the #1 company in Tokyo should do which is sponsor an event like this held in Tokyo lol also just curious does the Shinto company also take a hit in your book because of this guys disappearance? They were also a sponsor which I was unaware of until after I had sent out the clothing items or I would have included that companies logo as well on the shirts but I apologized for that to the owner of Shinto after he declined the sponsorship deal as a conflict of interest which I understood but let me be clear on this and I will be done with this comment, I am in no way trying to drag Shinto down by asking if they are to be blamed as well for this situation since they are a sponsor also but you don't mention them in your comment.
  4. If it was that easy I would but it's not since I am not employed by the org and have no control over anything I was just asked if I was interested in sponsoring the event and what I was able/willing to offer to the winner which Was going to be a 6k sponsor deal and also a custom shirt and short which I would work with the winning manager to design and give them x amount for free and then keep available to purchase for the length they were under a sponsorship deal with roar and of course I supplied the tournament items which he asked if I could do and send to everyone.
  5. After I believe 14'days of him not logging in it becomes available for you to leave your contract with the org
  6. I was one of the sponsors (rags of a ronin) was but I don't have any clue whatsup with the manager who was running this lol
  7. They could set it up like it is for VIP days being put into a jet and how you aren't able to withdraw that and it only goes towards the cost of running the jet or it would be only meant for ordering products and then Orgs could have that as idk what lol
  8. That immediately comes off as it would be a major headache to own
  9. I am constantly finding myself needing or wanting to deposit money into a private gym I am employed by and fund for the most part but it is a process just to get money into the gym since I have to send it to the owner/my business partner for him to deposit into the gym account but let me say that I am not really suggesting this just because I am so rushed to get money into a gyms account that it needs to be easier lol but I can almost guarentee any manager who is employed by a company on here and are one of the main people funding that company no matter what or when it may be would completely agree with me on this being made possible as an option the owner can give an employee if he feels it is needed.
  10. No problem, glad to help and look forward to creating a few more for you
  11. I have that finished for you message me in game
  12. I have recently been doing more in game designs and was wanting to announce that if anyone is in need of the following items I am about to list then please send me a message in game letting me know what it is your wanting/needing to get done and the amount of time you need it done by. I can work with you on prices for the design work so please don't hold back on reaching out to me due to your funds... I will do >Posters >Logo's >clothing items (RAGS of a RONIN -clothing company in Tokyo) >manager pictures ( I DO NOT DO AVATARS) My in game manager ID# is 117105
  13. Maybe if after so much popularity you get a slight hype increase just like the skill pops are in a way
  14. I agree but I also think it would not hurt to have a slight increase in hype for certain buzz posts but the whole issue with how to prevent people from manipulating the system is the thing that makes it to risky to have hype be affected
  15. Also a good idea to wait on creating fighters because most likely your mentor will have you sack them all lol hope this helped you get to where ya needed to find a mentor and good luck
  16. Your best bet is to go to your in game profile and you will see on the right side of your page where the list of links (my fighters and so on) is and to the right of the star emblem you will see the green and blue torsos standing together emblem click that and you will be able to go through a list and send mentors a notification that your interested in them mentoring you and they can choose to or not to
  17. Send me a message in game and if you buy a few items from my company RAGS of a RONIN (5206) I will send ya some free items also and possibly sponsor some of your fighters
  18. http://www.mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=5206 RAGS of a RONIN (5206)
  19. For sure and I thought for the longest time Buzz was used as a way to build a fighters hype/popularity level since the word buzz directly relates to hype usually lol
  20. As it is now communication between merch partners is rarely and if at all needed since your not really at risk of losing money or hype so if it was to stay the same as it is now but only being allowed to have multiple partners was the thing to change your right it would be unfair in a $ making sense but if you added the need to plan merch items ordering to meet the needs of the Orgs upcoming events as well as staying in the realms of the companies abilities based on the companies hype and sales history it would be controlled and take time to get to where your thinking ovoxo
  21. At the end of the day it would make long term partnerships more effective and would increase both the org and clothing companies hype since they would need to work more effectively together in the planning of events and quantity of certain items which would be sold only at events of the org and those items could just be blank shirts and just standard options of items available once you signed a partnership and this would also have its own available monthly allowed ordering amount and so on
  22. if having to create and stock a separate line of items to have sold at partnered Orgs events was the best way to keep it from being as easy to just partner up a org and clothing company and immediately make loads of $ then so be it but the key thing is just because the org is established and able to sell huge amounts of product at events would not mean the partnered clothing company could meet the wanted amount of product to be sold at event and as it is now would need to be careful with how it ordered and everything just incase it had an event at end of month and had little to no stock to sell at the event and this would hurt both the clothing company and Orgs upcoming event sales and would have to regain the lost demand of items being sold
  23. Yes but with my idea the merch owner would have to have the ability to supply that amount of product and also say You and I were partnered your Orgs event is at a 5,000 seat venue and hasn't had the highest promotion level and your org is only a few months old Me being the merch side would send enough 4000 items expecting not all ppl would buy something and then after the event say It ends up that only 3258 items were bought. Just like it is now for clothing company your available order quantity would grow in time and would be figured based on hype of both org and company but yes bigger companies partnered up with big Orgs would make more but that's just common sense in business expecially sales
  24. If it was the brand licensing that was being factored in like your referring to then you would be totally correct but it's not like that on here and also I can guarentee you that reebok would sign a deal to Create, Distribute, and Sell another MMA organization if it was available and worth it to do so but no other company has the recognition like the UFC so it's not the same lol I can go on about how your reasoning is not valid
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