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Everything posted by Cobra7

  1. And as of today the world will know the next big thing: Here is an interview with the dastardly gero: Cobra: so dr gero after a short hiatus you decided to return. Why is that Gero: I return for one reason only and that is to dominate the KT industry with my army. Cobra: speaking of army, what can you tell me about your newest creation android kickerbutt? Gero: why would I tell you what makes my creation so deadly when it can show you in the ring. Cobra: I'll take a pass on the sparring thank you. Kickerbutt: *beep beep* destruction devastation blood *beep beep* Cobra: umm thank you kickerbutt and gero but I think I'll take my leave before kickerbutt strikes Gero: thank you for stopping by. Come back never
  2. Omg a tournament held by mister wigglebottom that I missed the entry phase for. I'm super sad as KT is my thing and ive been in every tournament wigglebottom held. Note: I call him wigglebottom because last time our guys competed it was in a grappling event where I tapped his guy out haha
  3. I know that the chances are slim but I have an offer of 200k for 3 months if anyone is willing to accept it
  4. Ok so I'm pretty sure the odds are slim but I put an offer of 200k for 3 months if anyone takes it that would be awesome but if not no worries as I know there are better offers
  5. I hope all of you here have had a good easy rest while I was away now I am back and I manage "the reborn" jack dawson. Coming for gold yall
  6. Awesome now I just have to grind game cash so I can VIP it up again
  7. I just messaged mike about that and hopefully it doesnt go against the negative days because if it does it's not even worth trying to VIP
  8. Btw I just checked on that page and it says I'm negative VIP days. If I buy VIP does that come out of the negative count or does it reset with the number of days I buy?
  9. Also can someone please post the link for VIP in game cash here please and thank you
  10. I have it on great authority that the first android to be reproduced will be eighteen. How will her modification be though? Not even the great gero will reveal that
  11. The robots shall resume production shortly however first is the era of "the reborn" Jack dawson jr
  12. Hey yall how has everyone been in my absence. It doesnt look like much has changed but if anything has please post it here so I can catch up quickly
  13. Dawson jr coming to a cage/ring near you. Expect the unexpected bub
  14. I can vouch for that being its first owner. If products are the same as back then, they are 159&160Q
  15. Yo yo yo, dawson jr in the house. Yall best get ta steppin cuz I'm 17 and bad ta da bone. Ya best recognize the future champ
  16. This isnt the right thread to post this but I shall just because as a noob I had almost same experience. I owe a lot to a very good and close friend of mine named Joe snitsky. When nobody else offered to help me realize my dream of running my first company or even respond to my message I sent them, he did. He was a very kind investor and with his help came the nutrition company pit bull development. Needless to say when the island started about 3 months later at that time they needed a gym badly so I switched companies with someone who made a gym for me rather than shut it down. Now I dont want to disclose the total amount invested but needless to say if it was real money...I'd be bankrupt lol. I still feel bad for switching the companies after he helped make my dream come true and I still owe him should he come back on soon I'll have a bit of change for him Anyway I know this is off topic so my bad yall I just wanted to share my noobie experience in this almost similar way
  17. King kong putting on an absolute bloody clinic tonight. I hope you dont get any dry cleaner Bills from the people in the front row
  18. All square bro, I know to well how life can be when running an org. Raised rating as well now that there is a response
  19. This is a prison org. Rate 1/10 for owners lack of communication when addressed
  20. I believe the matchmaker is honestly a good guy. I wouldnt mind sticking out the last 2 fights if this offer was sent like 2 or 3 days ago. Dawson jr is already at the 30 day inactivity requirement so hopefully he isnt sitting another 13 days. P.s I didnt leave it the new owner sacked me when I told him I helped book matches when I wasnt busy with work
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