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Alfred last won the day on June 30

Alfred had the most liked content!


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  1. No you goobers. You don't understand. I don't need freeing from the Island. I need letting back in! Put me in coach. I can do it.
  2. I have sacked my two island fighters but I still can't log in as it's saying I need to sack more. This happens every Island season. Usually I just sack others when I shouldn't have to but I don't want to do that this time around.
  3. I suggest we postpone the tournament whilst grappling hype is broken. The league leader just lost his entire grappling hype bar with a single loss.
  4. Mistake with Lara having five fights total?
  5. Accepted and Paid. Thanks very much
  6. One of my fighters is stuck on the Island 😕 All the others are back on the mainland. Losing training time. Please save him https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=401221
  7. Delegate. Don't hesitate. You won't do it mate. I'm just being straight.
  8. I don't mind the speed of the game personally. I create a fighter and most of the time off they go right away. Can't say I've come across the problems being mentioned here. Not often at least.
  9. I'm sure there's enough losers around for the both of us my friend.
  10. balls! lol. And cheers
  11. Are you a desperate degenerate loser who can only enjoy a good sporting event when your kids college fund is on the line? Then you've come to the right place. Welcome to LADBROKE where we can facilitate your pathetic urges to become homeless and destitute and love nothing more than taking that cold hard cash straight from your no good gambling hands. Please bet irresponsibly
  12. SUMMER SLAUGHTER - FINAL STANDINGS Well folks, it’s over. After fifteen gruelling events spread over the entire month of June, the Summer Slaughter champion has finally been crowned. Twenty fighters took part and let me tell you, it was no walk in the park for any one of them. Let’s take a look at the final standings and prize hunt winners. It came down to the very final round to decide a champion and in the end it was the undeniable slider fu of consistant #1 OG manager Billy Arseworth and his asian slave fighter Asian Guy who took top honours. He was pushed to the very limits and had to pick himself up and dust himself off a few times in the tournament but he did just that and reaps the rewards of his bravery. The 6m Tycoon Dollar grand prize is now his to spend how he sees fit (A new shiny jet anyone?) In second place it was the delightfully freaky overperforming Freaky Fernando that surprised us with his performances over the tournament. Although he faltered at the last hurdle, it would have made little difference in the grand scheme of things as he needed Asian Guy to lose in order for him to win. 3M Tycoon Dollars are now on it’s way to his bank account. In third place it was The Big Boss who seemingly flew under the radar for the entire tournament. A submission master, Big Boss ended up topping the tables for Most Submissions in the tournament with a grand total of 11 out of 11 wins. Extremely impressive performance overall and enough to claim third place. A total of 2m Tycoon Dollars go to this fighter. 1M for his third place finish and 1M for Most Submissions Splitting the 1M for Most Knockouts in the tournament will be Chadwick Raffelburg and Tyler Durden. Raffelburg became known for his gentle but effective face massages whilst Durden was just straight up kebab shopping fools. 8 KO’s apeice each nets them 500k each. Although not the greatest performance of his career, “Smooth” Booby Soul will not go down as a one hit wonder after claiming the fastest finish of the tournament. His nineteen second KO over Ben Barnes in Rd. 3 earns him a cool 1m Tycoon Dollars. Let’s hope he writes a song about that. Speaking of Ben Barnes, this dastardly fighter waiting until the very last round of the tournament to snatch the Hot Potato Title Prize for himself and claim the 1m prize attached to it. Sneaky, very sneaky but we love it and that’s how it’s supposed to go. Topping the charts in the Most Battered tables and earning his own 1m towards medical bills was Juan Pablo Estrella. A combined 99 injury and cuts days inflicted on his fighter overall. We recommend immediate retirement and recovery for this well derserving fighter. Chadwick Raffelburg is awarded 100k for claiming the first “Kill Asian Guy” bounty and Ishaan Thornton is awarded 250k for claiming the second “Kill Asian Guy” bounty. Well, that’s a wrap folks. Thanks for tuning in! A more detailed performance review of each fighter will be coming up very soon and all prizes will be paid out today. A big thank you for everyone who took part and accepted their fights but especially, as always, for those that didn’t have the best of runs and knew they were out of the running some rounds earlier. A truly selfless act which shows great budo and makes sure that tournament integrity remains intact. I salute you.
  13. Round 14 Recap And so it will need the entire 15 rounds to crown our Summer Slaughter champion. Round 14 is now over and this is how things went down. Tyler Durden murdered Luis Caixhina in just twenty-two seconds of the first round. With nothing but pride to fight for, Durden clearly decided to make a run at the fastest knockout which stands at nineteen seconds. The win puts Durden at 8-6 and guarantees that he finishes the tournament with a winning record. He is currently in 8th place in the league but that could go as high as 4th on the last day. He is also in the running for most KO’s in the tournament. As for Caixhina, this latest loss marks his ninth out of his last ten fights and means he will be scrapping until his final moments to avoid staying in the last place spot he currently occupies. Asian Guy couldn’t believe his luck as opponent Sancho Bandito completed the first part of his three part winning tactic for him. Guy has tried to follow a strict “grab em, flop on em & sub em” strategy all the way to the top and once again it worked like a charm. Guy gets the first round submission and remains in first place via a TB. For Bandito, you know he must be a loser as even closeted homo Asian Guy didn’t want his free love. He now goes into the final week with the very real chance of finishing last. An important win for El Freaky Fernando over a tough Ben Barnes ensures he keeps the pressure on Asian Guy and remains in high contention for the championship. Still in second place and separated by a TB, Fernando will need Asian Guy to slip up as well as win himself. For Barnes, at 6-8, even a winning record is beyond his grasp at this point, however, he does have a shot at the hot potato title in his final match up. Title chasing underdog The Big Boss has fought bitterly to keep the dream alive but I think at this point, third place is the highest he could go even if Fernando and Guy were to lose their final fights and Boss win his. This would be due to a tie break rule in which case Boss has lost to both of those opponents priot. Still, I could be wrong and we’ll have to find out in the last round. Boss defeated Top 3 hopeful Ishaan Thornton and effectively put and end to that ambition. Thornton will be simply fighting for pride and a finish potentially as high as 4th. Oscar Bukele managed a successful second defence of his hot potato title against underperforming Frankmaster Phlex. This defence ties him with The Big Boss and Asian Guy and so going into his final match up could potentially end the tournament as the most dominant hot potato title holder. With a record of 9-5, Bukele currently sits in 4th and with a win over Boss earlier in the tournament, he could still potentially snatch the third place spot for himself. For Phlex, this tournament run has likely been a disappointment for his management team but with a run of 7-7, he could at the very least finish with a positive winning record. Chadwich Raffleburg picked up his seventh knockout of the tournament and is in with a good chance of taking the Most KO’s prize. He defeated Jasur Ordilovokov who hasn’t been in the best of form of late but remains capable of snatching the odd win here and there. Raffleburg currently sits in fifth place but he could potentially move as high as 4th. I think due to his loss to Big Boss earlier in the tournament, there would be no leapfrogging him for 3rd no matter the results. For Jasur, he is clear of any last place humilation but largely he will be fighting for the glory of sweet victory in his remaining bout. Oh how the mighty hath fallen. The peoples champion and purveyor of all that is good and right in this tournament has been well and truly betrayed by the Gods of RNG. Reduced to being a walking medical emergency and a guaranteed free win, Farley now suffers the humiliation of losing to Juan Pablo Estrella. A fighter who’s early results were so bad that he still sits atop of the most brutalised list for cuts and injuries up to now. The fact that Estrella has been doing so much better of late is of no comfort to Farley and his management. The fact is Farley is the true heir to the throne and has been utterly wronged in this tournament. There’s going to be a huge asterisk next to this one when it’s all said and done. Someone sure fed Seth Christian his meth laced Wheaties this morning? Must have been the same stuff they give Biden when they need him to perform as Christian came into this one full of beans and defeated a fighter that most would not have picked him to beat. A first round submission over “Smooth” Booby Soul? No way! But that’s exactly what happened. Not too much to play for in the final round for Christian but Booby will have a bit of “Soul” searching to do as his final result will decide whether he finishes with a winning or losing record. Gaetano Villacci defeated Jedrek Piotrowicz by unanimous decision and there’s not much to say about that. We had a forfeit victory for Minor Cuevas as his opponent Jaiden Montgomery was rumoured to have been arrested for exposing himself to an undercover police dog. It’s a real shame this happened as it really does mess with the integrity of the tournament and we can only apologies to Cuevas on behalf of sexual deviant Montgomery and promise to vet our entrants a little more thoroughly in future. Please get some professional help Jaiden.
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