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Everything posted by IMoorman

  1. Will somebody please send me $5000 or more? I love playing Bet High Low. My manager id is 121164
  2. Congrats to the Manager of the Year
  3. Congrats to everyone who got an award
  4. I'd like to own a company but I don't know what is required
  5. There should be more ways for a manager to earn money. Put more gambling games in Highstreet like Poker, Blackjack, etc.
  6. IMoorman

    Women's division

    I know this is old, but I honestly think there should be a Women's Division. Girls play games too
  7. So my fighter isn't gaining anything from training because he's a 25 y/o build and I'm not giving him the right supplements? What supplement should be used to train any skill? What's the best supplement to use?
  8. Good. I don't have to worry about my opponent having the upper hand for not being on here while the fight is taking place. Although I'm never on for the fights, I would love to see our fighters actually go at it.
  9. I could use a mentor. I need help training my fighters. I don't know which gyms are good and I need to know which skills to train. My best fighter is in Las Vegas and I want to upgrade every skill that's a (12) until they hit (15) if that's as high as they go
  10. I've seen that fighters don't win by submission as much as they do by KO. A fighter can KO his opponent on the ground as well. It seems to me like a fighter that strikes has the advantage over a fighter that goes for submissions
  11. I think I did a pretty good job with the sliders. My fighters just need training.
  12. I chose a mentor but he hasn't accepted my request
  13. IMoorman

    Gym Training

    Maybe that's why my fighters aren't gaining anything. Maybe it's because he was using muscle bulk instead of a stamina supplement. But he didn't gain any points in strength or any other skill. My fighter attended the $600 gym in Las Vegas before he got kicked out because he was paying the gym fee. I want to max out his top skills to 15 instead of 12. Maybe he just hasn't trained enough yet
  14. How are the fights set up? Can I actually watch them fight? Does it show a video or does it just show the text?
  15. My fighters aren't gaining anything from training. The fighter I'm really worried about was training in the $600 basic gym in Las Vegas. I set his schedule and clicked the box for vending because I have supplements. After a few weeks pass I seen that my fighter wasn't in a gym anymore, money was taken out from his balance, and nothing on my fighter upgraded. Not one skill. Maybe it's because I made him 25 years old
  16. I found the site a little while back after surfing the web and trying to find a good free online game.
  17. I found this game a little while back surfing the web trying to find some good free online games. I dont have a MMA History but I've fought people while wearing MMA gloves
  18. In what ways could a fighter be in a different city than his gym location?
  19. It also said that it still takes away money from the fighter you have training at a gym although he'll get no results
  20. My manager base. I read on a website that your fighter won't gain anything from training if your manager base and fighters base are in different locations.
  21. I need cash to switch my base location from Helsinki to Las Vegas because that's where I have two of my fighters training. My manager id is 121164. Thanks in advance
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