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Everything posted by Hindenpeter

  1. Dudes I am in desperate need of VIP, willing to pay good rates, i only have like 20 days or so left so i need it soonish... Pm me in game if you have an offer...
  2. Hey I could use an extension on my VIP... willing to part with 600.000 for 6 month or 1 million or so for a year... depending on if you have jet to transfer maybe more as we are tax free then... contact me in game plz... cheers JF
  3. this gentleman is legit... good service... i'm a very satisfied customer
  4. i think - yes - but won't that leave us with a lot of 265 women then? - you have restrict the sex-change to 135-155 - or just convert everyone in 135 - that would get some fun reactions (april fools this year? - mike) in general - isn't mike on a dana white position here - there will never be a women fighting mmatycoon?
  5. this is really depending on if the powers that be want to decourage or encourage the use of sparbots - and a future implementation for the personal assitants - but couldn't 'sparbot' be an option one could have for a retired fighters ?!? - one would get some sort of perk (less/no energy needed, no moral hits) but one could only make him spar like 4 times a week or something and the fighter will get no skill from it - also one would have to feed the fighter money
  6. Well as we are down to one big KT org (and scoobys place the he will hopefully carry over from the island once the season is done)... I'm all for anything that bumps up the KT game a bit...
  7. will there ever be banner banners again... http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/r2.gif
  8. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/18/18w10.jpg Jiggy Jangston (229452): 'You go continue your title hunt and i will take care of you when i have finished my stellar rise to the top'
  9. yeah man just run an airline - we could all use one
  10. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/18/18w10.jpg Jiggy Jangston (229452): 'I don't come with an exciting record or a famous manager - but I have an extensive training program behind me - and I am looking to get jiggy with all-o-y'all jabronis in the 170lbs division...'
  11. with so many orgs always looking for staff - you sure you don't wanna just partner up with an existing org? - not that I have or know one - just think you should consider that
  12. also one could be able to sort them by all different values in that sponsored fighters list...
  13. Hindenpeter


    so this something else then an insurance now - that's a penalty for NC's - which is a good idea - and it makes sense to pay it to the people who have the financial loss which is mostly the other fighter and the org so it's like the 'not-make-weight-still-fight-and-give-some-of-you're-purse-to-the-other-fighter'-deal they had in some MMA orgs in RL - does it make sense to have that here? - are there any other reasons for NC then weights with the autoflights and all? insurance would be if the org or fighter pays a little to the insurance, and the insurance pays them if a fight falls through - but it kinda feels unfair because the people who do nothing wrong have to pay a fee - although this would be the way they'd work this out in real life bizz.
  14. Hindenpeter


    sliders would be awesome if technically possible...
  15. and it doesn't work if I re-upload the banner aswell
  16. Hindenpeter


    sounds interesting, especially since more diversity is always good I really don't know how the fight-engine works, but couldn't this be coded like a modifier?
  17. Hindenpeter


    who'd be paying for this? the fighter or the org? And how often do NC's occur these days?
  18. driving in in one of those thingis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=u1ZB_rGFyeU but again in all seriousness I prefer a risk - reward deal here - or if its just cosmetic - so not everyone is just gonna pick the same one
  19. Shockmaster-event triggered every 1 in a million fights - you land flat on your face and loose all your pop http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/290460/the-shockmaster-o.gif
  20. http://mcgarnagle.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/vlcsnap-00209.jpg being carried in by Fanman (or Moe) no but... this and that sounds also like a good idea, more risk more reward and it makes sense...
  21. this should be an option if you tell a personal-assistant to buy clothing or nutrition...
  22. I was thinking - this seems like a minor thing to set up - but one little step more to customization of fighters: One could choose the style your fighter comes in: - all concentrated and introverted - relaxed and happy - pumped up - all slapping himself and whatnot - running Ultimate warrior style - maybe befuddling the securities in the process - (maybe costing a little energy and adding a little hype or fightrating) one could have the player choose from these in the fighter details and it triggers some sort of comments on the walk-in
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