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Everything posted by CAPITANKID

  1. an interview with the one and only captainkid http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6024285
  2. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6024175 made this today loool


    Until the cap limit is fixed or raised along with the company hype situation MMA'S BEST NUTRITION will only be for private sale and I am cutting WAY back on sponsorships, I cannot afford to fund the over 300 fighters I sponsor, I would like to thank everyone that has supported my company in the past.


    How about we raise the limit to 4000 now, to alleviate the problem until this warehouse stuff gets figured out, or have a limit of 4000 then have the next 1000 items cost 25% more then the next 1000 cost 50% more. Whatever we do I would like to get it done very quickly. It is very frustrating to keep getting emails from people asking if my store is still in business or if I am hiding stock. Mike you raised the limit for clothing companies just raise the dam thing for supplement companies until we figure out something.


    intstead of working on new coding for warehousing etc just raise the limit to 4000 for clothing and supps, that way you can focus on new type companies and improving the fight engine. I think and hope that all of us clothing and supplement company owners could agree on a cap of 4000 units.
  6. congrats on the child, now go make that 2nd account and say its for your kid loool
  7. Mike would you please increase the supplement cap to 3500, I am losing sales everyday and if I was to make my weight gain a 159 quality I would ask that the limit be raised even higher than the 3500 limit. Do you see raising this limit anytime soon? Thanks in advance for your reply.
  8. http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgupcomingeventp....php?EvID=41080 someone is doing this already


    Warehousing and or a central distribution point would be a great idea. I am losing business every day because of the ordering cap on supplements, how about raising it to the 3500 level also Mike.
  10. HBK, may be from the PI, but i could've sworn he was living in NY,,, maybe you should get some better intel. I am on no witchhunt either just posed a simple question. Answer to number 3-- I believe that one of the biggest multi's in the game fought against his own accounts and even bantered back and forth in the smack talk threads.. Having a fighter in Synchronicity makes you walk on water???
  11. excellent job on that
  12. I have one question out of the whole HBK fiasco,, why would the number one manager in the game go after somebody else's free agent? Wouldn't you think Avon could build his own fighter better than anybody else, and why is it the number one manager in the game never comes to chat, I have never seen the elusive Avon there or here in the forums as far that goes,hhhhmmm just wondering if HBK may have some relatives in this game.
  13. meh, fuking kids nowadays,,, I will be 44 in less than 3 weeks.
  14. if HBK had his account deleted, i think all his fighters and business should be deleted also,, just my thoughts.
  15. Levi has a very good idea here +1 to this and i don't own a gym. I think that gym owners should be able to increase fees if they need to, from what everyone has said so far it seems that the coaches fees are pretty high.
  16. easy way to stop this is don't sign any fighters with icon when your done with your little tournament why don't you bring your 155lbshw belt holder to difo and fight the 265+ belt holder in difo, then lets see how your prettly little belt holds up
  17. for those of us that do have fighters in the SHW division it would be very nice if they would not fuk up the rankings the way they are.
  18. will have to look through my roster,,, i know i have one wonderful MT guy right now
  19. put me on the advance order list please
  20. Maybe we should start a thread about jackass org owners, or maybe a thread about basket weaving.
  21. I would be a sucker for 5 more slots, this game needs more fighters.
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