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Everything posted by silvec88

  1. That's fine. I wouldn't expect a penalty but I had to sell CCL because I didn't have time for all the maintenance. To add another card on top of that wouldn't have been an option. And I understand for a start up but for organization with 150 to 200 active fighters... speeding things up will be hard. Fighters won't want to wait 30 or 35 days to fight. It's just not a good thing for an established large organization.
  2. This idea scares me. If we do this I feel like we should add more slots than 10 fights to a fight card. When I ran CCL and had 150 fighters with one card a week, it was impossible to get them all fights in a month. This is only going to make that even worse as everyone's going to want to fight sooner now because decline will come quicker. Maybe we can go from 10 fights on a card to 15?
  3. Then ignore that part of my post. Lol. But I still think training primaries should have an effect on physicals slightly. Maybe wrestling could work for cardio and strength and balance where as boxing works balance, cardio and strength and the other work towards 2 or 3 of the tickers as well. I'm not exactly sure which primaries would be most beneficial to which physical tickers, but I'm sure we could figure it out.
  4. I agree with this. It's not like the declines are drastic drops and they're easy to bring right back up when you feel like setting your training right. Just like the example Mike based it off of when the changes first happened with the Rick Story vs. Charlie Brenneman. If the declines were unmanageable I would understand the complaints much more, but the declines are easily manageable and easily raised back up. I've trained MMA for 3 years and I can tell you right now that if I was to stop training my striking for a month, it would take me a session or two to remember EVERYTHING I hadn't been training. Obviously I'd still have a good grasp of striking, but that doesn't mean I'd remember and be just as good with every combination, every counter or every strike. There may be a thing or two that I lost along that month. Hence why going from sensational-- to an exceptional++ should not be that big of a deal. The only things I wish were a bit different but I could live without is that training a primary should reduce tickers slightly for the secondaries it affects. For example training wrestling sparring should lower your takedown or takedown defense ticker. Maybe not considerably, but for example if you train takedown d, maybe it lowers it 20 and if you train wrestling it lowers it 10 or 15. It's just one of those things where Training wrestling entails takedown defense. And while I don't think it should have as much of an effect, I think your physical tickers should slow down if you're training at all. Anyone here who has been a good wrestler in the past knows that going live wrestling in practice is better cardio than any cicrcuit, jog or run you could do for cardio and strength.
  5. This is just far to complex of a problem for one simple fix. In all honesty, my least favorite idea is to speed up tickers. I realize that leaves the higher up fighters with easily maintained beasts which is another issue. Honestly my favorite idea is to make decay based on a hidden damage stat. Obviously this would have to be fully thought and worked out for many reasons but it just makes sense to me. As you take more and more damage over your career stat decay speeds up and up. A fighter whose 20-7 and fights like Chuck Liddel might not last as long as a fighter who has the same record but takes virtually no damage in fights like Anderson Silva. Maybe getting ko'ed could play a part in that also.
  6. Yeah. If that's possible it would be a great idea. It'd make everything much more reasonable. I'd like to see what Mike thinks about these ideas.
  7. That's a great idea. So lower prices means less hype gain. I Love that idea also.
  8. Exactly... some people just don't get it and I think pratfall is one of those guys.
  9. I think that thanking a sponsor should boost the sponsoring companies hype SLIGHTLY. I'm not saying anything drastic. Asking for a title shot should split hype boost between company and fighter. Thanking fans should boost popularity. Hyping self would obviously take all the hype boost for themselves. And custom I guess could give half boost to fighter hype and half boost to fighter popularity. Just a thought. And also, why don't we put a price minimum on clothing? Say $25 min for t-shirts and $50 or $60 min for shorts. On top of that you could add a Max order amount per fighter. Say 10 or 20 orders per store per month. This would solve some of the laundering issues and keep people from boosting their hype from buying out all of their own clothing. Now these are off the top of my head and I'm sure there may be some flaws or ways around this, but it'd be a start in a good direction I think.
  10. I'm just gonna sit back and watch the show...
  11. You can't stay standing to strike if you can't wrestle and you can't utilize BJJ or gnp if you can't get the fight to the ground. You can be successful as a striker with a low level of BJJ making BJJ not the most important. And you can be successful with low striking, high wrestling and BJJ. That takes out striking as the most important. There's nothing in MMA you can specialize in and have low wrestling to be successful. That's my take.
  12. silvec88

    fight ratings

    I think a fights rating and what the fans want to see are 2 different things. If it said fan reaction maybe, but a fights rating should be different. It should bebased on the quality of the fight. And as a fan, I love seeing a good technical grappling fight if its high paced and active. Just because its a ground fight doesn't automatically make it not excited or not worthy of a good fight rating.
  13. silvec88


    There's been talk about clothing and supplements being taxed now so that people can't just launder money. There's also people talking about taxing gyms also, which is just a horrific idea from the game stand point. Realism in a game doesn't always add to it. In the case of taxes, it just takes it away. God I really hope that Mike doesn't implement these tax ideas.
  14. silvec88


    Does anyone else hate the idea of all these tax discussions that are suddenly popping up? I personally hate the idea. I hate taxes in real life, why would I want them in a game that I'd prefer to play for fun? And for all the people arguing about how much it will help the game with filtering money and what not, it's going to decrease the enjoyment for new players trying to get into the game who already don't have any money as it is. It's not the high up, rich managers it will affect. Maybe that's just me, but I think it's the worst thing that could happen to MMA Tycoon.
  15. I do love that idea. It's practical and adds something interesting to the game.
  16. What are your thoughts on this Mike? It seems like it would be a pretty easy change considering we'd just have to adopt the BJJ setup. I love the idea.
  17. I really do like this idea. This would be a great way to stop orgs from taking advantage of the system and would be a great way to keep orgs from closing because of not being able to afford starters contracts.
  18. I honestly think aptitude should mean more. I think as far as aptitude goes, it should set a cap on your skills. If you set your wrestling aptitude to max and your BJJ aptitude to 0 or minimum, I think Wrestling should be able to hit elite and your BJJ should maybe cap out at sensational or something like that. Maybe if you want a well rounded fighter and set all towards the middle or spread out your points across all areas, everything will cap at sensational or something like that. That would give a lot more depth to the aptitude and hopefully along with that idea the training speeds for what you set your aptitude towards would speed up. Give people a chance to progress up to that top tier level. Idk, just an idea.
  19. But would my failed clinching lose me more points than his 12 of 84 strike attempts? I went 28 for 56. You'd think with those numbers I would have won that fight easily.
  20. Idk, but I definitely feel cheated on that one. But I'm not by any means furious. Like you said, bad decisions happen on here just like in real life. I bet this is how Shogun felt after Shogun Machida I. Lol.
  21. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=344647 I'm SO confused on what happened here. The guy landed 12 strikes in 25 minutes. He seriously landed pretty much nothing and won. Did I lose points just because I tried to clinch? If so, that really doesn't seem all that fair. I just don't see how I lost this fight. Can anyone maybe fill me in on what I might have missed or am being partial to due to it being my fighter? Lol.
  22. So I know it's probably a bit much to ask but seeing these new changes has shown me how important those tickers and triggers are. I knew the basics but to the extent they would increase and what levels of skills would have what sizes of bars was impossible to judge until seeing it in action. I never would have taken that much from it by reading the wiki page. So I guess what I'm proposing is maybe the chance to open up those aptitude sliders for another day or two? Or maybe give the managers 1 aptitude change for each fighter. I know a lot of people will tell me that I should have read the wiki pages. Truth be told, I read all of them at least once through and most of them twice. I've read the page about fight tactics sliders probably 10 times and still have a hard time understanding. Point being, all of us with existing fighters had to guess what to make their aptitude using a wiki page that I wasn't completely competent on. I could have asked other managers, but at the time I thought I did understand the wiki page. I just think now that I know how they work and to what extent, I really could use one more chance to change my aptitude so that I don't have to scrap half or more of my fighters.
  23. Yeah, that's why I revised it a bit. I didn't mean to jump on that so hastily. Lol. Now, when you put it like that, it probably is too much power and I agree that people would abuse it and help their alliance members or own fighters. And I know about the retired list but I still think there should be two levels of inactivity. Maybe a yellow clock for 3 days inactive and a red clock for 14 days or 30 days inactive or something along those lines. Then once their inactivity hits red you could drop their fighter and get a portion of your signing bonus back. Does this sound like possibly a better option to you guys?
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