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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. Have a gym and looking for just 1 manager to help keep it up. I hire my coaches for my fighters, you hire coaches for your fighters. I pay for my coaches and you pay for yours and we split the difference to keep it up. Anyone interested pm me thanks. Happy tycooning.
  2. Okay I understand that but say your a stand up fighter with clinching skills and you set your slider to counter strike which you should. The next slider leaves me a bit confused on how to set it. So i guess if that's the scenario i should set it to counter clinch????
  3. Can someone please help explain this a little better.. I understand the counter strike vs counter grappling but with this slider being involved. Im a little confused to what it means as far as counter clinch meaning, counter the clinch or counter and then clinch.. Same goes for counter takedown.. Counter and go for a takedown or counter a takedown??????? . Duh. I feel like im having a big brain fart on this slider.. Please help..
  4. Just makes more sense to me because you just got one click to see it.. Also it would help eliminate messages from events your not that interested in.
  5. Just wondering why Organization owners and Managers never use the Event Discussions page for previews and or reviews and maybe even smacktalk for that event? It seems it would make it a lot more mobile friendly for me.
  6. Rebel Pride Clothing is always up to handing out great Sponsorship. http://mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=3026 PM me and I will give generously depending on fighter build and Record..
  7. Cant figur out how to upload an image??????? Just a link to image shows.. How do you guys do it?? lol..
  8. If you Read every article published in Tycoon Times and watch top fighters upcoming events.. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l527/qbblitzer05/1328061221fff.jpg
  9. Don't forget to read news in company profile.. check it out.. http://mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=3026
  10. It was a radio show just like any other but based on MMA Tycoon with tips on being a successful business owner regardless of type.. Also tips on creating fighters and how to train them to becoming a successful Manager talking about training tips, etc.. Fighter hype, Company Hype and of course round the world of Tycoon news..
  11. BTW. I had great topics issues for the show regarding Manager issues such as being dedicated to training fighters and being available and online to do so. ETC.. also regarding the competition.. and how to deal with it..
  12. Well I guess thats makes sense, lol.. We all have to make money somehow but what a good job those guys did.. Would love to see it continue.. I really enjoyed listing in.
  13. I'm not sure if many Managers ever took time to listen to the Tycoon Radio or not but what happened to it???? I have not been online from a regular PC very often lately but cant find new shows.. I have listened to all broadcasts and enjoyed them very much.. How can i find the radio show if it's still alive? BTW I also live in Columbus Ohio where it aired.. Hope it continues..
  14. Just a reminder to new managers or newly created fighters. Rebel Pride Clothing likes to sponsor decently built new fighters. If you need sponsorship to help out with training send me a message. I always most generally offer 3000 for 60 to 90 days on contract depending on fighter build. http://mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=56310 http://mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=3026 Happy Tycooning to all and Good Luck.
  15. Sorry Guys for the Repeats.. Haven't posted to much on the Forums.
  16. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l527/qbblitzer05/1325581426topic.jpg
  17. Just wanna say That i am over the 200 mark with Sponsoring Fighters. I always give 3000+ depending on fighters build. If you Need a sponsor I will surely Give. I have in the past been generous and gave bad fighter builds that much. Would like to see more Managers create Fighters with at least one strong skill set. If you need a Sponsor hit me up... Like i said many times before I loved to put money earned in the Game back in Newcomers Pockets otherwise its a waiste if i sat on it,LOL.. Rebel Pride Clothing is always there for new beginners or any Manager needing a sponsor.. We currently have a Massive $5 dollar Sale going on and it will last for at least a few days since i have reordered different designs that will be in, In 3 Days.. Pay me a visit and if your fighter needs money just ask.. Happy Tycooning and Good Luck.
  18. Check this out.. lol, I cant see how this happened so fast with my sliders being set the way i had them. Anyway Rocky has sensational, almost popped to elite on Defensive Grap. also he has a better stand up game competent in boxing and Respectable in Punches. I had my sliders set to 70% stand up because of the better stand up game. however Rocky shoots in straight off the bat and gets Submittted early. How did this happen with sensational Def Grap and setting my stand up slider to stay standing at 70%? MAYBE???? Aggression, i had it set to 90%.. Take a Look and tell me what you think. I would like to know how this happened.. Maybe my opponent was Elite status on submissions.. lol.. still i can't understand why he shoots for a takedown as soon as the bell rings. http://mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=403801 Would just like to hear some feedback on this.. Thx Guys.. Happy tycooning.
  19. That's how i found out that he has no aptitudes, I was checking my tickers out and there is no aptitude box for this fighter.
  20. I got this Fighter from the FA list. He has good primaries and even better secondaries also his physicals are great, but he has no aptitudes. Kind of wondering how that will effect his fights, fighting other fighters that have aptitude. Should i release him???????
  21. Maybe allowing Nutrition Companies to have at least 3 gym partners..
  22. Can anyone help me understand why some clothing company's or nutrition company pages do not load.. All i get is a blank page.. Maybe my web browser or something i need to do to fix the problem.. Any help on this matter is much appreciated.. Thx..
  23. Not enough Nutrition Companies for the amount of gyms to be a Nutrition Partner. Maybe allowing Nutrition companies to have 3 partners might help.. Anyone with a nutrition Company or knows where i can get a nutrition partner please let me Know.. http://mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=56310
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