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Everything posted by fbwellman

  1. Yeah you are right PBR if they are going to expand the checks or change the laws then they need to be more detailed, uniform, and clear
  2. Where are the guns coming from that the bad guys have? Oh thats right they are brought in illegally from pawn shops down south where it is incredibly easy to purchase firearms and then they are sold in Chicago, New York, Philly, Boston etc.
  3. Whats wrong with having extensive background checks that take a couple months? Like can't one wait a couple months to receive a weapon and it be absolutely clear if they are suited to have one? like why do you need a gun right this second? I'm not totally sure
  4. Just because one says #BlackLivesMatter does not mean other lives don't and they shouldn't make strides forward as well. Just because one says free the whales it don't mean don't free the dolphins and manatee's too! (kind of crummy analogy but I thought it was funny)
  5. Well... who's gunna drag Aldo out of the gym and flog him..... volunteers? Didn't think so hahaha
  6. Well the Oath Keepers, Praetorian Guard, and White Mountain Militia were... and Bundy is a notorious racist (which actually lost a lot of people to his cause)
  7. I don't think one person here has generalized all police as being racists have they? I think it was more geared to the difficulties they give black Americans and how that contributes to keeping black Americans down economically etc, and how when they do something wrong they are not held accountable (or when they are held accountable on the rarity, they serve very little time ala the Oscar Grant BART shooting). At least thats what I was going for
  8. Well the Bundy Ranch was a militia essentially too right?
  9. Boston police actually just busted one of the largest gangs in the Northeast and got a lot of guns and drugs off the streets which was nice
  10. Thanks for clarifying too PBR, I've held an AR during the safety course and it had a bunch of features on it never shot one though (only have been to the range a couple times- magnum, beretta, .22 rifle nothing crazy) If it is such a popular rifle for hunting now as you say it is maybe limiting the capacity (I'm sure has been done in many states), the FPS, increase time it takes to reload somehow mechanically etc.
  11. The right to bear arms though referred to muskets yes? Which could take down maybe a person every 2 minutes if you were quick and a good shot haha. And it was in a time where the U.S was a new nation and had literally been founded because of the Revolutionary War. People don't understand how history has changed and technology to where we are an established nation with weapons of mass destruction etc.
  12. For anyone besides the military (even for police) any type of gun that has automatic firing ability seems pretty pointless and dangerous, or ones that can take on large extended magazines and fire semi-auto. I mean how many rounds are you planning on firing at that deer in succession From what it seems from your very knowledgeable opinion on guns which I respect PBR, would you say that the AR-15 is quite easy/feasible to customize to all sorts of firing capabilities?
  13. I don't see whats wrong with reaching common ground- ban military grade weapons and just keep it simple with small caliber hunting weapons (rifles, shotguns etc) and for self-defense pistols with limited amounts of rounds in them What else can you do with an assault rifle besides go to the range and shoot it there? Why not just have the range have them available for rent only? I live in MA so the laws are pretty strict I've taken the safety course and got my LTC but don't own a gun, pretty limited to what you can own here anyways
  14. "most of which are brought out front to see" is where you are wrong, it comes out that cops are in the KKK and hate groups when they are in their 30's and 40's and 50's... most likely these guys have had these racist roots in them for a long time now, so every arrest they've made has been influenced when handling said hated races. What about all the cops that haven't been figured out yet though? And the fact that many of these guys have not nor will ever face discipline And to your point yes I am 100 percent about making change and would love to discuss it with all of you. I've gone to protests- not only to stand and chant but I make it a goal to talk to as many people there- protestors, leaders, cops, by standers etc. to gain opinions into a melting pot of ideas. I've signed petitions, talked to government officials. I'm always looking for more to do and love to talk about how the community as a whole can promote change for the better
  15. Trying to switch back on topic though Don't you ever think its crazy that in this country black parents now have to talk to their kids about how they are deemed as a bigger threat to police and they are more likely to face abuse in the face of the law, and just to do whatever they ask no matter how ridiculous it seems because they just want their kids to get home at the end of the day? it doesn't matter how "high class" of a citizen you are because many cops (not all but its not as small of a number that they believe and say it is) see darker skin and think that they are somehow more of a threat... and it doesn't go the other way! Cops don't see white guys and think "hey he is more of a threat than a black guy to me" it only happens the other way around. If it was happening to YOU then you would care, if the tables were flipped and this happened to white people don't you guys think you'd be a tad pissed off?
  16. When did anyone say it was a competition... just because you care about black lives doesn't mean you don't care about those other situations, and just because I don't post articles or stories or accounts on whites killed by police doesn't mean I don't care when they are, I don't know what I said that made it seem like that but that isn't true
  17. Kimbo obviously raw as hell/undeveloped as an MMA fighter but you can't deny his heavy street fighting hands, people love to hate but that dude has stones for fists
  18. JUST BECAUSE I THINK BLACK LIVES MATTER DOES NOT MEAN I THINK WHITE LIVES DO NOT. Am I talking to a brick wall here? Because I care about black americans that are killed by police DOES NOT mean I don't care about white americans getting killed by police. I am showing concern for a community people that have endured incredible hardships that the other community has not had to deal with as a greater entity And Clyde you act like America is so much different in 2015 than in the 1960's and so forth... A white supremacist just walked into a black church and killed 9 people, in a state that flies the confederate flag at its state house! This is that 2015 you are talking about! There is Muhammad drawing contests with hundreds of armed white individuals standing guard with assault rifles in this 2015! There are black men choked to death for selling untaxed cigarettes that beg for their life in this 2015! This is that same 2015 in America!
  19. What exactly determines how well your fighter controls on the ground? Like pause and control position etc
  20. I'll be backstage at Kid Rock I believe thursday this upcoming week!
  21. I work for the stagehand union over the summer so every concert (well the ones I choose to work) I'm backstage for it. I build and tear down the stage, do lighting, audio etc. I've met a couple dozen performers too Pete Wentz, Sheryl Crow, Young Jeezy, Dave Matthews to name a couple I'll take some videos backstage to show y'all I have a couple clips I'll throw up
  22. So high profile murderers are arrested and given a bulletproof vest but if you are black and in the hood you can be shot even if you don't have a weapon on you? Seems kind of ass-backwards
  23. http://madamenoire.com/458516/10-armed-white-men-die-police/4/ This article is actually a huge point- it shows for example 10 armed white men that were not shot by police (just 10 examples but there are many more) and it gives REAL examples of similar situations where black men were shot for similar things Open carry states- if you dare question a white person who is carrying an assault weapon it is a violation of their 2nd amendment rights! but black men carrying merely BB guns in open carry states are shot within several seconds! The Bundy Ranch- A large amount of pro gun anti-government supporters gathered at the Bundy Ranch with a plethora of assault weapons aimed at federal agents, not one person was shot (some were tased and arrested but most made off without serious charges) A similar situation was MOVE in Philadelphia in 1985- Police and a black liberation group had an armed standoff and police antagonized it by launching tear gas, a firefight ensued and eventually the police (not the FBI or military) BOMBED the compound There are so many examples man, STOP telling me whether or not you are shot by the police does not have to do with race, because it DOES
  24. Crazy how they just arrested yet ANOTHER white mass murderer today without shooting him though, but unarmed black males get popped all the time
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