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White Belt

White Belt (1/6)



  1. Fedor's best match up is Gegard imo who could REALLY use the push and get some support from the US audience but I do not see it happening since they train together and Vitor is a bigger name. Vitor just has not done enough lately to earn the opportunity to fight Fedor and he has a respectable challenge served with his current opponent. Either way Affliction is in some deep do-do.
  2. Haha, I want to beat the tycoon himself at UFC! Other than that I have a few games that I've been playing recently on the PS3, mainly Street Fighter and Resident Evil but there are a ton. Chances are if you have it I can play you at it at least once. PSN tag : EMZ998
  3. Actually thats not a bad idea, there should be some kind of way to break contracts if you are the manager. No idea if you can or can't.
  4. I cut them if I make them wrong the first time, nothing is worse than when you make a fighter and it ends up being something else by accident.
  5. No joke, I completely agree with what the others said. There is nothing like this available anywhere else online and as long as the engine evolves and the community does what it can to keep this afloat and having people keep cheaters in check its all motion in the ocean as they say. Awesome game Mr. Tycoon, awesome game.
  6. Just because this game likes to keep in touch with the realistic aspects of fighting I say there should be a city based in the Netherlands because of the abundance of great fighters its produced. But hey any new city is a good city in my eyes.
  7. The American dream was crushed but the spirit shines through, soon enough the U.S. soccer team will do good enough to validate a dramatic movie about it. In the meantime I'm going to stick to cheering for safe bet teams like Argentina.
  8. Bop Sapp is pretty much the greatest fighter ever right next to Akebono.
  9. The Kimbo promo is funny as all hell. Seeing him and the slow motion titty bounce along with the overall emphasis especially when compared to Rashad and Rampage is priceless. He may be the most marketable but he could still lose his first fight.
  10. 2 words peoples : Shaq Fu.
  11. EMZ998

    Friends List

    This site is pretty amazing and the game with its community is pretty overwhelming at times and while I know bookmarking is a VIP feature (which I mildly disagree with as opposed to the other features offered) I do think that for the basic users there should be a friends list available for us to access just to keep up with our peers, rivals, etc. It seems like something simple to implement and would keep from the tedious strain of using the search engine every individual time someone would want to see what's going on.
  12. EMZ998

    Moral Gain item

    Morale gain items is not a bad idea as long as they are percentage/time based and not get it all in one go. Morale affects the fights afterall.
  13. Actually a rematch offer would be a pretty awesome feature on this website.
  14. First post is no place for me to make any suggestions I know but I do agree with both of these suggestions. MMA Tycoon does have a pretty exciting engine after you look into it a bit and while entire point deductions would be unfair it would be pretty cool to see things like that added under wrestling Kimo Leopoldo style. Ref names is a small thing (would be cool) but the beauty of fighting is that sometimes unpredictable things can happen. Anyhow, this game is pretty awesome.
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