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Everything posted by Erik

  1. That's deeply unkind of you. I can't believe you would say such awful things about Sam Pound.
  2. Sure, if he can avoid Jacare long enough...
  3. So you cockheads got Mannetosen back from whatever hot spring he was hiding in tossing off men under a fake name?
  4. Collegiate wrestling is probably the most common, and that's enough degrees removed from freestyle that the transition is pretty difficult for some.
  5. Well, Jon Jones had a pretty good greco background at a junior level, a lot less guys coming into the sport from other sports than there used to be I think.
  6. Block a bunch of Rico's kicks and knees with your arms and eventually they're going to break. Really don't have a problem with the finish.
  7. Fastest ever rising of a suggestion on the list. 2nd highest rated. BUMPED!
  8. I think you're getting overall athleticism confused with speed. Even at his peak Hari had an underwhelming gas tank and could get bulled around a bit.
  9. Even in the unlikely event that was to actually happen (there are a number of steps between a Hillary presidency and Russian aircraft being shot down -- the actual declaration of a no fly zone for one, the Russians then being silly enough to put aircraft through it for two, and the US then shooting them down for three) based on responses past events what do you think Putin is going to do, the Turks shot a Russian jet out of the sky a year ago and nothing of consequence happened.
  10. Erik

    Five letters

    Human Unoriginality Hits Unique Highs W T F A P
  11. Mighty Mouse, Jones. It's an absolute crap shoot after that; Cruz has 3 fights in 5 fucking years, McGregor got smacked around by Diaz, and nobody else has more than a couple of title defences.
  12. Do you actually believe an open war with Russia was on the cards? If so, their propaganda is working well, Russia wants nothing to do with the US in a war (pretty much no chance of winning, and any hostility makes Europe hurry up their ending dependence on Russian natural gas which kills the Russian economy dead), from a US perspective there's no reason to care what relations you have with Russia as long as it isn't open hostility -- they don't have anything the US needs, they don't buy much the US makes, and they're not a plausible military threat.
  13. At risk of going conspiratorial on you; what better way for the establishment to ride out the anti-establishment wave than with Trump -- not to say Clinton wouldn't be preferred, but would Trump make many people in positions of wealth and influence especially unhappy? doubtful. A surge of identity politicking that has nothing to do with wealth -- so a perfect perpetual distraction between groups large enough to cancel each other out that goes absolutely nowhere. Lots of loud anti-establishment rhetoric, but minimal action -- the swamp isn't getting drained so much as the stagnant sewage filled water is being swapped for more of the same. Military spending is going to remain pretty much unchanged, so the US military will continue to be viable as a poorly compensated force used to protect business interests (even if they take a bit of a break from actually doing it).
  14. Holy fuck, a funny Rico post and a funny Karter post. This thread seems to have been hit by space radiation, or perhaps the infinite power of C'thulu.
  15. Late K-1 era was pretty mediocre too even if some fights were good, Aerts still being able to compete well beyond his prime was evidence enough of that IMO. Right now I think Glory is building pretty well; the best Kickboxing has been in 10+ years.
  16. K-Rad is like a shitty girl on tinder, teases you for a bit then fucks off into the night.
  17. Questions arise such as when is she going to beat the shit out of a panda.
  18. Hari is pretty much always technically capable of winning with his power, but he's got a tendency to gas out in big fights -- if nothing else Verhoeven will be fit enough to go the duration.
  19. Killswitch Engage. Not a fan of either, but YouTube seems to think I should like Five Finger Death Punch and keeps putting Wrong Side of Heaven in my suggested feed so they can get fucked. Chips or Wedges?
  20. Paranoia is irrational by definition. It's not irrational to think people who were cheating in one way and had the capacity to cheat in another may well have done it.
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