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Everything posted by Duratan

  1. Duratan

    Noob fund?

    here is the noob fund http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43121 here is where you can look for private jets http://mmatycoon.com/privatejetbookings.php here is the instaflight menu in case you can find a private jet http://mmatycoon.com/map.php#flights
  2. you can look for a starter gym, finding one is about where your fighters home base is, if it is in new york you can join wild boar's pig pen gym for $40 in game dollars, that is 10 less then cozad http://www.mmatycoon.com/gympublic.php?gmid=3120
  3. nvm, i got one, thanks
  4. Interviewer: OK folks this is a new segment were going to run on Tycoon Times our first episode, please welcome our guest fighter for today, with a record 2-0-0 Eric Cartman Eric Cartmen: The Not Fat Interviewer: what? EC: its in my name im Eric "The Not Fat" Cartman I: OK EC:and i dont care so much, its just you know my fans came up with that name, they were talking about how cool i was then one of them said i wasnt fat, and another said obviously not, but then a third fan said just to be certain it should be my nickname, and i was like come on seriously guys everyone knows that i shouldnt have to put that in my nickname, but my fans wanted it, and fighters should always listen to there fans so that why I: ok im here with Eric "The Not Fat" Cartman, are you ready for your first question EC: yes, yes I am I: How did you decide to become a fighter? EC: well when i was young they asked me what i wanted to do when i grow up and i said eat and play x-box, but it turns out those jobs dont pay enough so i thought i know, i like to make ppl cry, and i just decided then that as a job profession i want to be able to make ppl cry I: OK, who do you want to be like the most a submsion artest like Royce Gracie or a Striker like Bas Rutten EC: i dont know those ppl I: .... you dont know who Royce Gracie and Bas Rutten are? EC: no, and i dont care about them I: ... uhm ... ok then who do you most want to be like, who inspires you EC: this might sound kind of egotistical but id have to say myself, its only becuase like if you, if you could see me, i actually do really cool stuff and most people think im really cool, and uhm just everything about me is so cool that i just inspire myself, i just look up to myself and that raises me up and then i look up to myself again and raises me up even more I: ... ok, what your biggist fault EC:... my biggist fault ... my biggist fault, wow thats a tough one, ... uhm, lets see ... biggest fault ... i gues- ... i guess it would have to be that sometimes im so cool that it make other people feel bad. I: ok i guess that would count as a fault, what do you appreciate the most out about your team EC: umm i dont really appreciate them, and if you knew them then you would know why, and i guess, uhm ... no, i dont appreciate them, they all suck @ss I: well that all the time we have to today see you next time, thank you Eric "The Not Fat Cartman" EC: oh, thank you, its been delightful ***reference note this article was generated using this video as a guide,
  5. interview with eric cartman who is scheduled to fight in MKII round 3 Interviewer: OK folks this is a new segment were going to run on Tycoon Times our first episode, please welcome our guest fighter for today, with a record 2-0-0 Eric Cartman Eric Cartmen: The Not Fat Interviewer: what? EC: its in my name im Eric "The Not Fat" Cartman I: OK EC:and i dont care so much, its just you know my fans came up with that name, they were talking about how cool i was then one of them said i wasnt fat, and another said obviously not, but then a third fan said just to be certain it should be my nickname, and i was like come on seriously guys everyone knows that i shouldnt have to put that in my nickname, but my fans wanted it, and fighters should always listen to there fans so that why I: ok im here with Eric "The Not Fat" Cartman, are you ready for your first question EC: yes, yes I am I: How did you decide to become a fighter? EC: well when i was young they asked me what i wanted to do when i grow up and i said eat and play x-box, but it turns out those jobs dont pay enough so i thought i know, i like to make ppl cry, and i just decided then that as a job profession i want to be able to make ppl cry I: OK, who do you want to be like the most a submsion artest like Royce Gracie or a Striker like Bas Rutten EC: i dont know those ppl I: .... you dont know who Royce Gracie and Bas Rutten are? EC: no, and i dont care about them I: ... uhm ... ok then who do you most want to be like, who inspires you EC: this might sound kind of egotistical but id have to say myself, its only becuase like if you, if you could see me, i actually do really cool stuff and most people think im really cool, and uhm just everything about me is so cool that i just inspire myself, i just look up to myself and that raises me up and then i look up to myself again and raises me up even more I: ... ok, what your biggist fault EC:... my biggist fault ... my biggist fault, wow thats a tough one, ... uhm, lets see ... biggest fault ... i gues- ... i guess it would have to be that sometimes im so cool that it make other people feel bad. I: ok i guess that would count as a fault, what do you appreciate the most out about your team EC: umm i dont really appreciate them, and if you knew them then you would know why, and i guess, uhm ... no, i dont appreciate them, they all suck @ss I: well that all the time we have to today see you next time, thank you Eric "The Not Fat Cartman" EC: oh, thank you, its been delightful ***reference note this article was generated using this video as a guide,
  6. im not saying he has to, im just saying what i would do, if he gets away with it then he is just going to go to a different org and do the exact same thing, if on the other hand he losses 2 game yrs out of his fighter, then he might decide taking fair fights is better than losing out on two yrs worth of profit from your fighter, but thats just me
  7. this is your problem scooby, your too nice, i would have held him hostage until his contract expired
  8. You have posted a message with more emoticons than this community allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message
  9. why no training under 90%, shouldnt that be 85%, if its saturday and your at 89% would you rest, knowing you get two rest sessions on sunday?
  10. Bald spot in the back IPhone or android
  11. sometimes ppl decline because it was a lopsided bout against them and sometimes ppl decline because it isnt a lopsided bout for them, its one of the floyd mayweather syndromes floyd mayweather syndrome(s): could refer to two seperate syndromes Syndrome A: never taking a fight unless you know you can win ex. #1: flyod mayweather refuses to fight manny becuase there is a chance he will lose ex. #2: flyod mayweather refused to fight shane mosley until after he got old and his skills decline, so floyd was sure he could win Syndrome B: to talk sh!t then backing out after your called on it, the antithesis of ken shamrock syndrome ex. #1: flyod mayweather refused to fight sean sherk after claiming any boxer could beat any mma champ in mma ex. #2: flyod mayweather claimed that he could beat any mma fighter in one round of boxing then refused to fight miguel torres challenge of a mix fight tha had 3 boxing rounds, followed by 3 kickboxing rounds, followed by 3 mma rounds so that it would never get to the mma portion if he won in one round ken shamrock syndrome: to talk sh!t about a fighter who is clearly better and never back down, even after three beatdowns, AKA Guts for Brains Syndrome
  12. he is an idiot, he lost three consecutive fair fights to equal opponents due to not understanding weight and fight plan, and now he is being a sissy about it
  13. i left my old gym just now (it was a conditioning gym) so i could enter a sparring gym, i left today so i wont have to pay twice
  14. i know im outclassed in this fight, but i want to give my fighter the best chance to win, so please give me some training and game planning tips if you can my fighter http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=248444 my opponent http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=245056
  15. then i should probably watch what comes out of my mouth then, no wait thats not what i meant, what i meant was i need money and im desperate, wait no thats not what i meant... ok im going to choose my words carefully here, what i meant was that he is going and i am coming so i would like to fill the hole that he is leaving and that way no one feel lonely, there i worded that last one perfectly, lets see you make fun of that GB
  16. i have a great mentor, just wish i found this earlier, im not in my first month anymore (i think im in my third), so i dont qualify
  17. i guess i should say im glad your staying, rage quitting is a bad thing, but the thing is, i didnt know you and now im out four million that i never had, had i seen this today instead of yesterday i would have been happier for you since i never had a chance, but now im just confused about how i feel
  18. if you are leaving, i will take what ever your willing to give me
  19. i would like money so i can buy more VIP please edit: if you change you mind then disregard, i can understand almost rage quitting after running in to a streak of bad luck
  20. so its ok to spar two time if its PM then AM?
  21. to be clear, they said dont do the same training twice in a row, like dont do two generals circuit trainings in a row, or dont do two submision trainings twice in a row, i just said general circuit training because thats what im training mostly
  22. how does sparring currently work, is it based on the amount of ppl sparring and there combined star rating or the star rating of the top sparrer? someone told be i shouldnt do two general circiut trainings two times in a row, can someone explain to me why i shouldnt?
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