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ArtieBanks last won the day on July 9

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  1. It comes from when ID orgs first became a thing. Fighter creations were probably around 5-6 times the speed as the current time line. The reason people probably still don't use creation dates is because it took a bit more checking. I see now it has been introduced into the search bar which is a plus but you will still get certain managers who will only fight guys created after them.
  2. This makes quite a bit of sense if they do not wish to up the learning speed/keep it the same throughout a fighters career until peak potential. Rather than trying to code in more experience which could be difficult - perhaps just lower the amount of energy a fight takes? Half the current time or something. Can keep injuries the same but fighters would regain get back to training very quickly.
  3. Doubt that is an easy addition for something that can be user fixed very simply by training the skill once midway the first three months.
  4. I don't think anyone expects anything to be done 'at the blink of an eye'. Mike and Vlad have both said they aren't wanting to consider it - people are telling them differently. It isn't about speeding up the game, it is about speeding up how quickly your fighers become competitive. As far as making conditions for noobs to get on the same playing field? As in any game that takes time to learn and practice. The skill gap is already really small in a game that has RNG. There are a shit ton of guides on the forums if you look for them. You do an hours writing for an org and you could run a private gym right off the rip. This is a text and rng based game which currently takes about 12 months to get a fighter at a decent level to fight in an ID org and that is if you roll a really quick learner. You would basically pay $30 for a year to watch your fighters do nada. Sure you can fight them earlier then once that year comes around you get toasted because your boy is so far behind in the learning that he will never become useful. The game always has been flawed that way. Now with Vlad on board making chances and Mike doing some work we are trying to fix the flaws that we have basically tolerated for years.
  5. I am all for QFCs not effecting manager hype but for new managers it is legit the only way really outside of the Island which is seasonal to start climbing the ranks and pick up a FA or two. The positives of removing outweigh the negatives because it is currently just get a friend who owns an org and slap in a couple of your guys fighting each other so it does not affect your manager rank which is a bit cheesy. The skill points on creation is another good way of goiing about it. I'm really down for any idea that gets fighters out there quicker at this point.
  6. You have to have a bit of give and take regarding it. If no risks are taken then this game will just lose more of its current userbase - I'd hazard a guess that about 30% of its current VIP managers have checked out and just autobot on the off chance that the game can reclaim some of its former glory. The risk reward is that the money you lose on the learning speed hits will be absorbed by the number of new/returning managers to the game going VIP - plus you get your normal amount of cuts due to useless hiddens.
  7. I don't mind the speed of the game - 1 year = 12 weeks is fine. Part of this games charm is you don't have to log in daily unless you run an org. It is the learning speed which has to go up. The quicker the fighters learn the quicker you get to fighting and the more people remain engaged - rather than spending a full year waiting for them to become semi competent even when you roll a 6.5-7.5 learner. Now you can do this without actually altering your baseline on learning speed. Just keep the learning speed consistent until the fighter hits his potential drop off range. This is probably the best option for the guys who are left. It means those who like to fight early get to do so with less punishment for doing so and those who like to cook their fighters get them cooked a bit faster. I'd rather see the learning speeds go up but I can understand if that just would cause a headache with people who have just created fighters prior to the patch going live.
  8. It has been the fundamental change that the game has required since 2012/13, when everyones original crop of fighters decayed. You look at the userbase decrease from that time period and it was literally the thought of having to create new fighters. There were so many guys who all up and left after one crop of fighters. Some others were lucky that when a manager left for one reason or another that they inherited a new crop which kept them an extra year or two. Mike changed the speed of the game once before from 13 weeks to 12 weeks which had no adverse reaction to the core players. During that time there was a vote on training speed increases which 90% of the game thought it was required. Mentors summary that ' increasing game speed does not really do anything, other than make all the history obsolete.' is absolutely wild. It was done before and the games history was not made obsolete. When I came back I created my guys and basically logged on once a week to change the training for a full year before they were somewhat ready to fight competitively. I don't think anyone is advocating for an arcade version of tycoon where it is just plug and play. However fighting at the early levels is just not fun what so ever. It is literally all about the first couple of moves in a fight and it is over - the grappler vs striker is back in the 1990's. I know from talking with Rush how much of an absolute clusterfuck changing the learning speeds would be (the fact that every single fighter on the database would have to be changed one by one). However, without the learning speed change I honestly don't see many of the old timers coming back and after the game existing for 15+ years I think anyone that wanted to find this type of game has already found it by now.
  9. I'll pick up Rinat Fakhretdinov unranked - 10K Magomed Gadzhiyasulov unranked - 10K
  10. I'll take Sean Woodson - Unranked - 10k
  11. Well it ended up not mattering with the bonuses. Tsarukyan gave me a minor heart attack.
  12. It is what was referred to as tickers - Mike said he removed them but a lot of people think he just hid the page to stop people bitching about it. It was the amount of time a skill could go untrained before it would start to depop. This was paused when a fight took place or if you were flying etc. You could actually see how long you had to train a certain skill before it would degrade in the form of a graph. There was a glitch that you could fly your fighter all over the place and it would stop tickers for x amount of days depending on the flights which allowed people to spam train their projects for the first few years of creation without any depops. The faster learning speed is not what you are saying it is though. You hit your cap quicker yes but the depops are because your boy still learns at a decent pace and has hit the skill cap. Training something like clinchwork trains knees and elbows for example. If you were at the skillcap then those extra points on knees and elbows go up and something else will go down due to the cap. I had the problem with Roman who would go up and down skills from 26 onwards but always remain at the same skill cap. His skill cap did not start to decline until he was 33.
  13. The game has been on its knees for quite a while now and if I was to guess about 120 managers are about all that is active now a days with around 100-200 'cousins/brothers' floating about who account for the VIP members, the rest are casuals who log in once every couple of days/weeks. That line in bold however is what will make Mike spring into action. If he is losing money due to people generating their own VIP the problem is usually fixed rather quickly - same with game cash to a certain extent.
  14. I'll take Caolan Loughran unranked - 10k Julio Arce unranked - 10k
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