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Everything posted by pjrfin

  1. I've never sacked a fighter because of low IQ. But I also don't test it until I'm pretty sure I have a keeper any way. There are so many reasons to sack a prospect, and only a few reasons to keep them. If you get other good hiddens, low IQ can be worked with. Like you said, winning IQ tests is rare. Not super duper rare, but still rare enough that you shouldn't spend them on just any fighter. And you can get some random tests sent to you through mail.
  2. The game IQ test score range is (roughly) between 80-150. I've never seen or heard anyone score below 80. So that would make the average 115 (and half).
  3. Season 10 ending 2021-07-15, says the highstreet page.
  4. The location "teleporting" was originally a bug, that wasn't fixed in due time. Once the bug became well known and got "exploited" by everyone, it became obvious for everyone that the game is better without flying to locations. Setting up the flights was tedious busy work that nobody liked. And if you forgot to do it, you were almost sure to lose that fight. And even though rich veteran managers who owned a private jets had a slight advantage over those who didn't, they gladly traded away that advantage for not having to setup the flights anymore.
  5. One might need to do a no cost gym change on the Island, where money is pretty tight in the early part of the season.
  6. Thursday PM session is at about 8:30 PM GMT. Leave the gym after it, check the assistant page to see that the session is actually done. The day rolls over to friday at about midnight GMT. You can check the finances pages fighter finances breakdown of your other fighters, to see if they've paid. Friday AM session is at 8:30 AM GMT. Join the new gym before, so you don't miss a session.
  7. You can leave after thursday PM session, and join the new gym after midnight GMT rollover, before the friday AM session. So it can be done, but you need to be aware of the deadlines.
  8. Yes, but as you can see in this very thread, there are always more buyers than sellers. It can be difficult to find someone to do your laundry.
  9. The nice guys 7/10 Buddy cop comedy set in the 70's LA. Great performance by the main cast and the 70's setting push this one to above average.
  10. It's way of moving money from fighters account to manager account. Manager A has a clothing or nutrition company that offers to sell laundry. Manager B buys those products for their fighters. Manager A then takes his agreed upon cut from the total sell amount, and sends the rest to Manager B. It's usually best for both parties that the buyer sends a private message to the company owner and asks if they can buy, before buying.
  11. Well, I had to google his name, so that's how well known he is here. I've seen him get some press, but if he starts winning tournaments or makes a deep run in a major, he'll blow up. Jarkko Nieminen was a big star here during his career, and he only won a couple of tournaments, IIRC. Check your messages, I sent you a suggestion.
  12. How is it that Jamaica Jones knows to only fight against Frito Lei ? ?️‍♂️
  13. That's a nice chin, heart, ko power combo.
  14. I heard about it about a year ago, when someone linked me this video. This guy who made this video, Jon Bois, is a genius. I highly recommend watching the entre Pretty Good series, and then head over to SB Nation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDRmGMSgrtZkOsh_NQl4_xw and watch everything else he's done. I absolutely loved the Dorktown history of Seattle Mariners, and I don't like or even give a f about baseball.
  15. I've never seen that one before. Thank you both for posting it.
  16. Balls of stone was rejected, Leonardo accepted. I'll send you 20k.
  17. I'll pay 20k per piece for Balls of Stone and Leonard Da Vincible. Payment upon approval.
  18. I don't really care if the avatars are easy or difficult to make. I haven't even looked into making my own, PS and GIMP scare me. I've bought from Skenoj and JB90 and others too. I probably need to cool it for a while, since this buy puts me over a million spent on avatars in under a month.
  19. #18 (Don't Talk About Fight Club) #23 (Breaking Bad) #25 (GOT 2) I'll take these three. 400k upon approval. I like how Jon Snow looks more like Brian Ortega than Kit Harington. And Mike looks a bit like Josh Brolin.
  20. Shiny bald guy accepted. 10k sent.
  21. It got rejected. I already sent you the money, so 20k discount on this one ? Pay on approval.
  22. Approved, and money sent.
  23. I'll buy Boxer and Tony.
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