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  1. But I can't understand why a fighters moral would drop after winning. That doesn't make sense. And the clothing factor I can get, but does clothing really impact a fighter's moral right to the point of where it's almost zero? That's stupid if this were to be the case..
  2. My fighter, Markus Caesar [ 31052 ], has a record of 3-0-1 and just signed a new 3-fight deal with Canadian Killzone. He's had three very decisive submission victories, none of which have made it out of the first round. His latest victory came on Nov. 20. This is great and all, however, his moral has dropped to virtually nothing. Why is this? He could train in a better gym, but still that shouldn't impact his moral to the point where he has none left. What's going on here?
  3. I couldn't agree more with this quote. Though Round 2 could have gone Shogun's way. It's either a weak 4-1 decision, or a strong 3-2 decision for Shogun in my mind..
  4. Well... When Anthony Johnson knock's out Koscheck within five minutes, perhaps he should just get added to the 107 card against Fitch..
  5. I find it funny for so many people to jump on Rogan after this fight, however no one seemed to utter any complaint after his extremely high praise of Machida after he beat Rashad. Actually, come to think of it, all the Machida nut-huggers repeated Rogan's words of "The Machida era is here!" over and over and over again to make him into something he's not. Suddenly Machida isn't the Terminator people thought he was (and isn't) and it's Rogan's fault? Please, most of Machida's shots, Shogun blocked effectively. Sure the commentary was a little one-sided, but so was the fight. Commentary is there to provide insight to the fight and to let the viewers know what's going on. If 95% of the people who watched the fight - fans, fighters, celebrities, and even Fightmetric - came to the same conclusion that Shogun won pretty convincingly, then why wouldn't the commentary be a little one-sided? How would it be fair not to praise Shogun for how he came out against Machida? Sure Machida could have had a little commentary go his way, but at the end of the day his strikes were not simply connecting like Shogun's were. Rogan knew this and called it as he saw it. There's never been a huge problem involving Rogan before, so why have people started now? I guess people just like looking for some sort of scape goat. I guess it's easier for them to blame someone else for the way they saw something, than blame themselves, just say they aren't wrong..
  6. Fair enough. It's just hard enough to make money as is sometimes, but I see your point.
  7. Yeah, but, Mike, can I get an answer as to why you won't allow more than one bet on one fight? As I previously stated, it isn't illegal anywhere to do so, and the smart managers that actually know what they're doing should be allowed to do it to give them a slight advantage. Managers that take the time to evaluate fighters and look for the smart bets should have that to their favour at least. As long as you're not betting with the same Bookie (which wouldn't make much sense) then I don't see it as a big issue, in my opinion. Plus I have another question.. How the hell are there still Bookies around that are in deep redline when it comes to available funds? For instance, Crazy Bets in Las Vegas ( http://www.mmatycoon.com/bookmakerpublic.php?bid=34 ) has available funds at apparently -487,435.85. How is this logical? or even fair? How can someone keep a company going in the red, if they can't even pay out their bets!? It's bookies like these that ruin the game. Less bookies, the ones that are actually successful should have less of a saturated market to compete in because they actually know what they're doing. But that's just my opinion.
  8. Russian Mob Bookies, in St. Pete's, had him at a plus. Looking at it now it seems they've changed that to a -488.
  9. Exactly. This is why I cannot understand why I can't bet more than once. The bookies should know what they're getting themselves into. Clearly they do not when one bookie is offering Machida at +257 or something very close to that. Now the fight between Machida and Shogun is going to be very good in my mind and Machida should not be a -500 underdog (as most professional bookmaker sites have him at) in my opinion, but still... He's the favourite, how the hell can you justify having the moneyline a plus for him then? As a bettor I should be able to exploit that, and at the same time be allowed to cover my bets in that fashion, and with other ways as well. If I'm smart enough to know how to bet, then I should be allowed to do so.
  10. As I'm sure everyone on this website already knows, UFC 104 takes place this weekend. The next best thing to betting our real hard earned cash is betting it in simulated cash on here. I think the addition of Bookmakers on this website helps keep things interesting. However I've noted a major flaw while trying to bet on the 104 main event. With many bookmakers available, it gives me the option to look for bets in different places. Any one who looks around through the bookmakers from some Highstreets can find that there's huge value in certain places (between Shogun and Machida). One place, without naming names, is giving me a huge return for taking Shogun. However, I want to cover this bet by taking Machida from another bookmaker (in another Highstreet, mind you) that is also giving a huge return if he wins. The problem is - it won't allow me to bet on the same fight from multiple places. Why is this? In the real world it's common for bettors (and bookies) to go out and cover their bets. It isn't illegal to do so, so why can't I do the same on here? It's only fair for a dedicated manager who knows how the betting process actually works to get a slight advantage in these certain situation. It's not a manager's fault if other manager's don't know how to bet properly, or book owners don't know how to adjust odds. So I'm interested in knowing why this is the case..
  11. So it was just an error in the system then? Thanks Mike!
  12. I'm not a big trophy whore so I don't really care, However my fighter http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=31958 is 3-0. I've seen many guys in the game that have received trophies for 3-fight win streaks. So my question is: how do my fighters obtain these trophies? Are they ultimately assigned to them after a few days? or is there some other kind of process that assigns trophies?
  13. And Hendo would knock him out. So no, it wouldn't be good..
  14. This is why listening to Kevin Iole should be taken with a grain of salt.
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