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Everything posted by KRad

  1. It can't all be internet tough guy and wife/mum jokes. Unfortunately.
  2. ^^^ Agree with that. People focus on the athleticism but he's a big guy still - only an inch shorter than Brock Lesnar.
  3. With David taking a census, against God's orders (Exodus 30:12) and David begging God for forgiveness of his guilt (Samuel 24:10) then God giving David a choice of 3 punishments (Samuel 24:17) - the 3rd of which was chosen, a 3 year plague killing 70,000 of his people across the region. So, assuming this fight does take place, don't come back and poll the forums as (Samuel 24:9) suggests that at this time there were 800,000 Israeli men alive - that means 8.75% of them died in that plague. Those aren't good odds for any of us here.
  4. You can buy VIP That's one of the value propositions.
  5. As much as Karter kills it at this game, he is still a wee pasty ginger, it'd be embarrassing if someone's wife couldn't kick his arse in real life - but this isn't real life, everyone is a fucking viking warrior here!
  6. It wouldn't be polite to pick on the intellectually handicapped.
  7. Two forum posts to refute the single proposition that you're not as 'lazy' or 'half assed' as you claim is also indicative of someone who isn't as lazy or half-assed as they claim. You seem to take suggestions that you're not a useless halfwit pretty personally - is this a subculture thing that I don't fully grasp?
  8. I have made 6 fighters - 2 for each org. Let the shenanigans commence.
  9. The amount of effort you've gone (go?) into letting everyone know how terrific you are sort of belies the 'half asses' and 'lazy' part of your claim.
  10. Missed a great opportunity for murder-suicide.
  11. Aw you guys are so sweet. I have seen a lot of negativity/bitching/whinging in the forums in the week or two I've been back. Unsure if it was like this previously, but it is pretty noticeable. There's plenty of stuff to rage against, but, there's plenty of stuff we can do to help other managers/improve the game and community too that's more productive than the whining so we should focus on that stuff I reckon - but that's just my opinion.
  12. http://0.tqn.com/d/weirdnews/1/S/x/T/-/-/worlds-smallest-violin.jpg
  13. Apologies, the schooling in my country leaves a lot to be desired. The inference in the word 'for' was that of receipt of payment for services rendered, as opposed to payment of fees for services received. However, your prioritisation and fiscal responsibility is to be applauded.
  14. I am keeping it simple for beginners. When you guys level up, let me know and I'll substitute a new #5: "Get money for fucking women".
  15. Heaps of whinging in here about lack of organisation. How about we do something to remedy this? Everyone who has said this thing is disorganised or otherwise not up to scratch, write a numbered, prioritised list of what you would be doing to fix it. Then itakebrides has constructrive feedback with which to either improve the tournament or, alternatively, dismiss if you're just being a whining little bitch. Sound fair and productive? My suggestion for now, itakebrides, would be: 1. Clarify each Captain - it should be an existing fighter in the team if the team is full and, if not, cold-call the 10 top managers in each related zone/country and invite them to the tournament and captaincy if they would like it - and to simply join the tournament otherwise if there is space for them; 2. Once Captains are clarified, confirm the teams under each Captain. Likely this will be sorted after #1, above; 3. Once teams are sorted, ideally with 1-2 substitutes for each region, specify the key dates. No point having dates without competitors. Make sure you clarify the dates that fighters must be free/created for and when contracts and fight offers will be issued and the timings between fights; 4. Specify how matchups will be made, brackets, etc; 5. Get money, fuck bitches.
  16. There was little discussion about cherry picking - as everyone knows that is a douche move - and plenty of discussion about how he refused to listen to someone else's advice. Some random yahoo who is PM'ing him out of nowhere, telling him he knows better and that he should be followed. Maybe it was the curlers that decided him not to take the advice? Everyone know's a serious business lady has either a bob or a low pony-tail. Exhibit A: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gA8_l713BlI/TSZUdZBch8I/AAAAAAAAMtQ/HKYDtR7WKTg/s1600/ponytail.png
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