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  1. Ant713

    VIP Noob

    Hi Everyone, I have played this game for years and finally became a VIP for the first time. Looking for tips on how to best train fighters, make money, alliances, mentors and any other VIP tips you can help with. Thanks?
  2. Canceled topic
  3. After many years out the game, I've returned, won some VIP on the spin machine.. and now opened a much needed clothing store in London. Only store selling shorts in the city. Check it out and give us some love: https://www.mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=5949 Prices starting at $100 for now. Looking for an org partner, and maybe some sponsors as we grow.
  4. Just starting up and looking to get3 months VIP. dont get paid for another week so wondering if someone would be willing to sell me 3 months for a lower then usual price? Thanks!
  5. I'm looking get some of my fighters into a private gym where I can have 1:1 training. If anyone with VIP has a free company slot, I'm willing to fund 100% of the gym's weekly costs after 1k/gym dues per fighter and you can have half of the coaches to yourself. I've also seen some threads where people are renting out coaches at their private gyms before. In case, I can't find a gym partner I'd be interested in this as a backup plan. If you are interested, PM me in game. Cheers
  6. I can't seem to find where I can turn my WOC credits in for VIP days. It says that I currently have enough credits to get 30 days VIP. When I click on the link in the WOC intro where it says "To claim your VIP time click here", it takes me to an overview of all the VIP time I have earned, and it also says that I have 30 remaining claimable days. But I simply can't seem to find any button where I can cash in my credits for VIP time. Could someone please explain to me where exactly I need to click?
  7. I'm new but I invest in what I like and fortunately I like this, which is why I became a VIP. I've played almost every tycoon game available at some point but offline tycoon games have a beginning and an ending and it's over. In this online world there is no ending so mma tycoon I've officially sunk my teeth in as my new past time. New Alliance looking for 10 managers to build an alliance from the bottom to the top. If you can and will be around and active I would like to offer you 1 of the 10 spots at the table of board of directors. I have it all planned out and will explain it once all 10 members are on board. Req: *Initially must be a VIP *Must be able to communicate in english *Be active (twice a week minimum) - Once a week probably Sat or Sun we will discuss alliance business *Be business savvy in game (know how to add 2+2) *Be loyal to Alliance *Always be learning [other requirements are for board of directors talk only] Promises: *If you remain active, every 3 months you will earn a 3 month VIP bonus (I'll cut back on the starbucks lol) *Businesses for everyone (Gyms, Nutrition or Clothing) with a couple dollars seed money [other promises are for board of directors talk only] I just want to have fun... TEAMWORK will make a dream work! Let's build something else that's great - MESSAGE ME
  8. Hey everybody, I need a loan of about 200k to exchange for VIP Time. I run an org, so most of my finances go to that, so I was hoping I could get a loan. Please PM me or answer in the thread. Thanks in advance!
  9. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14046526106802.jpg James "Sully" McGuiness (237725) Ok everyone!!! The moment we have all been waiting for!!! The rumours you have heard are true! With the success of the Junior Grand Master of KT Tournament, the people have asked for it and now the time is here!!! I am proud to announce the Junior Grand Master of KT 2!! Last time we ran this, 32 young superstars signed up for the chance to make a name for themselves as the new generation of KT stars fought for the right to be the first Junior Grand Master of KT. Now with the KT Revolution going strong, we will keep the momentum going as more young stars will get the chance to make a name for themselves! Now another 32 men will be given the opportunity to test themselves as they fight their way to the top. Do you have what it takes?? This time, we will split into 2 divisions with 16 fighters each. One division will be the exciting Heavyweight division. In the original poll thread, you were given the choice between Lightweight and Middleweight to accompany the HW division. The people have chosen Middleweight so it will be: Heavyweight and Middleweight. Signups will begin now!
  10. Hey guys, please bear in mind this is my first time hosting a tournament, so while i think i have given as much info as possible, if i have forgotten anything i may add/delete things as needed. Cheers! -Joe Lang http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14046526106802.jpg James "Sully" McGuiness (237725) Hello everyone! I'm James "Sully" McGuiness, owner of Sully's Bar & Grill, part time MMA fighter and recently a KT vet! And as a KT vet, I am proud to announce: The EFFA Featherweight Junior Grand Master of KT Tournament! What is this tournament? Well, KT is a dying breed and we have been working behind the scenes to hopefully rebuild the KT division and add some depth. As our older KT fighters retire and fade away, we need to rebuild with a new generation. And what better way to do it than to hold a tournament! We hope to encourage young fighters to sign up to KT and hopefully we can build a division around them. I am happy to announce that we have had lots of interest in this, so hopefully we can get this tournament going. Rules of the tournament: Fighters must be 18 years old (creation date Sunday 9th August, 2015! DO NOT create a fighter before this!!) Fights will take place in EFFA so you must make it to Amsterdam for your fights! Starting contracts will be 5 fights at $4000/$3000/$3000 Fights will be 5x3 minute rounds (The Final will be 5x5min rounds) Fights will be 10 point must system Fighters will have 4 weeks to train after creation date. First round is Sunday 6th September 2015, then it is 3 weeks between fights Fighters MUST make the 145 limit on fight day Testing of fighters IS allowed. However, being a KT tournament you run the risk of drawing a grappler in a Quick Fight and losing by sub. If you choose to sack your guy you can still replace him up until the start of the tournament, but note you will be at a disadvantage because your guy will be created later. Knockout Tournament, so once you lose you are out of the tourney * In the event of a draw, a panel will be chosen to choose a winner (with the loser getting a rematch down the line) Fights MUST be accepted. This is a tournament! No reason to decline a fight in a tournament. Declining a fight will result in forfeit, resulting with an alternate replacing you. While not compulsory, smack talk is encouraged! But remember this is meant to be FUN so talk smack, be arrogant. But keep it IN CHARACTER and don't make/take it personal. Also not compulsory, but visit MMA Hype for the official tournament gear! All proceeds go to the prize pool! Get in there!!!! Draw will be random, will ask someone to make the draw (That's all i can think of at the moment but will add more if i feel the need to) * Now while this is an elimination tournament, I encourage you all to stick around even if you lose in the first round. Who knows? With the right training you might be able to bounce back to avenge your loss! The aim of this tournament is to build a division! Who knows, with inactives you may even get a recall!! PRIZES! What we are all waiting for. Now compared to other tournaments, this isn't a big prize pool. But I have had a lot of people offering donations as prizes. So keep your eyes peeled here as there is sure to be more added as the tournament grows. 1st Prize: 3 months VIP (Or free fighter slot) + $500k ($500k Thanks to Mr J) 2nd Prize: $250k (Thanks to Rocket Sausage) 3rd Prize: $100k $50k for KO of the Tourney and $50k each to Fight of the Tourney (Thanks to Bjorn) $50k to the fastest Head Kick (T)KO (Thanks to Goon) $100k Fight Comeback of the Season (Judged and kindly donated by wolf) Plus keep your eyes open for other prizes that will pop up from now until the start of the competition! I am excited!!
  11. Hey guys, how we all doing?? Now while i am not the best manager out there, i log in every day and i enjoy most aspects of this game. One of those is KT, which sadly is a dying part of the game. There have been lots of attempts to breathe new life into the KT division. Many have tried, and it is such a shame that KT is not as big as it could be. I love playing the KT aspect of the game, but it is a shame there is only one KT org worth fighting for. But with the skill gap, there is nowhere for younger KT guys to gain experience before stepping up to EFFA. So while i can't run an org anymore, i think i will do the next best thing. I been thinking and wanted to see if there was interest in a KT creation tournament to hopefully re-spark interest in KT. While i haven't set anything in stone, tentative plans are for it to be 16 (or 32) man knockout tournament with the losers hopefully sticking around to build a new division. If it all goes well i might repeat it for a new division and hopefully we can keep building on KT. I am not rich in game, so i can't offer big cash prizes. But i am willing to make 1st prize 3 months VIP for the winner? I really want KT to take off again because it adds something different to the game. If i get interest in this i will start to properly plan it. Spread the word and hopefully i can gather enough interest to at least start making arrangements!!!! EDIT: It's all official now! Come see this thread!!!!
  12. Sorry if I open the topic in a wrong place but didn't know where exactly to put it. Basically I am looking for a vip member who doesn't have a company and wants to have one. What I can offer is a clothing business. I will design the t-shirts and shorts based on your liking and I still got some complete outfits. My charge will be 20% of the sell/ month. Like say you will sell it for 50$, I will take 10$ out of it and you will have 40$ - production cost, around 34-35$. I think this is fair. I am looking for a trustfully member because I am going on trust. Example of my work: http://s24.postimg.org/pbf7727mp/image.png http://s2.postimg.org/o4sr80c1h/image.png http://s21.postimg.org/lasr57zdf/image.png http://s24.postimg.org/fr4rbnx29/image.png http://s30.postimg.org/9lbogumxp/image.png http://s8.postimg.org/o4drl6jvl/image.png http://s3.postimg.org/gy9rml1tr/image.jpg http://s16.postimg.org/vr95amxwh/3_1.png http://s23.postimg.org/gcnnwywef/image.jpg http://s14.postimg.org/e15eaby25/image.png If your interested pm me: catako
  13. Plain and simple, i need 2-3 slots in a HILO private gym. I will buy 3 months VIP for some permanent slots (invite my whole roster but i will only have the allotted amount in your gym at any given time
  14. I'm trying to build some cash for a new fight org, i'm gonna sell 1 year of VIP for $1,000,000 in-game cash. pm me in-game, first come first serve.
  15. Hello, quick question. I created a fighter to enter the QFC non-VIP tourney (VIP reward). I played some spin and win and won a VIP myself. If by any chance I win the QFC tourney, do I still get extended VIP? Thanks
  16. I am sorry for the double topic, but i think i made a mistake last time with the topic title and cant seem to change it. Hi i am looking for a partner who wants to open an quality public gym in amsterdam. the last week some good public gym went private and i think Amsterdam needs more quality for the public. I cant open another company, so i am looking for someone who can still open one. there is allready a great fitness gym in Titan Gym and a great ground gym in Mano`s Elite BJJ Gym so in wanna open a gym that is more focused on stand-up, I know co-own a public gym is not so appealing, but anyone whos interested please leave a post. And then we will discuss all the details and the concept. tho i prefer to open a public gym for the community, i am also not opposed to wanna open a private gym. so please contact me.
  17. Or if you dont want to say a range Lets see who the biggest supporters are! i have 1700+ or almost 5 years worth.
  18. THE FNPFC proudly presents it's FIRST EVER tournament: http://i.imgur.com/H0nMHHT.jpg The tournament will consist of three parts: A: 32 fighter knockout fase until 8 fighters are left (2 fights) B: 2 groups of 4 fighters battling eachother (3 fights) C: Cross semi finals, final and 3nr and 4th place (2 fights) Edit: A fighter can be max 19 years old Prizes: Winner: 3 months VIP, a Title Belt and a 12k-12k-12k-3 fight contract (Vip will be sent after signing the contract) Runner up: 100k to their managers account and a 10k-10k-10k contract Third place winner: 75k to their managers account and a 8k-8k-8k contract Fourth place: 50k to their manager account Lots of 10k prizes for: fastest sub, fastest ko, most punches, most kicks, highest number of accumulated decision points, etc.. Contracts: All players will receive a 3k-3k-3k contract for 5 fights and as a bonus the The 8 fighters that move on to the group phase receive a 4k/4k/4k 5 fight contract The semi finalists receive a 5k/5k/5k 5 fight contract The Fights: The fights will take place in a cage 3x3 minutes knockout fase, 5x3 minutes group phase and 5x5 minutes (semi) finals. The fights take place every two/ three weeks in Tokyo starting February 14th&215th. Sponsors: Please contact me if you would like to sponsor this event Participants: ScoobyJR (236147) Signed Butch Harris (231163) Signed James Listerman (236088) Signed Micky Hart (232234) Signed Rory Daly (232150) Signed Team of Purpose (235088) Signed Hardcore Legend (232337) Signed Sami Assasi (234839) Signed Ragnar Lodbrock (235191) Signed Kawasaki Ramen-Blitz (236097) Signed Jonah King (230080) Signed Chris Meat (236081) Signed Joe Lang (233260) Signed Scott Ford (236167) Signed Aaron ThaiGuy (238101) Signed Omicron PerseiEight (235674) Signed Federico Manta (236128) Signed Castor Rollins (231364) Signed Gage love (230886) Signed Seppo Koskinen (236214) Signed Skap Omdahl (233653) Signed \"Krimzn\" Guns McKenzie (233506) Signed Kevin Wibowo (236285) Signed Craig Brophy (236764) Signed Frank King (236132) Signed Tony Rossi (236679) Signed Miguel Hopkins (234767) Signed Kawajee Ree (236671) Signed Low Key (236724) Signed Florian Boss (236665) Signed Erik Saulnier (232179) Signed Danny Boy (233219) Signed Reserve1: Floris Maljers (233136) Signed Please feel free to contact me in case you need any information: http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=92797 and here's the link to the Club: http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgpublic.php?oid=4033
  19. Steel Penn ICON - http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgpublic.php?oid=2905 Winning a title in a top level org in this game is hard but to be a real champion some say you need to defend your belt. Well, if you defend your belt twice in my org I will buy you 3 months VIP for reaching this goal and being a true champion. I will do this for all weight classes in my Steel Penn ICON org in Hilo. To be clear, win a title in my org then defend your belt twice giving you 3 wins as our champions and you will receive 3 months VIP for free. Every 3rd win as a champ there after my champs will receive 3 months VIP free. Starting Today. Contact Rodrigo for all contracts.
  20. My fighter Romulus Remus http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=233705 just won the VIP QFC Tournament but I haven't had any VIP time credited to my account. There were some technical difficulties with the tourney earlier, a delay of a day and Mike had to do some sort of fix to get it back on track so I suspect this has something to do with it. Also, on my fighters page it lists his fights as such: Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time W Jake Gracie TKO (Strikes) QFC Tournament 299 Round 3 2013-11-30 205 1 01:41 view W Avro Lancaster TKO (Strikes) QFC Tournament 299 Round 2 2013-11-29 205 2 02:39 view W Rafael Orange TKO (Cut) QFC Tournament 299 Round 2 2013-11-28 205 2 02:28 view W Henshaw Farmon TKO (Cut) QFC Tournament 299 Round 1 2013-11-26 205 1 02:20 view As you can see the game thinks there were two round twos and no round 4 even though you can see from the tournament bracket this is not the case. I don't really care about that I just thought it might help find the problem. I would just like to get my VIP time. Thank you.
  21. Does anyone know if I initiate my free 14 days VIP whilst still having 30 odd days left on my current VIP does it add on as extra days??
  22. is donating for vip worth it , i was thinking about donating for 1 year of vip ( $30 ) could someone give me some advice as to if this is really worth it and if so what are the best benefits i would be very greatful and thankyou for reading .
  23. I'm giving out 100k to ANY new VIP manager (90K+ Manager ID) that posts in this thread. If you're a new manger and trying to decide if it's worth it to get VIP...IT'S WORTH IT. It adds so much functionality and makes the game much more enjoyable! As an added incentive to anyone that supports the game by buying VIP, I will send you 100k to help you get started
  24. How long does it take for extra fighter slots to show up when you buy them?
  25. Guest

    Help me out!

    Hello everyone I just started a company and was wondering if yall could stop by and check it out. Nutrition Your Way! (3887) also if you want some services let me know so we can help each other out. My current product quality is 157 may not be the best but I just started and with more help I can research more. Thank guys!!
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