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Losing Weight


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Here's a picture of me, I don't really look 300+ lbs. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac325/tapout189/me1.jpg

In fact, I won a prize this weekend @ Busch Gardens because the guy thought I was only 235.


Why all the hate towards diet soda? I've looked up a lot of stuff on the internet, and haven't seen any research that says they are bad for you if they are sugar free, with the exception that they make you crave other sweet things. I substitute them for sweet snacks, so it has to be better to drink a diet Mountain Dew than eat something sweet.


My only gripe with diet soda is that you're filling up on something completely void of nutrients. Whether or not sodium benzoate or aspartame or whatever will give you brain damage....I dunno. Probably not, but water is always a safe bet...assuming you live in a decent area. :)

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lots of bad press on aspartame out there. some people say brain cancer, that its actually addictive, and it MAKES you fat. ill find the link, my wife found it somewhere. Its not the best but the lo carb diet can work. no bread,pasta or potatoes. Have 2 steaks and huge salad, cheeseburgers with mayo but no bun, with big salad with cheese, bacon. I dropped 50 lbs on it but its 5 years ago, and its back plus a few.

On a side note, the guy you bet at the fair can never, ever guess my weight within 10 lbs.



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