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Syn' 189: FFNY


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Syn' 189: Fight For Freedom NY




No one will ever forget that fateful day. Those two little numbers will forever be in the hearts and minds of every American...nine. eleven. Those images of

the planes, the towers, the smoke, the fall. It's been ten years since it happened and there are a number of anniversary events, nationwide. Madison Square

Garden will be the site of one of these events. Synchronicity doesn't leave the desert often, but an anniversary of this magnitude doesn't come around often

and for the first time ever, they have set up shop outside of Las Vegas.


Stevie Why will try and get back on track against up and coming Black Belt, Mark Two while two veterans, Taro Mishima and Kid Torres will test

muay thai against jiu-jitsu.

Bro Lee will try and kick his way to victory against Nines Rodriguez and the legendary Johnny Cage will be back in action when

he steps into the cage with Fedor McLovin.

We'll see a classic "standup vs. ground" battle when Eric Lawler takes on Sheldon Maia and we'll also see two virtually identical strikers, Sam Alito and

Jack Straus throw down as well.




*I was just getting ready to sit down and write when I received an odd phone call. When I answered, a muffled voice simply said, "CIRCUIT" and hung up the phone.

Before I had a chance to even contemplate what the call was all about, the power in my apartment went out and something came flying through my window.

I heard a metallic "clank" from the object, then a hiss and then i saw smoke filling the room. I jumped to the hallway floor in fear, only to notice the same

smoke coming from the bedrooms. Everything got hazy...dizzy...foggy...


Before I passed out, I remember only red lasers and silent, black-clad men in gasmasks.


When I came to, there was something over my head, like a cloth of some sort and I was in complete darkness. My hands were tied behind my back and to the

chair that I sat on. I remembered all those Military Channel programs and chose to remain silent, trying to stay as calm as possible. I haven't wronged

anyone so I was telling myself that this was some sort of misunderstanding and I would face my captors soon enough...getting the answers to the thousands of

questions that swam through my head.

While I waited, for what seemed like a few hours, I tried to channel my focus to my hearing. I learned a long time ago that you can hear better when you

can't see. The way the senses work, once one is hindered, the others enhance. As I slowed my breathing to better focus, I really didn't hear anything except

a slow trickle, like water dripping down a wall.

My sense of smell picked up and it smelled dank and damp. I figured I was in a basement or a cellar and that explained the smell but my mind started to

wander and I thought maybe I was in a cave or something crazy. I had no clue how long I was out cold and could have been anywhere in the world for all I

knew. I heard footsteps and the clank of keys in a metal lock. The footsteps got closer, I guessed 3 men and as they pulled off my head constraint, I found

that I was correct.


Three men in ski masks. Silent. Staring, searching, studying. Indeed I was in a basement. It was about ten by ten, unfinished with concrete walls that

looked a century old. The single, uncovered light bulb flickered above me, suggesting that the electricity was bad, adding to the "oldness" factor. I

wondered where the hell I was at but stayed true to my gut feeling and refused to speak unless spoken to.

One of the men raised his weapon and pointed it at my face. The barrel of the gun couldn't have been more than 3 inches from my left cheek. There was no

doubt that if he pulled the trigger, my head would just explode. This thought was the straw that broke the camel's back. The focus was gone, no more calm, no

more courage...I was scared as hell and feared for my life. What bothered me most was that they hadn't said a word. No explanation as to what I did or who I

or who I had done it to. The threat of dying without knowing why was breaking me down. No matter how hard I fought it, a tear trickled down the side of my



Suddenly, as if part of some sick twisted dream, one of the men laughed...and it sounded familiar.*


Reporter: "JBomb, you son of a bitch."


JBomb:...*pulls off ski mask and laughs*..."Sorry, dude. It had to be done. We just had to show this dude"...*points to the man to his left*..."that you're

okay. Chris, put the gun away, man."


Karter:...*lowers the weapon, pulls off mask and smiles*..."Yo, man...you handled yourself well."...walks behind me and cuts the zip tie*...


Reporter:...*rubbing wrists*..."So it's JBomb and Karter, should have known. Who's this guy?"...*points to the last man still masked*...


JBomb: "Chico, you satisfied?."


Reporter: "Who the hell is Chico?"


*The man pulls off his ski mask and I recognize him as Estefan Chiscano of The Broken Halo Pride.*


Reporter: "Estefan? Wh...What's this all about? This was your idea?"


Karter: "Well, some of it was me n' J. Just funny shit, watchin' ya squirm n' all that."


JBomb: "...n' some of it was Chico. He had to know he could trust ya."


Reporter: "Chico?"


Chico:...*glaring*..."You mean, Estefan?"


Reporter: "Oh...shit...yeah...sorry man. Estefan."


...*long silence followed by laughter from all three men*...


Reporter: "..."


Chico:...*still laughing*..."Naw, I'm fuckin' wit ya! Estefan's what my father's called, pimpin'! E'eryone calls me Chico...'cause I'm the man!"


...*more laughter*...


Reporter: "Okay then...Chico. What's this all about? Where are we?"


Chico: "Part joke, part security. You're in the basement."...*smiles*...


Reporter: "Basement of what? What kind of security are you talking about?"


Chico: "You're at my gym, Le Prieuré de Sion. A facility legendary for the fighter's that have come out of it, the mystery that surrounds those fighters and

the difficulty of becomin' a member. Chris Karter n' JBomb be the only non Broken Halo Pride members ever allowed in."


Karter:...*lights a blunt*..."What about Gambroni?"


Chico: "True, but that was a long time ago. Let's go upstairs."


*Karter opened the metal door and we walked down a decrepit hallway with more poor lighting. The hallway twisted and turned and was cold and damp with a heavy

mildew smell. There were several doors along the way, all metal and rust covered. I figured it best to not ask what was behind them. I had heard the rumors

about the Vatican funding of the gym and what they wanted to use it for. No, what was behind the doors was of little concern. It had been made clear to me

that these guys were very secretive and were willing to go to great lengths to keep those secrets safe within their walls.


We came to a stone staircase and when JBomb opened the door, sunlight flooded in. It almost blinded me. I then realized that I had forgotten to ask how long

I had been out cold. The blistering heat made me once again forget. Los Angeles was a bit more humid than what I was used to in Las Vegas. We stepped out

into the heat of midday...*


Reporter: "I thought we were in the basement of your gym?"


Chico: "We were, but the way in through there is for our eyes only...not yours. Some secrets jus need to be kept, homie. We'll take the long way."




*We walked around the outside of the building, it was massive. A large stone wall surrounded the grounds, giving it a the feel of a compound rather than a

gym. So many of these MMA guys are so guarded these days. I wondered what it took to get a building permit for a place like this in Los Angeles. One would

probably have to be pretty damn connected to make that happen. As we rounded the corner, there was another entrance. We entered there and walked through

another hallway.


We finally reached the doors to the gym. They were massive double doors, wooden and decorated with all types of religious symbols. The doors opened and

we walked in. When you step inside the place, it's like taking a trip back in time to Thailand. It's at least 20 degrees hotter inside the gym than it is

outside, way more humid, and all of the equipment looks like it came straight out of an old school kung fu flick. It was quite a bit different than I had

first imagined it to be, less...church-like.*


Reporter: "This is a great Set up Chico. It looks like something right out of Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang!"


Chico: "We originally spent several million dollars updatin' the gym with every modern convenience and trainin' device known to man, but then we realized

that space age technology, like air conditionin' and cooled water, weren't ideal for creatin' the types of fighters that our camp wanted to be known for.

We ended up spendin' another couple mill to send us right back into the golden age of martial arts."


Reporter: "Is that why you needed Vatican funding?"


Chico:...*glares*..."What Vatican funds?"


Reporter: "Nevermind, just rumors that you've received Vatican funding in the past."


Chico: "Who the hell told ya that?"



Chico: "They talk a lot, don't they?"


Reporter: "Yes they do."


Chico:...*glares*..."Too bad they don't listen more, huh?"



Chico:...*glares again and steps closer*..."HAHAHAHA! Jus fuckin' wit ya again, pimpin'! Hell's yeah we got funds from the Vatican! How the hell we gon' come

up wit millions of dollars, only to spend millions more on a retrograde!? We the Halo, pimpin'! We the pride of the Vatican! Had ya scared though, huh!?"


...*JBomb and Karter laugh wildly*...


Reporter: "..."


*The training area is a huge one story affair but the second story is much smaller, set off to one side of the gym. The gym is filled with Broken Halo Elite

fighters doing their normal training regimen, they are a well oiled machine at work. Quint Chingo moves from fighter to fighter, looking agitated as he tries

to maximize their training. Cee Digits is in the thai ring with Xiomar Halo doing a sparring round, putting on a clinic and furthering Xiomar's knowledge of

the Dirty 3rd Striking System, a style created and made famous by Digits and Earl Lee Swagger.*


JBomb:...*pointing to the second story*..."See that mirror?"


Reporter: "Yeah."


JBomb: "That's Chico's office. He stands behind that glass and watches his fighters train. That shit is fuckin' awesome. I need some shit like that."


Reporter: "We heading up there now?"


JBomb: "Yep."


*We walked the perimeter of the training area and entered into a stairwell and it was like night and day. Where the rest of the gym was old school and almost

crude, the stairwell was very modern. We finally entered the office.*




Chico: "You like? Make yourself comfortable."


Reporter: "It's not as spacious as I thought it would be."


Chico: "I don't live here, homie. That's what my mansion is for. Wanna drink?"


Reporter: "Sure."


JBomb: "I'll go get 'em...the usual?"


Reporter: "Yeah, mix it light though, I got work to do."


JBomb:...*laughs*..."No problemo."...exits to another room*...


Chico:...*points to where JBomb went*..."That's like the game room/bar n' we got the board room through this door but it's really only used when the big

dogs git together. Have a seat, pimpin'."


*I have a seat while Karter chooses to stand by the training window and lights up another blunt. His stamina never ceases to amaze me. It's a miracle that he

can get anything done. When JBomb returns, he is followed by Johnny Rose and Earl Lee Swagger.*


Reporter: "How's it going fellas?"


Swagger:...*shakes hands with reporter*..."We was jus playin' some Madden in the other room with Taj n' Spliffs."


Rose: "You mean whoopin' ass all over Taj n' Spliffs at some Madden."


...*both laugh*...


JBomb: "You gonna bump up to 205, Earl?"


Swagger: "Hell yeah, hand. Gonna do this old school tournament soon. YB, Sen, Muhammed...should be cool."


Rose: "You mean, the legends tournament."


Swagger: "Can I talk!?"


Rose: "Can you know somethin'?"


...*the two go nose to nose, jawing back and forth until Chico finally steps in*...


Chico: "Will you two take it easy!?"


...*Spliffs stumbles in with two Keystone beers and a joint in his mouth*...


Spliffs: "Earl...EARL!"...*hands Swagger the beer and just as Swagger pops the top, Chico gives him a glare*...


Chico: "Not 'til after the fight, Earl."...gives Karter a head nod*...


Karter:...*takes a hit off the blunt*..."Earl...here."...*exhales a huge cloud of smoke and passes the blunt to Swagger*...


Swagger: "Thanks, hand. Boss man o'er there ain't gonna let me have any drank 'til the fight but he can sip them gin n' tonics all day."...*takes a hit*...


Chico:...*smiles and lifts the glass*..."With two limes."


Rose: "'Cause he ain't the one fightin' tomorrow!"


Swagger:...*faces Rose*..."This again, tough guy!?"


Reporter: "Can we get to it? I got a job to do here."


Chico: "Yeah, homie...Earl, have a seat."


JBomb: "Yo Chris, Rolen, let's fire up some Madden real quick."


...*the three exit the room*...


Reporter: "Okay, finally...Earl, you haven't fought in a long time. How you been? What have you been up to lately?"


Swagger: "Aw I been just right as rain, hand! I've completely changed my diet up since my last fight, ask Karter...I been eatin' nothin' but poultry, mostly

duck!"...*laughs*..."apparently I'm harder ta'find an opponent for than a ground rattler in a snake round-up!"...*laughter throughout the room*..."mostly, I

been flyin' back n' forth frum'ere to Vegas, thumpin' Johnny's head in ta'make sure he don't forget what it feels like between fights."


Rose: "Yeah right. Like you got any..."


...*Chico coughs at Rose*...


Rose: "..."


Reporter: "Thanks. Earl, what's the biggest difference in your game since the last time you and Larsson fought?"


Swagger: "Biggest difference is the mat humpin' I took from Harry Balls. I've wondered often, since then, how much a fella gets paid jus ta'lay on top

o'nother man like that for 15 minutes? I don't think there's enough coin in all th'world ta'entice me ta'do it. I'm from Texas, hand...that's not a fight in

the Lone Star State. Since then, I've done e'erythin' in my power to become a more complete fighter, stand up n' ground game. With the help of Cee Digits,

we've further perfected the Dirty 3rd Striking System to include takedown defense n' more ground work. I'm gon' be wide open n' full bore come 9/11!"


Reporter: "Why are you going to win again?"


Swagger: "Well reason numero uno, is that I gave Henrik far too much respect in the last fight. He's a scrapper, n' deservin' o'respect...but not the amount

he was given earlier. He'd ne'er been beaten when he stepped into the cage with me that night, n' with me comin' off the loss ta'Cage, I was havin' doubts

about my ability ta'keep'm at range, or to e'en win the fight at range. God gifted me with biblical hands n' I disrespected him, n' myself, when I ain't

let'em fly that night. Between Rose n' I, we hold e'ery loss on Larsson's record. I been in e'ery one o'Johnny's fight camps, n' he's been in e'ery one

o'mine. We got that boy's number, hand."


Rose: "Four's lookin' like five soon!"...*bumps knuckles with Swagger as JBomb comes back in*...


Reporter: "Is this a personal vendetta against Larsson?"


Rose:...*shakes his head*..."Naw, man. He just steps up n' we gotta knock him down...'cause he's there, in front of us."


JBomb: "He'll just keep on comin', too. Bradcock don't keep any sissies in his joint. No matter how many losses he gets. Speakin' of Manu, I'ma call that

sunbitch."...*grabs phone, dials and walks into the board room*...


Reporter: "Chico, what about you? How you been lately? Where have you been? It seems like you disappeared, went underground a bit."


Chico:...*sips his drink*..."I'm like anti-Visa...I'm everywhere you ain't!"...*laughter all around*..."naw man..."...*spreads his arms wide*..."this is me

right here, nowhere in the world I'd rather be, n' I make sure that I only train fighters who feel the same way. Any of you ever wanna find me, for any

reason, any day of the week, I'm right here...except from 10 to 12 on Sundays, that's God's time. This is my compound right here, homie. I'm David Koresh in

this bitch! You wanna try some o'the kool-aid?"...*smiles like a jackal, revealing a shiny gold and diamond encrusted grill*...


Reporter: "Okay then...Earl, what does it mean to you to be fighting in New York City, at Madison Square Garden on 9/11?"


Swagger:...leans back in the seat, almost annoyed*..."Ah hell, I'm s'posed to say somethin' 'bout it bein' a great honor, e'eryone else you interviewed has

talked about the honor, right?"


Reporter: "I'll be contacting some more fighters later tonight, so you're the first. You don't have to say anything you don't want to...be real."


Swagger: "Okay...yeah, hand...I s'pose it is an honor, but really, I'm jus glad to be fightin' for Synchronicity again...n' happy that I'm able ta'provide a

bit o'entertainment for all them yankees on a day that's still sore a decade later. Where's Chris at?"...gets up and walks into the other room*...


Reporter: "Did I upset him?"


Chico: "He's sorta erratic, switchin' from an easy goin' laid back type, to a tightly wound n' ready to strike instantly type...straight country. What you

might call a "Good Ole Boy". I doubt he's that upset at ya. You can tell when he's upset 'cause his eyes do that "Clint Eastwood Squint" thing."


Reporter: "Well..."


...*JBomb enters the room with the phone held out*...


JBomb: "Manu's on the phone. He can answer a few questions but wants Chico to hear too, so I put him on speaker."


Reporter: "Manu?"


Bradcock:...*via cell phone*..."Yeah!"


Reporter: "How are you?"


Bradcock: "Good, you?"


Chico: "What you doin', Manu!?"


Bradcock: "Is that Chico?"


Chico: "Yeah, pimpin'. How ya been?"


Bradcock: "I'm on my couch, naked, eating pork rinds and watching Tokyo goreporn! HAHAHA!"


Chico: "That sounds like the Manu I know."...*smiles*...


Reporter: "Manu, how's Henrik doing? How do you see the fight going down?"


Bradcock: "He's good. He's been in New York for a while now, training over at Trains. He's always ready for a fight so Earl Lee better be ready, too!"


Reporter: "I'm sure he is. How do you feel about fighting on 9/11?"


Bradcock: "I'm from New Zealand!"


Reporter: "And?"


Bradcock: "And what? Don't be a fuckin' jackass!"


Reporter: "Sorry...any words for Swagger or Chico?"


Bradcock: "Yeah! Chico, your boy's gonna get beat like my boner in about ten minutes...hard, fast and bloody! HAHAHA!"


Chico:...*laughs*..."What the fuck?"


Rose: "Fuck you, Manu! You tell that..."




JBomb:...*checks phone and laughs*..."Fuckin' Manu. That dude kills me!"


Reporter: "Well, that was...interesting."


...*JBomb and an angry Rose walk into the other room and Swagger comes back*...


Reporter: "Is this the return of Swagger or just a one off fight for a monster event in New York City?"


...*Swaggers flashes a quick scowl at the mention of his "return". Chico pats him on the shoulder*...


Chico: "Easy Swags..."


...*Swagger relaxes and uses some Visine*...


Chico: "Yo, as Swags mentioned earlier, he ain't been anywhere. He's been patiently waitin' in the Middleweight roster for anyone hard enough to step in the

cage with'em. I know you heard the stink I stirred up in the MMA community, tryin' ta'get anyone ta'man up? Despite the differences between me n' his

management, Larsson answered the call, n' we really appreciate that. Ain't no bitch in that dude at all, pimpin'. I've been tryin' to tell Earl Lee to take it easy

on'em, don't wanna scare off any potential opponents..."...*laughs*..."but it's been so long for'em. He's like a Great White that's starvin'...n'

there's blood in the water right now."...*Swagger puts the Visine back in the drawer and heads back to the game room/bar, just as JBomb comes back...with a

gin and tonic, with two limes, in hand*...


Reporter: "I didn't mean to...well, since we're on the subject, will he be able to regain the past glory of when he once ruled the Middleweight division at



Chico:...*takes drink from JBomb*..."Well shit, ironic y'all would ask that, huh? First lemme say, there is no past glory...only the glory that continues to follow

behind the legend of Earl Lee Swagger. As most people are aware, amongst the Broken Halo Pride we don't fight each other, save for special reasons

like tournament brackets n' whatnot. Johnny Rose was a gracious n' patient gatekeeper when Swags was on top, as Earl has been since Johnny's illustrious

reign commenced. But with an end nowhere in sight for Rose, we been considerin' a step up in weight for Earl Lee, n' perhaps a rematch..."...*looks over at

JBomb with a smile*..."with the current champion, Lucas LaVey, if he can earn that right. Good vs. evil part two, huh JBomb?"...*jabs at JBomb's arm

playfully as he razzes him*...


JBomb: "I got no problem wit that. I gotta warn ya though, Lucas gon' whoop that ass hard."


Chico:...*gets up and walks over to JBomb*..."How hard, pimpin'?"


JBomb:...*goes nose to nose with Chico*..."Well, let's put it like this. Lucas will draw a picture of how he gonna whoop Swagger's ass, then mail it to him

ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? Swagger's goin', "what the hell is this?" n' then Lucas shows up, kicks Swagger's ass n' Swagger still

won't know what the fuck happened!"


...*the two men staredown for a minute or so, then begin to laugh*...


Reporter: "Hey, before I go..."...*Swagger walks back in*..."9/11 is the first Sunday football of the season. Who's everybody's favorite teams?"


Swagger: "Kiddin' me? I was raised in Cut and Shoot, Texas, baby!...America's Team!...Less go Cowboys!! WOOOO OOOHH OH OH OH WOO!"...*begins stomping all

over the office*...


JBomb: "In 1979, I was five years old and saw my first Steelers game. I have loved that team ever since."


Reporter: "Chico?"


Chico: "Hey, pimpin'. I'm an original Texan, too. The Oilers were my team back in the gap. When they moved ta'Tenessee, my heart moved right along with'em.

I still cut for 'em 100%, even though they go by the Titans now. Y'all can't fuck wit my boy, Chris Johnson! Show me somethin' Usain Bolt! Let's see who's



Reporter: "That's..."


...*the gameroom door suddenly bursts open and Karter, Spliffs and Al Din come storming into the room. Spliffs and Al Din popping clips into their pistols

and Karter is on the phone, yelling*...





JBomb:...*looks to Spliffs and Al Din*..."The fuck is goin' on!?"


Spliffs: "Time ta ride, boss."...walks for the door*...


Al Din: "Puno Jr. n' some of his boys showed up at Convicted Fight Club, waving guns around and talking about "revenge" this and "we taking over" that. Looks

like we're gonna have to go set them straight. Chris is talking with Don about it right now."...*follows Spliffs*...


JBomb: "Fuck...it's always somethin'."


Karter:...*pacing while still on the phone*..."...WELL NOT IF WE GET THERE FIRST!...I KNOW DON BUT IT'S TIME TO SETTLE THIS SHIT ONCE N' FOR ALL!...DON...



Chico: "Y'all need some help? I can round up a posse pretty quick."


JBomb: "Chris, why don't we let the soldiers handle this one? You gotta be in New York soon."




...*JBomb sighs, Chico gets on the phone and Karter storms out of the room*...


JBomb:...*looks at reporter*..."Yo, you better hang here for a bit. This shit's gon' be ugly."


Reporter: "Well how'm I gonna get back to Vegas?"


Chico:...*holds hand over the phone*..."I gotcha, homie. I'll have a flight for ya asap. J, I got some hitters on the way. Be careful, yo."


JBomb: "Thanks, just get this guy to the airport n' Swagger to New York...we'll take care of this."...exits the office*...


Reporter: "Jesus, these guys get into more trouble."


Chico: "Jus business as usual. Let's head downstairs, the car is waitin'."


*When I arrived back at my apartment in Las Vegas, I hurried up and checked the news for any word on an incident at Convicted Fight Club, but there was

nothing on the news about it. That really didn't put me at ease though. JBomb and Karter were friends and I feared for their safety even though they tend to

come out of situations like this unscathed.*


to be continued...

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*I woke up and turned on the news. Still no mention of any incident in Los Angeles. I even called an old college buddy of mine

to see if he had heard anything but there was nothing reported, not yet anyway. I got up and was in the middle of the usual

routine when my phone rang, it was JBomb. I can't get into too many particulars due to legal issues, but he assured me that the

the gym, and it's members were safe, Karter was safe and on a plane to New York City and he and Spliffs would be heading back

to Las Vegas soon. I was relieved.


Soon after, I was typing on my laptop and a friend sent an email. He told me to turn my tv to channel 616. They were doing a

hype-piece for Synchronicity's 9/11 event. I flipped the channel and waited for the Hellbent commercial to end.*


...fade in.


Announcer: "The last time these two guys met, Egyptian won a controversial decision so these two will now have another chance

to settle the score at Madison Square Garden."

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.

Judge Tiny Johnson scores the fight for Sinuhe Egyptian!

Judge Stewart Dunkirk scores the fight for Sinuhe Egyptian!

Judge Daniel Franklin scores the fight for Sinuhe Egyptian!


Sinuhe Egyptian wins by unanimous decision!


Doherty: "I really felt I won that fight. I'm just glad I have another chance to right a wrong."


Egyptian: "حكم القضاة لصالح بلدي ولكنه يريد أن يشتكي تعرضه للسرقة. لم يكن للسرقة، هو وأنا سوف يثبت ذلك مرة اخرى يوم الاحد."

Translator: "The judges ruled in my favor but he wants to complain about being robbed. He was not robbed and I will prove it again on Sunday.



Doherty is trying for a kimura here. Alhazred looks like he's in a lot of pain... and he's tapping out! Doherty wins by kimura!


Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:39 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Kimura). Pete Doherty!


Doherty: "You can bet that this one is going to the ground again and I will not make the same mistakes as last time. I will have an Egyptian arm in my trophy

room come Monday."


Egyptian: "وانني تغلبت عليه الوقوف أمام لديه حتى فرصة في صنع لي تقدم. ضرب بلدي متفوقة له وانه يعرف ذلك. قريبا ، فإن العالم يعرف ذلك أيضا."

Translator: "I will beat him standing before he even has a chance at making me submit. My striking is superior to him and he knows it. Soon, the world will

know it, too.


Announcer: "Ekaku is one of the most dominant fighters to ever grace the cage. There's no doubt that his 24 straight wins, an MMA record, will land him in

the Hall of Fame someday. Much like Ekaku, Jarvae is a dominant fighter as well but on the ground instead. He crushed the ADCC and has crushed BAC to make

him the #2 Lightweight in New York City, second only to his teammate, Rolando Garcia. Jarvae will definitely have the hometown crowd when he steps into the cage but

he'll need more than that to beat one of the most legendary strikers in the sport."


Ladies and gentlemen, after 5 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.

Judge Stewart Dunkirk scores the fight for Hakuin Ekaku!

Judge Chris Downing scores the fight for Hakuin Ekaku!

Judge Gwen Towbar scores the fight for Hakuin Ekaku!


Hakuin Ekaku wins by unanimous decision!

Hakuin Ekaku retains his featherweight title!


Ekaku: "私はこのカードを選択する必要が謙虚にして




Translator: "I am humbled to be chosen for this card, it will be something special. It is great chance to honor all victims and their families."


Jarvae: "É uma grande honra para lutar Ekaku no evento principal no Madison Square Garden em 11/09. Vou dedicar esta luta para todos aqueles que perderam

suas vidas naquele dia trágico de 10 anos atrás. Eu também gostaria de dedicá-lo a todas as equipes de resgate, que correu para aqueles que queimam prédios

sem hesitação e muita coragem."

Translator: "It is a great honor to fight Ekaku in the main event at madison square garden on 9/11. I will dedicate this fight to all those who lost their

lives on that tragic day 10 years ago. I would also like to dedicate it to all the rescue workers who rushed into those burning buildings without hesitation

and great courage."



Jarvae is looking to cinch up a triangle. Cruz throws the leg off to one side though and gets in tight to Jarvae's body to avoid the submission. Jarvae has

instead reached around Cruz's neck and now has a guillotine! Oh, this is biiiig trouble! Jarvae arches his back and squeezes and forces the tap from his

hapless opponent.


Ladies and gentlemen, after 3:23 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Guillotine). Jealous Jarvae!


Ekaku: "私はライオンの激しさと勇気をもって充電。






Translator: "I charge with the fierceness and courage of a lion. I will stay away from his sickening submissions and kick him in the face until he falters.

He is a great warrior, but I am a 12 time champion. I don't like to talk, I'd rather enjoy my silence, meditate and get high.


Jarvae: "Eu vou arrastá-lo através do jardim de dor antes de tomar sua casa, braço para o Brasil!"

Translator: "I will drag him through the garden of pain before I take his arm home to Brazil!"


Announcer: "The Main Event should be an all out war. These two fighters are almost identical in skill level but Brown has a weight advantage that he'll need

to either utilize or neutralize depending on Bokhari's execution. Bokhari has only lost twice and both of those were to two of the most legendary fighters the

sport has ever seen. Brown has really stepped up the competition as of late but hasn't faced a fighter of Bokhari's caliber yet. This will be a major stepping

stone for his career should he win but also, should he lose, it's a nice measuring stick to see where he stands in the big picture.

Bokhari wants to get another shot at Killsinwater and Glory but he will have to prove himself worthy on Sunday. His chane is right there in front of him but

it's up to him if he succeeds or not.

This is a great Main Event and should definitely wow the crowd at Madison Square Garden. Bad Bad vs. Bam Bam!"


Bokhari landed over 260 punches in the clinch. He really dominated the fight against the cage. I don't think this one will be close at all!


Ladies and gentlemen, after 5 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.

Judge Tiny Johnson scores the fight for Abayo Bokhari!

Judge Frank Dennis scores the fight for Abayo Bokhari!

Judge Wesley Smith scores the fight for Abayo Bokhari!


Abayo Bokhari wins by unanimous decision!

Abayo Bokhari retains his heavyweight title!


Bokhari: "C'est un grand honneur que de faire partie d'un événement comme celui-ci pour ne pas mentionner d'être l'événement principal. Je vais faire de mon

mieux pour faire la justice événement et mis sur un spectacle."

Translator: "It's a great honor just to be part of an event like this not to mention being the main event. I will do my very best to do the event justice

and put on a show.


Brown: "I still remember where I was that fateful day when my momma sat me down on the living room couch. I was so excited for the upcoming weekend 'cause

on the following Monday, my cousin Tyrone was coming for a visit. Tyrone was like a big brother to me. I was still a little upset over the fact that he had

decided to leave Chicago, move to Boston to attend school and still have a decent gym to train in for his MMA, which was still very new at the time. When I

looked into my momma's eyes, there was this look of utter shock and disbelief...I knew something terrible had happened!


Then she said those words that will haunt me forever, 'Leroy, baby...it's your cousin Tyrone...he's gone baby.'


I said 'what you talking 'bout momma? I just talked to him yesterday on the phone, he had gotten some time off from school and booked a flight to L.A. to

catch some fights at a new promotion called Syncronicity'.

I was so jealous of him 'cause I couldn't go. Then she spoke again...'Baby, I am so sorry, the flight he was on, it was hijacked by terrorists and they flew

the plane into the World Trade Center! He's gone Leroy, he's gone.'...


It was because of Tyrone that I wanted to become a fighter and when I heard that, I suppressed my rage and told myself right then and there, 'Tyrone...I'm

gonna make it big in your honor.' It was Tyrone's dream to be a professional fighter and he had hoped to meet with some guy named Franky Syn for a try out

while he was in L.A., but that meeting never did take place.

When Chris called my manager to see if I was interested I almost knocked that fool Louie out for even waiting to ask me. This one's for you Tyrone, I told

you I would make it for you!"


Brown throws a leg kick

and Blight counters with a good low kick that Brown was not able to check.

The fighters circle, before Brown throws a beautiful high kick that crashes into Blight's neck, sending him stumbling to the floor! Brown lands more strikes

and forces a referee stoppage! That one ended in an instant!


Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:22 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Kick & Punches). Leroy Brown!

Leroy Brown retains his heavyweight title!


Bokhari: "Je crois que je vais gagner parce que la plupart de ce combat sera passé debout et je suis le meilleur buteur. En plus de cela je suis le

combattant plus expérimentés, surtout quand il s'agit de grands combats, et je vais chercher à mettre cela à profit."

Translator: "I believe I will win because most of this fight will be spent standing and I'm the better striker . On top of that I'm the more experienced

fighter, especially when it comes to big fights, and I will look to put that to good use."


Brown: "This is a chance of a lifetime for me, to finally hit the big time, the Main Event of a super show and I am not about to let the jitters get in my

way! My opponent is one of the top Heavyweights in the world, and I am truly honored to have a chance to climb the ranks, but more importantly, there is a

championship at stake and that's all I am looking for.

This could be my one and only chance. I lose, and it's back to Sydney I go with my tail between my legs, but if I win, I am king for a day! I wanna be King!

Bokhari is a formidable opponent but I have faced Two great fighters in my last two fights and walked away victorious when no one thought I would...and this

streak will not be broken! Bokhari has never faced a striker who is as hungry as I am and on Sunday my friend, you will see just how hungry Leroy is!"


fade into event poster...



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just gonna say this out in the open.


i was hired, by karter, to write this quite some time ago. i had nothing. sure, i had the matchups, but anyone can look those over at the event page...i had no fukn story. i been doing a lot of big events lately and felt like i was out of ideas.


so when i was sending out interview questions via email, chico sent me not only some of the best answers i've ever received, but also an "in" for a story. without his contribution, this writeup woulda prolly been the worst one i've ever done lol. he sent a pm awhile ago saying that he wanted to get in on one of these writeups and now i know why...the dude is full of rp and ideas. thanks to chico for making it happen.


i know not everyone has the time or the imagination to do it, but when i send out emails and i say 'the more YOU write, the better it gets", i'm not lying. no one knows your fighters better than you. if u don't want to write the dialogue, at least give me an idea of what type of fighter you have...some backstory. i don't mind making it up myself but it does get difficult when it's a fighter i've never heard of or really followed at all.


i have gotten a lot of awesome backstory/dialogue from a lot of managers that i never knew were into it before i sent that email out. just want to say thanks to all those guys. also, thanks to everyone with the quick replies for the hype piece. i won't procrastinate as long next time lol. it took me 3 days to write this one and it usually flows a lot faster than that.

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HE IS BACK. I told ya'll Chico was back. "One foot out the door,"..... only because there is another ass whoopin being applied by one of his fighters he wants to be ringside for :smile_anim:


another amazing episode J. Sure wish I could get a look inside the Prieure. I've been trying to get in there for over two years.

loool. ur doing just fine without it!


btw, ur coming very close to being the only manager i've lost to 4 times. i'd like to call it a rivalry but since i'm at 0-3 (petro is my only other 0-3), it's more of a beatdown than a rivalry. if i go 0-4, i may just have to pack it up. so having said that...GET THE FUK OUTTA MY KITCHEN! :)

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Well everyone SynCity Promotions has decided after a one year hiatus it is time for the second rememberance show to dedicate to that faithful day, 9/11. The arena has been booked, now we want to hear from u, the masses on who all wants to take part in this epic solute to those We Will Never Forget!

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