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Skill decay based on p4p rank


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Skill decay based on your current p4p rank or


Skill decay based on the time between your last fight


Skill decay based on a factor of Age + p4p rank + Time between last fight


Skill decay based upon LEARNING SPEED HIDDEN




There needs to be a better system for the new entrepreneurs of Tycoon. There is no motivation and universal decay favors those already established. I'm trying to help the little guy, communism is coursing through my veins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Come at me haters

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This is just far to complex of a problem for one simple fix. In all honesty, my least favorite idea is to speed up tickers. I realize that leaves the higher up fighters with easily maintained beasts which is another issue.


Honestly my favorite idea is to make decay based on a hidden damage stat. Obviously this would have to be fully thought and worked out for many reasons but it just makes sense to me. As you take more and more damage over your career stat decay speeds up and up. A fighter whose 20-7 and fights like Chuck Liddel might not last as long as a fighter who has the same record but takes virtually no damage in fights like Anderson Silva. Maybe getting ko'ed could play a part in that also.

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Yeah I just saw the skill maintenance chart for the first time yesterday so it's fair to say I really have no idea on the matter. I thought it was a constant rott fest


Thread useless, my apologies :)

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