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Skipped trainings :-(


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I am writing down the energy of my guys, because I had a feeling, that sometimes the training just doesnt happen for them. And I found out I was right. One of my boys did not train yesterday, had energy was 54,04 and now after the training he is still 54,04...


The other one skipped his sub offense training, because A. his number of sub offense did not rise, B. his energy did not change...



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Take some screenshots today and after training today - if it definitely skips then I can credit it manually.


We have re-programmed training as the original version that's currently being used is a little buggy - once we've done bookies we'll move on to implementing the more stable training.

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If you're checking right after when training should have happened then the page might just not have been updated yet.


Nono, I checked in the evening, but then in the morning as well and nothing changed.......


I will keep on tracking this, it happened only few times, but if it happens again, I will start making those screenshots...

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I believe this happened to me as well. I don't have V.I.P, but my fighters pop every other session at this training exercise when I'm using supplements. His energy didn't appear to move either and the equipment didn't degrade.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if my guy pops into a black belt from a white, i will just run right here and ask it to be fixed. :rolleyes: no but seriously.. i might tell. for the greater good of the game!

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well now its really eff'd up. fighter was set to NO TRAINING but i noticed a drop in his energy level. WTF?!?!


That's happened twice to me, caused me to go into fights with less that full energy.

It wasn't small either, around 25% drop both times.

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Same thing here, created a guy yesterday or Saturday evening ( after the Saturday training session). Had him set to spar this Monday, but instead when I checked yesterday he registered 98% energy ( training on a Sunday? ). Now, he's 100%, and I know for a fact he didn't train today as the guy he's set to spar with also missed this session for whatever reason. Hopefully everything will work out for tomorrow, I really need these guys to pop.

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Take some screenshots today and after training today - if it definitely skips then I can credit it manually.


We have re-programmed training as the original version that's currently being used is a little buggy - once we've done bookies we'll move on to implementing the more stable training.

I am Fairly certain Shock N Awe (15487) was not credited with his submission grappling this am. At least 3 of the other 5 fighters in the session are brown belts (my fighters as well) and while Shock isn't the fastest learner I have he should have made some progress. He did not budge off of bjj feeble--, submissions useless++, defensive grap competent+. Non of my other fighters in the sessions budged on any levels either I don't believe. I have a feeling the entire session was skipped.

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I'm finding sometimes it takes till the next effing day for the PM session to register on some of my fighters

iv also noticed its taking up to an hour after the evening session for my last 3 guys training to register. its always right it just takes longer , sometimes the tokyo fighter doesnt register till after midnight my time.

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