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Submission Spaming


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Oh boy.. another...


I lost by sub spam the game is broke...


There is actually quite a few threads discussing ways to increase the potency of the ground game due to it being to easy for inferior fighters defending against ground specialists..


Suck it up, move onto your next fight and try improve..


The last thing that needs to happen here is making it even harder for ground fighters to win.

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Oh boy.. another...


I lost by sub spam the game is broke...


There is actually quite a few threads discussing ways to increase the potency of the ground game due to it being to easy for inferior fighters defending against ground specialists..


Suck it up, move onto your next fight and try improve..


The last thing that needs to happen here is making it even harder for ground fighters to win.


Amen! The ground game is very easy to defend against. If you are a ground fighter first you have to get past the typical sprawl and brawler's TDD then you have to deal with his wrestling primary then you have to overcome their 100% control slider settings with their Def Grap. And to make matters worse for the grappler, is that even a relatively low defensive grappling skill will shut down a far superior BJJ practitioner. So, I agree with Stu, the last thing that needs to happen is making it harder for the ground guys to pull off a win.


Also for the record, Sub spamming (or any kind of spamming for that matter) supposedly already becomes increasingly more difficult the more you do it because you become "predictable". Also, I am not positive, but I think that grappling DOES take more energy. You need to have pretty damn high cardio to pull off grappling successfully. Not to mention a whole laundry list of other skills you need to have at pretty high levels to even begin thinking about being a ground "speciallist". Whereas sprawl and brawlers really only need Boxing, Punches, Striking Def, and TDD. Then CT your physicals up to numbers that Zeus himself would be envious of and you are nearly unstopable. At least at low to mid tiers.

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Energy needed when grappling correlates directly to your grappling skill/your opponent's grappling skill.


Failing a submission does cost a lot of energy though. What were your sliders like when you lost to these "sub spammers"?


And for your sprawl and brawler you'd need defensive grappling (which is borderline broken due to how good it is) and kicks too.

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i'll assume you made this thread because of this fight: http://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=426372


things to note:


  1. he finished the fight in less than 2 and a half minutes; had the fight gone longer he may have gassed out from the sub attempts. it was a bit of a risky tactic, but it worked.
  2. he has better ground skills than you, and has won by sub before so it's unlikely that he has a low submission skills.
  3. your fighter is younger and presumably has lower skills because of that.
  4. your fighter is pretty tall for his weight, which means he isn't as good at defending subs as if he were shorter.
  5. not every time the "sub attempt" text shows up is the same. some of them (like sub attempts that are close but fail) take a lot more energy than others (like when it just says "so-and-so is looking for submissions")
  6. he cuts no weight at all, you cut a lot. defending subs takes energy too, so you may have been pretty even, as far as energy goes, when he put you to sleep.
  7. you were the underdog, yet still lost a lot of morale from the loss, which means your fighter has a (relatively) low confidence hidden. that can cause problems.


the part that makes me curious is why it doesn't show what their energy levels were after the fight.

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this doesnt make any sense, the ground game is hard enough as is for a majority of players, why penalize grapplers any further by making failed submission attempts take even more out of them. i get why you complained but its one fight........should i make a thread about my wonderful/black belt who has a granite chin and got pounded out by a sensational wrestler and a black belt? no, because thats how the game goes. you win some you lose some. think big picture bro.

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I'm going to start creating threads as to why my fighters get knocked out when my opponents use aggressively tactical head shots and say that the game is broken. Yeah... that definitely makes sense....

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