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Fighters don't always live up to their stats


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Should probably be an improvement thread, but don't really have a refined idea just yet, just an idea I brainstormed and have thought about for a while.


Sometimes guys have an off night. So why not in game? Maybe a randomized stat increase or decrease should occur for every fight. Maybe you're 144 punches turn into 140 just for that one fight, or hell you could go from 144 to 150 if you're insanely lucky (numbers are pretty much arbitrary at this point)...maybe younger fighters get a more likely increase and guys in their late 20's or so would be more likely to get a decrease.


Might create a little more chaos and randomness to the game...which could be kind of cool..maybe?


Just throwing this out there to gauge a response, if it's worth refining, or if it's just a bad idea not worth pursuing any further.



What it could be would be a consistency hidden...... that would be very realistic.

You have guys like BJ Penn who sometimes look like world beaters, other times fat and lazy.... while other guys are very consistent. I would understand that.

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What it could be would be a consistency hidden...... that would be very realistic.

You have guys like BJ Penn who sometimes look like world beaters, other times fat and lazy.... while other guys are very consistent. I would understand that.

If you could incorporate their learning speeds and morale factor into this random and ever-changing metric, then I'd be in too.

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I like the idea and it seems to have worked well in a lot of the mainstream sports sims I have played. However, if people are gonna really freak out about a +3 or -3 to stats then it probably isn't worth it....that and I've heard Mike has his hands full already with other improvements.

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