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Private Jets: VIP List


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Would work like invite list for gyms. Fighter or manager on this list, they can board the jet at anytime. Without needing to send individual ids. Would be good for semi private things such as alliance jets, org jets, or tournament jets providing fighter travel.


Thought about having a mailer sent to the manager each time a flight is booked, but that would get messy and annoying. Maybe just send each manager the flight schedule when they are sent the VIP invite. That way they can check to see if the jet has a flight available when they want to.

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I was thinking about this a bit. Why aren't you making the flights public? Just because you haven't booked all your relevant fighters onto the flight yet?


this has gotten me once or twice -- have a flight booked and have it public and fills out only to get a short fight notice or another fight booked needing to fly someone else out on the same flight but cant -- so actually now i dont do public flights too much so i can leave a spot open in case it happens again -- i usually just search out fighters on the same card or city and send out invites leaving a spot or two open

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In that case, maybe we can make it so you can make x number of seats public / private.


I don't mind doing a VIP list but that would be a lot more work.


We need that for sure.


I would suggest that what is needed here is have a list of fighters somewhere where you simply tick to add to a flight en mass. It takes ages to book flights now as you need to add each individual ID in, update the cost and send. If we could simply mass add the IDs somewhere it would make life a hell of a lot easier.

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