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MMArmy has a new owner


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I am no longer the owner of MMArmy. I've passed along the game and all that goes with it to Chief. Chief, I wish you the best of luck with the game and community. Both are great, and it's my hope that you will make both better than they have ever been.


In my early 20s I was having a hard time finding my place in the world. College wasn't the right decision for me, despite my trying twice. Several different jobs paid bills but left me very unsatisfied. If the world was an oyster, I wasn't even at the dinner table.


I'd like to say that MMArmy was the culmination of a master plan that I had, but dumb luck is the more likely explanation. I was fortunate when an opportunity presented itself to learn a new aspect of web development. I was lucky to have played EWR & TEW by Adam Ryland as my greatest inspiration. Nukezone (nukezone.nu) made me realize it was all possible. Sitting around that television during Griffin versus Bonnar gave me a passion. Those around me were the most supportive people I could have hoped for. By pure luck, and a little elbow grease, MMArmy was born.


As a child I had always wanted to make a game. It was a great feeling to meet a childhood dream head on. I'll never forget the night we released MMArmy. Sitting around a table watching a database grow as real people came in, and fought one another. To see people enjoying something I created was the satisfaction I had been seeking.


MMArmy stands as the thing I am most proud of in life. It was the finish line of a life long dream. It opened up the doors for a career I've ever since enjoyed. It's even spurned new challenges and goals that I have yet to accomplish. It has been an incredible source of good in my life.


Without you, it wouldn't have been possible. I owe you guys more thanks than I could ever put into words, but I'm going to try. There are a million things in this world you could have done instead of play this game, but you chose to. You never had to spread the word to others, but you did. I made a game, but you guys made it something special. Never stop being awesome. You guys made this a wonderful experience in my life. I'll never forget it.


Time has passed. My work has changed. I'm still doing web development, because it makes me deeply happy. Every time I finish up a project I still get that feeling of deep satisfaction. However, I've grown distant from MMArmy. It was my first real web project, and I've grown so much as a developer since then. There are other responsibilities in my life, both professionally and personally. In two months, I'll be a father for the first time. Though the future looks great, it's time to pass the this game on to someone who will give it the attention it deserves. Though it is immensely difficult to hand over something that means so much to me, it's the right time.


MMArmy has changed my life for the better. Thank you to everyone who made that possible!


Take care of them Chief. Players and game alike.


Thank you for all the memories!

- Rick



Will be interesting to see what changes the new owner will bring to MMarmy. Never played MMarmy much, I gave it a try a couple of years ago and there was a couple things I didn't like such as the avatars for the fighters and also the way training worked.

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Guest VladTheImpaler

That game any good? I don't like these dark background web sites. Looks like its pretty active some of the forum users have some serious forum posts counts.

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