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The whole depopping deal is easily avoidable with some work and notes, but is a lot more work then needed IMO. Trying to remember what you trained on 20 fighters is down right almost impossible, then throw in when they fight etc.


the old ticker system, showed you what you need to train now you have no idea when the last time you trained something. Also the old managers used to the old system where used to spam training a sec to keep the prime tickers at bay. NOT THE CASE NOW, YOU MUST SPARR TO RESET IT or FIGHT.

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I think the title for this thread was unnecessary in my opinion. Yes there's a couple of things that need to get improved or changed and there's ideas that if implemented would make MMA Tycoon better but at the end of the day, Mike is like everyone else on these boards. He's human and can't get everything done in 1 day.


Changes to existing things such as the judge's scoring for fights or the formula for the manager rankings will take a while to implement and if not done correctly they could end up being really messed up or not working at all. Implementing new features takes even longer than adjusting or changing existing features.


I agree with you that changes to the judging system have to be made. I've been fucked over a couple of times but at the end of the day that happens in MMA sometimes. However you know there's something wrong with the system when you see the examples in the TWGC where people are getting wins who really shouldn't. Think someone was saying how takedowns get more points than ground control for about 3/4 min or something.


Criticising Mike or MMA Tycoon wont get any changes done quicker. If anything I'd say it'd be demotivational. At the end of the day, Mike is the guy who owns the game and if he really wanted he could just around and close the game. I'm just grateful we have such a great game and a great owner as well. There's plenty of online games out there where there's hardly any frequent improvements / updates to the game. For example, just look at Battrick, the owner basically said "Fuck you guys" and basically just stopped working on it completely.


If you think there's something could be improved or you think of an idea that can be added to the game, make a thread about it. If you want to get Mike's opinion on the idea, mail him. If it was a thread from a while ago that you want to bring to the attention of everyone again and remind Mike about it again, bump the idea.



The last thing I'm going to say on the topic is this: Be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day. Mike's human and he could have stuff going on in his life atm that means he can't currently work on the game for a day or 2 but just look at the recent game updates list, there's quite a lot of recent updates and he'll continue to update the game and make it even better. This game has been around for over 4 years and he's constantly been improving it during that time.

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Criticising Mike or MMA Tycoon wont get any changes done quicker. If anything I'd say it'd be demotivational. At the end of the day, Mike is the guy who owns the game and if he really wanted he could just around and close the game. I'm just grateful we have such a great game and a great owner as well. There's plenty of online games out there where there's hardly any frequent improvements / updates to the game. For example, just look at Battrick, the owner basically said "Fuck you guys" and basically just stopped working on it completely.



I agree with most of your post, but the 'he can close the game at any time' defence shouldn't really be used, especially not at an improvement thread. Sure he can close the game, but there are a lot of people who buy VIP, who buy fighter slots and who donate in this game. This game is free to play, but for the many people who pay extra to have added features, they deserve a better response than 'we should be grateful for this game existing in the first place'. With that being said, I really enjoy the game and only wish for its success.

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You raged and sacked a bunch of prospects because of depops and now you're raging after your new batch depops in exactly the same fashion? How is that not stupid?

Insanity: "Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome."


You call him stupid and then give the saying/meaning for insanity. Lol. I guess if you'd called him insane and not stupid that would make sense. You're adding nothing to the conversation and only spamming.


As far as the title goes, it's a joke. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously Marky and knowing the relationship between CGrace and Mike, I know Mike takes it jokingly as well. Both of them always got along well and joked with each other.

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You call him stupid and then give the saying/meaning for insanity. Lol. I guess if you'd called him insane and not stupid that would make sense. You're adding nothing to the conversation and only spamming.


As far as the title goes, it's a joke. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously Marky and knowing the relationship between CGrace and Mike, I know Mike takes it jokingly as well. Both of them always got along well and joked with each other.

How are you adding anything to the conversation? if you agree with everything he says just upvote his posts no need to spam your approval.

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How are you adding anything to the conversation? if you agree with everything he says just upvote his posts no need to spam your approval.


Read the first post, talking about de-pops and talking about 16-17 year olds. That would be adding something. Something you hardly ever do on any forum post. So far you've said he's an idiot, stupid and gave the meaning of insanity. You've said nothing pertaining to whether or not de-pops are good or bad at young ages or added anything pertaining to bad judging which is exactly what this thread was meant for.


At this point, I'm going to stop playing into your spam war however. The rest of my posts will add something to the conversation and I have no plans on responding to your "stupid" posts.

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Teasing him or criticising him, it's still not going to make him release an improvement to it any faster

agreed the stuff Mike has to deal with people complaining all the time and stuff is insane, i sometimes feel if i were him i would just shut the game down until people stop.


good constructive criticism gets more done then whining, complaining and insulting.

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good constructive criticism gets more done then whining, complaining and insulting.


If only everyone on these forums thought the same :OMG:


There's been quite a few times where players have basically just rage quitted because of something that they're not happy with which always pisses me off.

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Ok first of all, as has already been pointed out, the title is 100% a joke, a play on Sonnen's call out of Anderson. C'mon. Mike and I make fun of each other all the time.


Secondly, whomever keeps criticizing, I haven't been bothered to remember your name, feel free to keep it up. As I've already stated here the point of the thread is to start talks about things inside the game in an effort to make the game better. Don't give me the we are lucky Mike keeps this game around party line as a response. That does nobody any good least of all Mike. This is a free game certainly, but people pay for their VIP and as such are allowed to voice concerns and expect results. Anyone claiming there isn't quite a lot that could use updating is lying to themselves and Mike. That's not a knock on Mike either so don't get your panties all twisted up.


Thirdly, let's not get completely caught up in the couple of examples I've made, though they are in need of attention, and make your own suggestions. I expected what has happened here with people wanting to troll or call someone a name and give the definition of another due to a sheer lack of any grasp on the English language. But I digress, let's carry on the conversation.


Finally, JLP is a jerk but I love him in spite of and because of it.

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Read the first post, talking about de-pops and talking about 16-17 year olds. That would be adding something. Something you hardly ever do on any forum post. So far you've said he's an idiot, stupid and gave the meaning of insanity. You've said nothing pertaining to whether or not de-pops are good or bad at young ages or added anything pertaining to bad judging which is exactly what this thread was meant for.


At this point, I'm going to stop playing into your spam war however. The rest of my posts will add something to the conversation and I have no plans on responding to your "stupid" posts.

There are at least 2 posts in the forum every week with one person or another bitching about how their 19 year old depoped is that not spam?

What incentive do I have for getting into a "spam war" with you when I'm perfectly aware you are going to neg my posts?

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Ok first of all, as has already been pointed out, the title is 100% a joke, a play on Sonnen's call out of Anderson. C'mon. Mike and I make fun of each other all the time.


Secondly, whomever keeps criticizing, I haven't been bothered to remember your name, feel free to keep it up. As I've already stated here the point of the thread is to start talks about things inside the game in an effort to make the game better. Don't give me the we are lucky Mike keeps this game around party line as a response. That does nobody any good least of all Mike. This is a free game certainly, but people pay for their VIP and as such are allowed to voice concerns and expect results. Anyone claiming there isn't quite a lot that could use updating is lying to themselves and Mike. That's not a knock on Mike either so don't get your panties all twisted up.


Thirdly, let's not get completely caught up in the couple of examples I've made, though they are in need of attention, and make your own suggestions. I expected what has happened here with people wanting to troll or call someone a name and give the definition of another due to a sheer lack of any grasp on the English language. But I digress, let's carry on the conversation.


Finally, JLP is a jerk but I love him in spite of and because of it.


The forums have become WAY to feminine. However, sorry I semi-derailed the thread. Anyways...


As far as bad judging, I haven't been on the wrong side of it enough to complain but it doesn't make a lot of sense. This is the only game I've ever seen that promotes mistakes instead of making it easier to avoid them. Incorrect judging ultimately means you had the better build, sliders or any combination that creates a win and now because of a game flaw you get punished with a loss. NC are another game flaw, but that's been a never ending discussion and will be argued about again another time I'm sure.

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There are at least 2 posts in the forum every week with one person or another bitching about how their 19 year old depoped is that not spam?

What incentive do I have for getting into a "spam war" with you when I'm perfectly aware you are going to neg my posts?


This thread isn't a bitching about my 19 year old fighter who depoped. He was 18! Did you even read the first post? But kidding aside feel free to reply however you feel, we are all entitled to our opinions. If I feel there is something inside the game that should be looked at I will come to the forums and make a thread about said issue.



The forums have become WAY to feminine. However, sorry I semi-derailed the thread. Anyways...


As far as bad judging, I haven't been on the wrong side of it enough to complain but it doesn't make a lot of sense. This is the only game I've ever seen that promotes mistakes instead of making it easier to avoid them. Incorrect judging ultimately means you had the better build, sliders or any combination that creates a win and now because of a game flaw you get punished with a loss. NC are another game flaw, but that's been a never ending discussion and will be argued about again another time I'm sure.


Motha fuckas are way to sensitive I agree.


I can't think of a time I was on the wrong end of a judges decision off the top of my head, although I'm sure it has happened, I just know it has been mentioned recently and it is something that I disagree with and it should get looked into.

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This thread isn't a bitching about my 19 year old fighter who depoped. He was 18! Did you even read the first post? But kidding aside feel free to reply however you feel, we are all entitled to our opinions. If I feel there is something inside the game that should be looked at I will come to the forums and make a thread about said issue.



Motha fuckas are way to sensitive I agree.


I can't think of a time I was on the wrong end of a judges decision off the top of my head, although I'm sure it has happened, I just know it has been mentioned recently and it is something that I disagree with and it should get looked into.


What exactly about the judges decision making do you take issue with? Its a pretty broad thing to be upset about, can you be more specific?


Edit: Like is there one aspect of the fight you think is messed up?

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It's likely the fighters with the de-pops were created with 110 points allocated to certain skills, and people are seeing those skills de-pop within the first couple of weeks. That's going to happen as the points assigned are at the border of Wonderful and Remarkable, so without any training - which I'm sure the managers complaining haven't trained the skills they set to 110 points at creation - they'll de-pop a slight amount and drop to Remarkable.

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I barely get depops even on a decaying 35-year-old so I have no idea how you're training.

Blaze is 31 and depops all the time but I'm pretty sure its because he's at the cap. Whenever something pops, another skill drops. So I'm not sure if that really counts. However, other than the two tournament fighters I have, I haven't actually created a project fighter in forever. So I don't even know how to train a project fighter anymore. There's just a thread every week about 16-19 year olds depopping which seems silly.

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I've never had a depop on a guy younger than 25. Perhaps I train in a different fashion than others. Who knows. If guys are depopping at 18, that is kind of silly. It seems like it is avoidable though.


As for bad judging, I absolutely think it has a place in the game. However, the judging here isn't always wrong. It is often that the flavor text is not descriptive enough. All we have to go on is total shots landed and asking the opponent about his damage slider. However, just because your damage slider is higher doesn't necessarily mean you will do more damage. It just means that you will TRY to do more damage. The flavor text doesn't let us know how cleanly landed our shots are or how much damage they have ACTUALLY done, so just like real life, the fight stats could be in favor of a clear loser.


If we got the flavor text spot on, I will still want some controversial and even flat out wrong decisions. Feeling like your fighter has been royally screwed and lost all of the momentum he has been building up for six months is 100% part of MMA, whether you like it or not. It inflames emotions and breathes life into stale smack talk threads.

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