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How NOT to get your ass kicked by the police


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Bringing awareness/information is never the issue - it is always the spin or ulterior motive/message that is associated with it that is bullshit.


John Howard's children overboard is a prime example of that shit.


I'm sure there are plenty of black people who couldn't give a fuck what the ulterior media motive is, as long as awareness gets brought to the fight they are amidst.

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Very sad, very disturbing... and for cops with training on how to handle mentally ill they sure as hell failed epicly. Lunged AT the officer with his hand up? Funny... I didn't see that. But I'm sure there are plenty of folks happy he's dead.

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Just enforces my hatred of police having guns. They see a man with a screwdriver who could potentially be a thread. Instead of thinking back to their training where in a situation like this, if he came at them, they would know how to disarm him and then to subdue him, they immediately draw their guns. Holding a gun in someone's face, even as the one with the gun, it probably pretty terrifying. As soon as the guy even moved forwards they jumped the gun, no pun intended. Absolutely ridiculous that it's a person's life gone because the police hid behind guns instantly. And it's not just that they are police, and to be honest I don't even think the mentally ill part matters. When the police choked Garner, he knew he was being questioned and then he knew they were going to cuff him and take him to the station. He refused to get cuffed so they put him down to cuff him. I see no problem there. This situation imo doesn't even make "mentally ill" an issue. The guy didn't refuse anything. He stood confused for a second, as even I probably would if suddenly I had guns in my face, and they didn't even say the word screwdriver. They said "put that down", leading to even more confusion. The body camera proves this is in no way police "abuse" or that race or whatever bullshit I'm sure the youtube comments probably say. This is what happens when you give people a gun and tell them to protect everyone. The SECOND a thread arises, they draw the gun.


I remember one night me and my mate got into a stupid fight in a nightclub. My mate only realized after the fight that he had a knife in his pocket (I think we were cutting hash or something like that earlier in the day). Our thoughts were "thank fuck you didn't remember you had that". It's not because he's some murderer, that the situation was life or death or anything like that. It's because in a very intense situation where you feel like you are in danger, and you have a weapon, you're going to use the weapon. It's like an instinct. Police just happen to have a weapon that requires absolutely no thought behind your actions and is reactionary. If a cop has baton and someone comes at him like this, he either uses the baton or he uses whatever martial arts training police get (I know in California it can be Gracie BJJ). If you subdue someone, hit them with a baton, mace them or anything like that, you have time to gather your thoughts and think about things. It's like the difference between street fighting, where people just get into a fight suddenly, and arranged fighting like MMA or something. In arranged fighting, people have already gathered their thoughts and there isn't an overload of adrenaline. It's all controlled and managed. In a street fight (non arranged), and someone makes a move at you, everything from that point on, until separation at least, is you just doing what comes naturally and whatever you can to protect yourself. For example, someone with a screwdriver who is mentally ill coming at you while you have a gun in their face. That's a reaction where you have no time to think about what you're doing. These police officers should get charged with manslaughter just like everyone else.

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Not quite the same, You cross the street knowing the risk and trying to be safe doing so. The motto for the police is "To Protect and Serve" therefore you should be able to call them for an escort to the hospital and not be killed 14 seconds later in your driveway. Or like the Veteran who had just gotten home from his cancer treatment and didnt answer the phone for his daughter (probably because he was deaf and sleep). Im sure she wishes she never called the cops to check and see if her dad was ok, because now hes not.

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To Protect and Serve isn't actually the police motto. It's only applicable to specific forces.


The situation here is like saying "Don't call pizza, you might get it cold and it might be the wrong order". They are just people, people with guns. Individuals are going to make mistakes, somethings insanely stupid ones, but will you never get a takeaway again because they got your order wrong? The scale is obviously different but the odds of this happening are incredibly low. Shouldn't happen at all but such is life.

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With pizza, i wont lose my life if the guy gets my order wrong, however, if a police officer gets it wrong i may not ever see my kids again... Even worse, they may be traumatized from what they witnessed happen to their father for the rest of their lives as this woman will be reliving this youtube video everyday of her life.


This is local news

Now why in the shit would i call a the police if their damn police chief is a KKK member? He worked for the police for over 20 YEARS and just now stepped down because he got caught. So while YOU might think it is the same as pizza, i cannot see it the same because the news tells me different and his organization (that he CHOSE to be a part of) is built to kill black people.


This article is just if you felt like the article wasnt credible enough.


Its like this... Does this picture bother you?



KKK logos and the burning cross symbolism will NEVER be something i could look at and not be bothered by because of the brutal slaughter, lynching and burning killings that came in line with that organization. On a profile of a fighter with at least 2000 profile views im sure that someone against racism felt some kind of way about this avatar right?

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KKK logos and the burning cross symbolism will NEVER be something i could look at and not be bothered by because of the brutal slaughter, lynching and burning killings that came in line with that organization. On a profile of a fighter with at least 2000 profile views im sure that someone against racism felt some kind of way about this avatar right?


Come on man it's a fucking character. So you're saying Edward Norton is racist because he once played a racist for half a film? So you flat out refuse to watch 24 or play MGS Phantom Pain because they feature Keifer Sutherland who was in A Time to Kill?


It's arguable that what the English did to the Scottish is worse than what the white race has done to the black race. I had to change my name to QueensProperty when i lost a bet. If you had to change your name to Ilovebeingaslave you'd quit the site and everything over it.




Also, why does no one understand what an analogy is? You can compare chocolate to the holocaust given the right situation. People compare Trayvon Martin to the slave trade, that's almost as ridiculous as comparing pizza to death.


Ironically, this absolutely abysmal Amy Schumer show is on in the background and I just heard the quote "Your tits look like Katy Perry's look like the holocaust".

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The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities’ Social Breakdown
by Thomas Sowell May 5, 2015 12:00 AM

Among the many painful ironies in the current racial turmoil is that communities scattered across the country were disrupted by riots and looting because of the demonstrable lie that Michael Brown was shot in the back by a white policeman in Missouri — but there was not nearly as much turmoil created by the demonstrable fact that a fleeing black man was shot dead by a white policeman in South Carolina.

Totally ignored was the fact that a black policeman in Alabama fatally shot an unarmed white teenager, and was cleared of any charges, at about the same time that a white policeman was cleared of charges in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

In a world where the truth means so little, and headstrong preconceptions seem to be all that matter, what hope is there for rational words or rational behavior, much less mutual understanding across racial lines?

When the recorded fatal shooting of a fleeing man in South Carolina brought instant condemnation by whites and blacks alike, and by the most conservative as well as the most liberal commentators, that moment of mutual understanding was very fleeting, as if mutual understanding were something to be avoided, as a threat to a vision of “us against them” that was more popular.

That vision is nowhere more clearly expressed than in attempts to automatically depict whatever social problems exist in ghetto communities as being caused by the sins or negligence of whites, whether racism in general or a “legacy of slavery” in particular. Like most emotionally powerful visions, it is seldom, if ever, subjected to the test of evidence.

The “legacy of slavery” argument is not just an excuse for inexcusable behavior in the ghettos. In a larger sense, it is an evasion of responsibility for the disastrous consequences of the prevailing social vision of our times, and the political policies based on that vision, over the past half century.

Anyone who is serious about evidence need only compare black communities as they evolved in the first 100 years after slavery with black communities as they evolved in the first 50 years after the explosive growth of the welfare state, beginning in the 1960s.

You would be hard-pressed to find as many ghetto riots prior to the 1960s as we have seen just in the past year, much less in the 50 years since a wave of such riots swept across the country in 1965.

We are told that such riots are a result of black poverty and white racism. But in fact — for those who still have some respect for facts — black poverty was far worse, and white racism was far worse, prior to 1960. But violent crime within black ghettos was far less.

Murder rates among black males were going down — repeat, down — during the much-lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before. Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Such trends are not unique to blacks, nor even to the United States. The welfare state has led to remarkably similar trends among the white underclass in England over the same period. Just read Life at the Bottom, by Theodore Dalrymple, a British physician who worked in a hospital in a white slum neighborhood.

You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.

Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state — and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.

One key fact that keeps getting ignored is that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits every year since 1994. Behavior matters and facts matter, more than the prevailing social visions or political empires built on those visions.

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Clyde i cant tell if youre missing the mark on purpose anymore



Come on man it's a fucking character. So you're saying Edward Norton is racist because he once played a racist for half a film? So you flat out refuse to watch 24 or play MGS Phantom Pain because they feature Keifer Sutherland who was in A Time to Kill?



So, why is humors banned again? If i created a fighter that had swastikas and shit would it even get approved? How long before i would get banned? You dont make a character of some fucked up shit if you dont support it, therefore i dont have any Adolf Hitler looking characters.


Yet If i mention the police chief being a member of the KKK there is no response from you at all on that matter. While this is going on all over the country we find a way to say that black people are making excuses for themselves but let some black panthers walk down the street escorting their children to school and we have to roll tanks down the fuckin street. (The BP's organization was founded to protect blacks from police brutality/Researchable FACT)




4 cops fired and only because one guy's ex-fiancee (probably got mad in an argument) reported this shit was going on. Yet we are making excuses? Whats the excuse for a person in a position of power with this burning desire to kill based on skin complexion?


Edit: BTW Black cops do bad shit http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-county-cop-charged-with-assaulting-man-with-baton/article_267e68a7-8496-5663-8c81-a951172a904f.html

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I'm sure there are plenty of black people who couldn't give a fuck what the ulterior media motive is, as long as awareness gets brought to the fight they are amidst.


That's how the terrorists win.

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You mean these black panthers, they are angels. They might have been founded to protect there people but to say they are now is ludacris.


I sure hope your not a supporter of this behavior.


I dont support killing babies regardless of race or any race based killing. These particular guys are wrong. This one video is enough for you to not trust the black panthers (who arent in power strolling streets in every city) but when i have personal experiences, show multiple police departments caught with clear motives to wrongfully kill blacks and see blacks getting killed wrongfully in the news daily i am still supposed to trust the cops?


I cant even get a decent response at all on the clear evidence that i have posted showing the people appointed to keep the city in order want blacks dead.



That's how the terrorists win.


Im sure you arent saying we are terrorists....


Question: Going by the obvious fact that many Police departments have this bias and havent been caught yet, how do i.... the person they want to kill, stop them from killing people who look like me based on skin? Sit down and have a meeting with them? Silently hold up signs? Argue about if its actually happening on an online MMA strategy game?


Im all ears...

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Some really bad things taken from this... the guy who is charged with the assault has a LONG record of issues as a criminal and police officer:




Prior to being hired in 2000, he had a previous arrest for strong-arm robbery, but the New Times doesn’t indicate where this took place. But he was fired five months later for “substandard performance,” failing to meet probationary standards.

But he was rehired in 2001 as a detention deputy, then became a full-time deputy three years later after he was rejected by four other police departments.

Five years later, he beat and tasered a 50-year-old man named Jorge Rodriguez, resulting in the county having to pay the man $350,000 in damages.

How the fuck does someone like that keeping getting hired after that shit. How is he left on the job after a 350K settlement? THAT is the shit that has got to stop.. and shows the chain of command has no issues with beatings. And these are the people with supreme trust in the justice system?

Further proof why police can do what they they want:



In Baltimore, too, the police union has been less than sure-footed in navigating the more hostile political terrain of the past few years. The union, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, has responded with open resistance to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s proposals to make it easier to remove misbehaving police officers, and to give the city’s police civilian review board a “more impactful” role in disciplining officers.

The union also opposed the decision by Ms. Rawlings-Blake and Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts to invite the Justice Department in to help overhaul the city’s Police Department after an investigation by The Baltimore Sun produced numerous allegations of police brutality.

Union officials say they have been fulfilling their mandate to protect their members, airing legitimate concerns about overreach on the part of their civilian overseers. And sympathetic observers have questioned the political motivations of the mayor.

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Clyde i cant tell if youre missing the mark on purpose anymore



You dont make a character of some fucked up shit if you dont support it


So Randy from My Name is Earl is automatically a racist because he depicted the role in a film? Okay, he didnt make the character, so the director of that film is a racist because he created that character (even though the film was about the opposite).


Some characters in this game are made as racists. Some are made as rapists. Some are made as drug dealers. This is role playing. You don't have to do or support these things to have a character based on it.


Do you watch Family Guy or South Park and your manacle falls out at how they depict people? You avoid playing GTA for it's stereotyping of cultures (including Scotland, even though it's creators are Scottish).


The whole world is made of people creating characters without supporting that character's ideals.





PS. K Rad's article is spot on. Perfect view on matters. I've always said that the problems we hear about in these societies have nothing to do with race, it's the class system. The folks on Jeremy Kyle claim that the world is out to get them too, no matter their race.


Scooby Ali, question: How can you condemn the police as racists, saying things such as "how do i.... the person they want to kill, stop them from killing people who look like me based on skin?" without noticing that you're doing the same thing. Some people may tar you because of your skin colour. You're tarring them based on their occupation. Signing up to the force doesn't make you a racist the same way that being a black man doesn't make you a criminal.

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Is it me "condemning" them as racists or have i not just posted many various cases where the cops are caught being racist for an unreasonable amount of time and its not even just to get arrests. That video they actually spent the time to make was about killing blacks. Dont get me started on Holder's findings on Ferguson's PD in the last 10 years.


Do facts even matter?

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Im sure you arent saying we are terrorists....



I am sure there was plenty of radicalised Muslims with explosives who don't care what the media/USA/their local cleric's ulterior motives are, as long as awareness gets brought to the fight they are amidst.

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