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im sort of confused by your example -- but sparring 4 times a week is okay -- now 8 times a week is too much -- you would be better to have all 8 fighters spar in 4 sessions -- myself when i spar i usually do it all am sessions or all pm sessions -- you can spar 6 times a week either all am or pm and have no issues with slowing down on learning -- you will need to give them a break from sparring after little bit though -- you usually get messages from your fighters complaining about sparring too much when it starts to happen -- now sparring back to back will give you a reduction in the second session not to mention more of a energy loss

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Ah, i thought 4 spars a week was the maximum.


Well i have a fighter of 30+ age, and in the same gym i have 2 project fighters. Si if i let him spar the A.M. every day, i can let him spar every day with one of my projects?

yea -- like i say though after 10 to 12 days maybe more you might get a message saying "boss im getting real banged up from all the sparring" or something similar and then just stop sparing him for a few days to give him a break


on sparring now its best to have more than just 2 guys sparring -- use to 1 on 1 sparring was better but its not that way now


also sparring 4 times a week you will probably never get a message from your fighter about it -- but going every am or pm session you will after so long then just have to give a break for few days

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The more sparring partners the better, as long as they are good.

Ah, i thought 4 spars a week was the maximum.


Well i have a fighter of 30+ age, and in the same gym i have 2 project fighters. Si if i let him spar the A.M. every day, i can let him spar every day with one of my projects?

My sparbots spar 7 or sometimes 8 times a week. They can spar back to back as long as (my preference) their energy doesn't drop below 90%. For example they can easily spar every am and sat pm as well, as they have all sunday to recover.

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I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's good to be with more, but also only if they are quality sparring partners.

So a sparring session with 5 good guys is better than one with 27 bad fighters or 1 good guy I think


According to game changes 2011 (there is no mention of sparring in any of the later game change announcements in the wiki), sparring in a largish group is better than training with 1 on 1 with an elite.


The example given is that someone who trains with a 147/150 one on one is the same as training with 4 128/150 partners.

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I sometimes spar my fighters six times a week, three too four weeks in a row, either all am or all pm without any problems. You can spar 7 times in a week if you spar all AMs and Sat PM. The only time sparring is a problem is if you spar three sessions in a row. Three in a row will generate the "banged up" e-mail.

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