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This game is very social and lonely at the same time. Most interactions don't extend beyond the specifics of the game. But you automatically have quite a bit in common if you are fans of this game, you're into MMA + Gaming, + there's a tractical and strategic side to it as well.


Wouldn't it be cool to meetup once a week and talk shit on skype? I'm in Sweden, so I'm good at English and on a Eurpean time zone. Would be cool to actually TALK to someone sometimes, the chat room is DEAD, if you haven't noticed??


/Balls Manager (Zoolander reference)

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Anyone know how to make a separate group on it though?


In Discord you can create a new server, but I wouldn't recommend splitting up an already thin user base.

Whoever is MMA Tycoon Discord mod could probably help create more voice or text channels if that's necessary, but I would focus in that group to try and get it more active.


Chat in general has always been on and off. The game pulls people from all around the world, so timezone is always an issue.

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yeah, I often find even on discord people don't post for days or it's humors posting everywhere.

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