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Injury Proneness


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The best fighter to ever grace my roster and made it to #1 P4P happened to have extremely low Injury Proneness (2/150), along with several other great hiddens. Considering his great success I have actually attributed a lot of it to his low Injury Proneness hidden because ultimately he only suffered 1 day of injuries from his fights by the end of his career and I believe this allowed him to have a longer career before his drop off.

But some questions came up about the Injury Proneness hidden because I have begun to consider starting to check it since it might help my fighters have longer lasting careers before they drop off and have to retire.

So if we check the "never gets injured" box does this ADD 30 points to the Injury Proneness hidden or does it MINUS 30 points off the hidden? Because this hidden is more powerful the lower the value is (IE 150/150 Injury Proneness is a dude that would blow his ankle out stepping into the cage before the fight even starts)

And for that matter, the same question goes for the Cuts hidden as well while we're at it.

Finally, do I have it right that Injury Proneness dictates a fighters drop off age or contributes to a longer career if they have less injuries over the course of their career?

If so, this somewhat calls into question the value of the Injury Proneness hidden or maybe it's place in the perceived hierarchy (hypothetically, not on the TOTT)

It's possible that some of these questions have been asked before but I haven't bothered to really do a search of the forums, sorry haha...

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