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[APPROVED] Dark mode for MMA Tycoon


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I think Vlad of all people actually brought this up before. He had a prototype going as part of his Tycoon Tools 2.0.

The issue unfortunately is that a lot of the button images do not have transparent backgrounds and instead have white backgrounds. Subsequently it all looks a bit... odd and would need a lot of those things to be redone.

I think I said in the other thread though that it would still be a welcome change even with those issues, and they can be fixed over time.

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3 minutes ago, Daudy said:

I think Vlad of all people actually brought this up before. He had a prototype going as part of his Tycoon Tools 2.0.

The issue unfortunately is that a lot of the button images do not have transparent backgrounds and instead have white backgrounds. Subsequently it all looks a bit... odd and would need a lot of those things to be redone.

I think I said in the other thread though that it would still be a welcome change even with those issues, and they can be fixed over time.

Didn't Vlad say that they were bringing a web designer on board to help modernise the site? I'm sure that guy could probably find a way to sort out a dark mode. Not really a problem if that isn't possible though since it's only a visual thing and not something that would actually effect the game in any way.

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Dark mode is up now, currently using it. I had been using a kind of dark mode for a long while but that is now gone and in it's place is the standard dark mode you would imagine.

Whoops, my mistake. I thought you had been talking about the forums. I second that about that game, a dark mode would be nice


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4 hours ago, vaznys10 said:

Didn't Vlad say that they were bringing a web designer on board to help modernise the site? I'm sure that guy could probably find a way to sort out a dark mode. Not really a problem if that isn't possible though since it's only a visual thing and not something that would actually effect the game in any way.

I don't think there's any real technical issues preventing it, just that it's a menial task to go find all the buttons (every trophy, icon, etc) that doesn't have a transparent background, change them, then put them back up. Maybe if the community put in to re-do some of these icons....?

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Dark Mode is on our list - the way the site is currently designed is that there are a lot of styles that are bolted onto the page ad-hoc, so the only way to turn it dark is to over-write the style of every element and invert the text colours, in theory, that's easy to do it looks ugly as you can see below. The Dark Mode that we will be implementing will have a smoother transition of colours between the pages instead of looking like something straight out of 2009.


What I mean by a smoother transition is a darker background - more greys and better uses of our signature red. Effectively, once the pages are redesigned we'll have greater control of the colours and styles.


For now, can consider this approved :) - thank you for the suggestion.



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