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[APPROVED] Tutorial fights


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Suggestion: Tutorial fights

Suggestions Description: We want to keep new players and I think the best way is to show them the best part of the game right away.. which is the fight engine that kept all of us coming back year after year. There is already a series of PM:s for a new player I think but cannot remember what they say. I think this could be expanded and add a couple fights. They would be against predefined "bot" opponents and not count for your record. Maybe your own fighter would also be a predefined allround one. Give some hints before each fight on how to slider against the different opponent builds you face.. and the noob may even learn something.

And make sure the tutorial point them to the pbp version of the fight.. I remember squinting and covering part of my screen for quite some time before I found that myself.


  • New player experience
  • More things for a new player to do


  • Will get repetitive and boring for the poor multis having to go through this time after time trying to look like a noob ;)
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I've just started a fresh tutorial and it appears to have fights already in the process however I think we can massively modernise the experience by making it more interactive as opposed to mail-based.


I agree with the player engagement element - I think there's an inherent benefit in teaching the core mechanics of the game early on. Back in the day we had mentors in abundance ready and waiting to train the up-and-coming managers which certainly helped with the engagement element, at least for me!


Will be working on improving this - so with that, the suggestion is approved.


Thank you for another great one!

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