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Possible bug with Gym Coaches

Bob Slay

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Manager ID: 142246

Bug: Coaches training Punch Technique that had 10 points in Muay Thai did not gain any further Muay Thai skill from training fighters in Punch Technique as expected and per the wording of the help guide, this was over a period of almost 6 months.

Bug: Coach training Sub Offense that had 10 points in Wrestling did not gain any further Wrestling skill from training fighters in Sub Offense as expected and per the wording of the help guide, this was over a period of almost 6 months.

It should be noted that all other Coaches with "secondary requirements" DID gain further skills from those secondaries which further compounds the confusion over why the 2 examples above do not. For example Clinch Coach gained skill in Wrestling, Muay Thai and the stated secondary requirement of Boxing, Ground and Pound Coach gained skill in both BJJ and the secondary requirement of Wrestling. 

Bug Description: Coaches not gaining further skill on secondary requirements as expected from training in some workout types

Bug Severity: Difficult to judge if it has always been a factor, but this potentiallly means both Punch Technique & Sub Offense Coaches are not as effective as they should be,

Steps to Recreate:

  • Create a Coach with 140 Boxing & 10 Muay Thai Points & have it train fighters, observe the Boxing increasing in value from training while the Muay Thai does not.
  • Create a Coach with 140 BJJ & 10 Wrestling Points & have it train fighters, observe the BJJ increasing in value while the Wrestling will not.
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I have not tested if a Coach would gain skill from Training Punch Technique if it only had Muay Thai but my suspicion is it would not.

If you create a Coach with 140 Muay Thai & 10 Boxing and have that train Punch Technique I suspect you would only see Boxing skill increase & the Muay Thai would remain static.

And I suspect the above pattern would hold true for a Coach with no BJJ & just Wrestling or 140 Wrestling & 10 BJJ when training Sub Offense also.

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