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Guy declining at 19 years old

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No matter what skill you have it will decline if left untrained long enough, the higher it is the higher the rate of decline becomes.

Taking a fight will reset timers for skill decline and the older the fighter the more often they should be taking fights anyway as they will be closer to finished developing.

The first Age drop off starts between 28 to 38 years old (this setting is randomised upon creation, learning speed influences this and faster learners will drop off a bit sooner), this speeds up the decline rate of skills.

There is some evidence that there are further increases in decline rate at later ages also.

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1 hour ago, Skuzbukit said:

learning speed influences this and faster learners will drop off a bit sooner

My understanding is that this is only kinda true in a roundabout way. I think besides the hidden age of decline, it's more to do with total skill points. The softcap for that is another hidden, but obviously faster learners tend to more likely be at their soft cap or close to it so faster learners tend to have more points before decline. Decline seems to be more severe for guys with a high total skillpoints.

So say you believe the decline is done by a percentage, like you lose a tiny % every day when in decline, but this is somewhat propped up by training and sparring so it's not as noticeable in some skills or at all early on. Someone with maximum skill points (say 2700, which is definitely on the higher end) would lose more points total in raw numbers each day (and it'd be shaved off everything) than someone with a much lower points total (like 2200).

Now I'm not saying it's definitely done by percentage or anything like that, but the proof is the relative longevity of specialist grapplers. My 43 year old grappler should definitely be in decline given his age, but he's dropped a total of 1 point (spread over all skills) in over 10 weeks. However, his total skill points are a relatively low amount, because he's got ONLY grappling and physical skills, and basically nothing at all in the others. Those skills though, are all 147+.... so basically 15++ including physicals. I have no idea how close this is to his actual overall softcap, but this trend of specialist grapplers (aka ones that don't also have a heap of points in striking stuff) being more immune to ageing seems to be fairly consistent and supports the idea that total skillpoints play a factor.

This is one of the few reasons why people caution against oversparring early and also especially building 'spreaders'. Couple of misplaced training sessions here and there, and they're all points that go towards your softcap even if you're realistically not actually making use of any of those. It's much easier to go from 1 to 10 accidentally in a skill you aren't focusing on than 141 to 150 in a skill you care about, but it counts the same towards the skillpoint softcap.


EDIT: But to address the original question, yes you have to train skills at least once every now and then (including physicals) otherwise it'll start to go down. Even if you don't see depops, it doesn't mean they're dropping due to lack of refreshment, it's just that he hasn't dropped below the threshold to depop. On creation with the max 110 points in a skill, you only JUST hit the wonderful mark, which is why even the slightest decline will show a depop

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3 hours ago, Daudy said:


I was being brief, but the age thing is most likely a timer change along with a numerical reduction of skill-cap each day/week/month or whatever unit of time is used, which would explain the scenario of fighhters who are far below the overall skill-cap not having visibility of it, the skill cap being 3,450 x random number between 0.77 & 0.80 (giving the range 2657 to 2760).

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18 hours ago, Skuzbukit said:

No matter what skill you have it will decline if left untrained long enough, the higher it is the higher the rate of decline becomes.

Taking a fight will reset timers for skill decline and the older the fighter the more often they should be taking fights anyway as they will be closer to finished developing.

The first Age drop off starts between 28 to 38 years old (this setting is randomised upon creation, learning speed influences this and faster learners will drop off a bit sooner), this speeds up the decline rate of skills.

There is some evidence that there are further increases in decline rate at later ages also.


It is what was referred to as tickers - Mike said he removed them but a lot of people think he just hid the page to stop people bitching about it. It was the amount of time a skill could go untrained before it would start to depop. This was paused when a fight took place or if you were flying etc. You could actually see how long you had to train a certain skill before it would degrade in the form of a graph. 

There was a glitch that you could fly your fighter all over the place and it would stop tickers for x amount of days depending on the flights which allowed people to spam train their projects for the first few years of creation without any depops. 

The faster learning speed is not what you are saying it is though. You hit your cap quicker yes but the depops are because your boy still learns at a decent pace and has hit the skill cap. Training something like clinchwork trains knees and elbows for example. If you were at the skillcap then those extra points on knees and elbows go up and something else will go down due to the cap. I had the problem with Roman who would go up and down skills from 26 onwards but always remain at the same skill cap. His skill cap did not start to decline until he was 33. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 9:31 AM, Rando88 said:

Looked at my Tycoon Assistant page only to see one of my guys takedown offense go from wonderful down to remarkable. Is this due to inactivity or a terrible aging hidden?

The good news is the decline stops eventually.  I've got 4 fighter in their late 70's who seem to have stopped declining.

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