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Bob Slay

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Everything posted by Bob Slay

  1. News just in, Gotham City's Batman has made a statement that "all Alfreds should be able to leave the island freely!" I highly advise that the powers that be heed the words of Batman.
  2. Stick a fork in it & cut our losses. Grappling hype is busted right now so really no point continuing until that gets repaired & that could take ages given how difficult it appears to be.
  3. Monkey ran some fun Boxing tourneys, but I think the game needs a better boxing engine & a ruleset for it, possible with Vlad & Mike doing a lot of work on the game but probably way down the list of priorities. Still, it might be an interesting alternative to KT orgs for striker based projects. Could probably start with a single "creation date" division and a single open ID and open-weight division at 265+ to test the waters. I'd be willing to put a fighter in.
  4. Btw while Sincere Thibodeaux has the overall correct total points you have him at 1 sub bonus point it should be 3
  5. Approved & 75k Tycoon dollars sent
  6. I fucking love the poster, great work!
  7. Multiple wins at grappling and Grappling hype is going in a singular direction, downwards.
  8. Cheers, submitted for approval.
  9. Avatar approved, and 150k of chump change has been transferred to your offshore account in the canary islands.
  10. Quite an astute Dork, learned quite a bit from your random ramblings & musings, of course it could be that you are only lucid after copious amounts of recreational substances or presciption medications but listen the to Crazy Horse & ye shall be enlightened some or at the very least entertained. Edit - I've heard good things about Outlaw Bleak's Mentorship too, if he is available. But hang out in Discord & chat to passing by vets & you can pick up a lot of tips & info. Failing that you can google the ever loving crap out of the MMA Tycoon forums on whatever topic you think you care to learn, which is mostly what I did to start with, don't bother with the forum search engine imho, I found it to be utterly inept.
  11. I'd Give Mentor Guru Corleone 1/10, there are way more engaged players who would be better choices. He was my mentor and he was almost entirely hands off & uninvolved, basically pointed me at his website and a post containing a couple of build suggestions & that was basically it in its entirety, maybe I was the unlucky one & he was much better with other players but that was my experience & it was piss poor, I do recall he was thinking about quitting at that point so maybe he was just super-low morale then. Learnt more from CK in 10 minutes, and Crazy Horse is another good on advice.
  12. Good to see you back Rocket
  13. I guess there could be some kind of summary system of a fighters past fights bolted on to the scouting system for VIP's, something that shows some additional fight stats taken from the PBP but nothing you couldn't see from looking at each past fight but without having to trawl through each fight to see it.
  14. Avatar link is no longer available & I hadn't yet downloaded it.
  15. Bob Slay


  16. Generously Thump Your Errant Otters YMCAT
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