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    • What if the first X fights a fighter had temporarily increased their learning speed for Y sessions after a fight? Enough that it compensates any training loss from energy loss by a good margin. Or it could be tied to the experience hidden so below a certain experience level you get this effect. The number of boosted sessions need to stack so you don't lose them if you fight too frequently. Thought I had a great idea at first but as I was typing it out I started to realize how this would just make the cookers book more clinch stalling test fights against themselves at optimal intervals to reset depops
    • Well the guy up and left after he was outed, not sure what more evidence u need. You don’t think using multis to gain an advantage is a problem ? I don’t see a problem with a multi account as long as it’s completely seperate from each other - no sending money, no fighters in their org etc. (hey, I may even have a multi of my own) but to use them to help your org gain hype, or fighter gain hype etc. shouldn’t be accepted 
    • Why do you believe speeding up the game would make the history obsolete? And Sorry, I obviously havnt been around nowhere as long as yourself Mentor - but interested to know what some of the suggestions have been to improve the game to engage new users ?
    • Nobody said that the only thing necessary is "patching a few little holes", there is many things that can be done to improve the game, bring new members and increase earnings, many of those things have been discussed many times in the past. It is the owners tast to figure out what is the best path to take. But increasing game speed does not really do anything, other than make all the history obsolete. 
    • Also , your all snitches 
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