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    • Patch List - 02/07/2024 A list of all updates released between the dates of 25/06/2024 and 02/07/2024.   We will be focusing a few more weeks on delivering changes to the community before pivoting back to the upgrade projects. Please call out any changes you'd like to see, both old and new and we'll get to work on them!   Doubled the base Weight Gain and Loss Supplements. Bookies Real Life Events return. TycoonTimes mobile optimisation. Updated Year Statistics, now include 2011 - 2023 - https://www.mmatycoon.com/statsyear.php Balanced Grappling Organisations. Referrals are now tracked from any page. Simply add ref=id to any page. E.g - https://www.mmatycoon.com/bookmakerpublic.php?bid=8565&ref=48500 or - https://www.mmatycoon.com/rankings.php?ref=48500 Fighter List Version 2 is now in closed beta. If you'd like to test it out and give us feedback then drop me a message!   Developer Focus Vlad  FighterList+ rebuild with sorting options and mobile optimisation.  Tycoon Tools feature implementations  Tycoon Wiki Mike  Fight Engine  Events Engine  Tycoon Wiki   Major Projects in Progress - Laravel Port: 5% completed - Estimated delivery February 2025. [PAUSED] - PHP 8 Upgrade - 40% completed - Estimated delivery September 2025. This developer focus list highlights our main priorities. It doesn't include minor tasks, routine bug fixes, or all ongoing work. Unlisted projects may be on hold, in progress as non-priorities, or completed and pending testing/release.
    • I've already been very clear on why we won't be adding Miami.   I have given you a break from the forums for a week for you to hopefully understand that continuing to make these threads and posts won't just mean that we'll bend to your will.   If you fail to see that and continue this then I'll have no option but to give you an indefinite posting break.
    • Billy "Chess" Fischer "Praise Allah! My manager has finally pulled his finger out and we may finally begin the tournament since I am now ready to go."
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