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    • I have 2 announcements to make.  1. I want to remind everyone that 6 months VIP is on the table for the manager doing to most smack talk this tournament. I haven’t seen quite enough of that. 2. I will be doing some writing for this tournament, don’t expect a review after every event but I will do it when I can.    Bonzai Bonanza 5 Recap Deebo Drummond vs. Cibuka Stilera With Deebo Drummond on the 7th level, looking to assert his dominance and possibly run away with the tournament, there was only one obstacle in his way. Unkwalker’s Cibuka Stilera. Stilera quickly clinched up with Drummond, but Drummond started landing some heavy blows, so Stilera changed it up with a takedown. They traded failed submission attempts, but Stilera finally managed to get into a good position, and grabbed Deebo’s arm. He twisted into a Kimura and completed the upset, bringing Drummond back to earth. Virgulino Lampiaun vs Josef Stallin Both 3-1 fighters wanted to make a statement here and show that they are truly elite, but of course only one could win. Lampiaun also started the fight by clinching, and Stalin tried to use that to his advantage by jumping guard, but sadly he fell on his face twice. After Virgulino got back in the clinch again, he didn’t waste any time, punishing Stallin with punches, until a huge uppercut got through and crumpled Stallin, giving Lampiaun the needed win.  Genyo Takeda vs. Soren Lozano Takeda was the 3-1 fighter here while Lozano was 2-2. This would be a test of Takeda’s power and Lozano’s granite chin. They exchanged punches and cuts in the clinch in round 1, and Lozano took the round. The same thing happened in round 2, and Lozano was poised for the victory. But now Takeda was on to the strategy, and he wouldn’t let Lozano clinch in round 3. About 2 minutes into the round a failed clinch attempt turned into a big knockdown for Takeda. When Lozano got back up, Takeda cracked him with a right hook, knocking him out cold.    Tommy Wilander vs Roger Lamont This was a battle of 2-2 fighters trying to assert themselves in the top tier rather than the bottom. Lamont got a takedown right away, but was frustrated by Wilander’s grappling skills, and Lamont lost the round. The next round it was Wilander who landed the takedown and dominated the same as the last round. In the third and final round, Wilander got himself another takedown and the fight looked over. Lamont threw up some halfhearted sub attempts but eventually gave up and Wilander even landed himself a KO with three seconds left in the fight.    Yao Ming vs Nathaniel Burch Burch needed himself a win here to remain in the tournament, while the 2-2 Ming needed to avoid dropping too low to keep his hopes alive. It didn’t take long for use to find out who would get their wish. Burch’s first move was to try and take the fight to the ground, but Ming was having none of that and knocked Burch down with a big uppercut. Keep in mind this is five seconds into the fight! Burch clearly hadn’t learned his lesson because he went for another takedown attempts and this time it cost him his consciousness as a cross connected right on his chin. He is out of the tournament.    Stevan Micic vs Freaky Travis The hard hitting Micic came into this fight on a two fight losing streak, while Travis had just gotten a win. Micic had a sloppy first round, getting cut while Travis dominated. Travis showed great striking defense in round 2 and won the round again. In the third and final round, Travis looked to put this away, but Micic wouldn’t go down without a fight. Micic took the fight into the clinch, and wore Travis down with punches, then knocked him down with an uppercut. Travis got up but Micic hit him again! He then begged for a title shot even though this is a tournament.    Lucas Wilson vs Xander Walls This was a high stakes elimination match, neither fighter wanting to be eliminated. Wilson managed to get a takedown in round 1, and dominated for the duration o& the round. In round 2 they spent a lot of time on their feet, but Walls still proved no match for Wilson. In round 3 Walls knew he needed a KO to stay in the tournament, but a takedown 3 minutes into the round ended any chance Walls had left. Wilson threw up an arm bar attempt, and Walls tapped out to eliminate himself. 
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