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Fireballer34 last won the day on January 30

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  1. In the event that the creation points change isn’t implemented by the start of the tournament, I want your guys opinion on whether we should delay creation a few days or to just create and suffer the consequences. Mike has told me he should have it in this week, so I personally think we should wait so we have a cleaner start to the tournament, but whatever you guys want. Hopefully it is implemented before 410k (66 fighters to go) but if not let me know what you’d prefer.
  2. Great that you’re trying to get started again. I looked back at the edition I think you are talking about, where you submitted 3. I ended up only including one, because that was the edition where we had like 17 submissions, and I tried to only use each writer once to get a greater variety. I only expect 1 article per week from someone, and I’ll usually only use 2 if we don’t have enough or some are unusable. Just know that as long as you’re submitting articles at least 1 will get in every week, I really like your longer form event previews/reviews, they bring a lot of depth to the edition and I hope to see you submitting articles again in the future.
  3. The originator of BANZAI Bonanza will be starting a 410k org with the same CRAZY format. Get ready, Ladies and Gentleman, for an org like nobody has ever seen before. Where fighters climb through the ranks, inching closer to a title with every win. But be careful, a losing streak could put you back on the streets looking for a contract. What To Expect Fair fights with fighters on your level, and biweekly level updates, plus write-ups for important fights. Divisions will start 135 to 265, with a 265+ division being opened if seen fit. Basic contracts will be 5k/1k/5k, but once fighters have multiple fights under their belt I will up to 5k across the board. Champions and top prospects will receive 10k across the board contracts. OTN awards will be 2k each to start, but we will try to bump them up to 5k eventually. Looking for 20-25 fighters per division, which will be possible since another 410k org, WOVA is opening, so they can take other 410k fighters once we are full. All fighters will start on level 5, and will go up a level with a win and down with a loss. At level 7 I will start setting up title fights. If a fighter loses on level 1 their contract will be terminated. I will give out special bonuses for the first fighter to reach certain levels like 10, 15, etc. All ages are allowed but since 18 year olds are the future of the org they are preferred. Inactivity I will not offer fights to any fighter with a clock icon, meaning their manager hasn’t logged in for 3 days. Once that icon turns yellow, signifying 15 days without logging on, the fighter will be released. If you notify me before, I will keep your fighter for the duration of the time you specified, plus a few days, and if you still haven’t logged in your fighter will be released. If there are any questions, shoot, and I will answer. I am also looking for a nutrition and merch partner, a co-owner to help out since this org will probably be tiring, and a writer if anyone is willing. You will be given fair wages. Any mods who see this, I’m on mobile and cant attach images, so if you could paste the org logo at the top it would be very much appreciated.
  4. I cant post links here, but if anyone would be able to create a banner (468x60) and a thumb (100x50) for my org that would be great. My manager ID is 142512, look at my org and base the banner and thumb off the logo. Willing to pay 30k total for both. Thanks guys!
  5. We only had 3 articles submitted this edition, so we will have to wait another week to put out an edition. Come on guys lets get the articles in!
  6. Less than 100 fighters to go until creation! By the way, does anyone know if there is a way to see the most recently created fighter? I just search by fighter ID, but want to make sure that is totally accurate so I can announce when creation begins.
  7. We ended up doing the alternates draft over again, except we expanded to 32 so they aren’t alternates anymore. Full teams are listed above. Creation date stays the same at 410k, only 200 fighters to go! Hopefully in like 2 weeks it will hit and people can create, after that 2 months until first fights.
  8. It is confirmed that Mike Tycoon will be joining the tournament as an alternate on Team Bobbit! He will also be raising the VIP prize to 2 years total, a full year for first, 6 months for second, and 3 months for both 3rd and 4th place!
  9. Looking back, you did. What day did you submit it? I drafted up the times on Thursday so if it was after I wouldn’t have seen it. You can resubmit and it probably will be in the next issue. Apologies everyone for the late release, I didn’t want to overwhelm Mike with what’s been going on, I waited until yesterday to notify him.
  10. The Chaos is Finally Over! The draft has ended and teams are now free to strategize up until creation, which is just a mere 230 fighters away! Let’s get ready for some madness! Confirmed Teams: Team Ramirez: Jeffery Ramirez Tosh Lodi Gab Bloodsport Alfred Winterbottom John Daugherty Jimmy Normal Bob Slay The Wanis Jersey Inc. Roman Benson James Yurchon Money Money Bowser Big Dog Billy Arseworth Aquarium Fish James Listerman Alternate: Dakota Thibodeaux Team Bobbit: Billy Bobbit Bradley Burns Not Vaz Mr. Nobody Unkwalker. Smoke Makunouchi Big Jo Da Jumba Sub Zero Al Van Dal Viktor Volkov Dillo The Manager Jay Lawrence Sir Squirrel Joseph Clarence Dane Chakrawan Alternate: Mike Tycoon Reserve for Both Teams: Fireballer34
  11. Yeah, it went from 16 to 24 to 32 and the alternates just got totally messed up. Hey, it’s a learning experience right?
  12. I know you guys would rather not pick a newbie, but he’s already in the tournament, I’m not going to just kick him out. I would love to have Thibbs here too, but we already do have our field, and what do you mean Bobbit could reconsider his last two picks? Your team would already have the advantage.
  13. Since our captains can’t agree on what to do about our situation, we are going to have to pivot, for (hopefully) the final time. I’d Ike to apologize to the people who were picked already outside the first 24, I really wish I didn’t have to do this, but we are going to have to restart the draft from there. After the first 24, which are already set in stone, it started getting messy and this is the only truly fair way to handle this. Now you guys are free to pick whomever you like, so hopefully there wont be any more whining and arguing. Continuing off the last pick in the first 24, Team Bobbit has the first pick here followed by 2 for Ramirez and so on. Picking can begin now. This is the final format for the draft, I wont be tweaking it based on what the captains want. Here is the remaining draft pool: Bowser Big Dog Jay Lawrence Aquarium Fish Sir Squirrel Dane Chakrawan James Listerman Joseph Clarence Billy Arseworth The current teams if reminders are needed are: Team Ramirez Jeffery Ramirez Tosh Lodi Gab Bloodsport Alfred Winterbottom John Daugherty Jimmy Normal Bob Slay The Wanis Jersey Inc. Roman Benson James Yurchon Money Money Team Bobbit Billy Bobbit Bradley Burns Not Vaz Mr. Nobody Unkwalker. Smoke Makunouchi Big Jo Da Jumba Sub Zero Al Van Dal Viktor Volkov Dillo The Manager One last thing, since we may only have 1-2 alternates, we are scrapping the alternates draft, I’ll just see if some people can create multiple fighters. @embalmer @FlatSky
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